NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

Clinical Evaluation Process for the Trent/Fleming School of NursingInstructions for useThe Evaluation Form-Midterm will be completed at the mid point of the clinical placement to assist the student in taking inventory of their development and help them to make plans for future development. Reflection will be used to assist the student in measuring their progress against their established program and course objectives. This is to be submitted to the clinical faculty prior to the formal mid-term evaluation. After receiving the student’s self evaluation form, the clinical instructor will complete the comments section providing feedback and evaluation for the student’s progress. Clinical faculty will provide evidence of learning and suggestions for improvements. If a student is in a failing position at mid-term, the student and instructor will develop a Learning Plan outlining strategies the student will engage in along with clear expectations that must be met for the successful completion of this clinical course.At the end of the rotation, the Evaluation Form-Final is to be completed by the student to archive their achievements and areas for future development. It will assist the clinical faculty in their assessment of the student. The clinical faculty will also complete the student evaluation form to provide feedback to the student.The clinical faculty will collect evidences in the form of student self assessment, comments of the health care team members, patient input, student submissions (including portfolio) and observations to complete the Evaluation Form-Faculty-Final. A summary of achievement as well as implications for future learning forms the base of this form. The attendance section and record of completed hours is to be filled in completely. The completed form is to be shared with the student and signed. The signed copy must be returned to the TFSON by the date indicated by the Year Lead. The Year Lead will assess the completion of the Learning Center Component if applicable. An electronic copy of the student’s completed final evaluation must be uploaded by both the student and by the clinical faculty to them within 48 hours of the final evaluation delivery. The Student Evaluation Form-Preceptor is to be completed in rotations where the students are working with a preceptor. It must be reviewed by the student and submitted to the clinical faculty before the final evaluation is completed. Clinical Course Evaluation Program GoalsStudents graduating from this program are prepared as generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness.Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) in a variety of settings. Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) in a variety of settings. Graduates will learn to continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing knowledge in their practice.Students graduating from this program will be prepared to demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care contexts.Graduates will be prepared to contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and mitigating risk for patients and other health care providers.Students will demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health care team members based upon relational boundaries and respect.Graduates of this program will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed interventions and outcome measures. *these forms are for reference use only and do not need to be submitted with evaluation*Trent/Fleming School of NursingTrent University-Peterborough SiteSemester 3NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation Mid-term Evaluation Student: Emma Truin Clinical Instructor: Shelley Bouchard Preceptor: Ruth Walker Placement: Trent Health Services Total Clinical Hours: 88 *Signed log must be attached Grade: satisfactory unsatisfactoryStudent Self-Evaluation (midterm):ProgressCourse ObjectiveEvidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDemonstrated professional responsibility and accountability to collaboratively plan, implement and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to the community population served, using elements of the course website such as the learning system and regular, punctual?communication with preceptor and faculty.? Always show up on time and have my assignments submitted through blackboard when they are due? Creating posters and communicating with different groups at Trent University to promote the NCHA survey? I CC my preceptor with every e-mail I send. Applied their knowledge to support population assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health promotion project development, implementation and process and outcome evaluation.? For my first praxis note I gained knowledge of the Trent Health Services and the services and programs that are available to students. ? Created a Logic Model to help plan what I will accomplish this semester and the outcomes for the NCHA survey.? I also created my own calendar to help with meeting deadlines for the colleges newsletters and to know what each week I will be completing. Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional practice when working with community organizations and the population with whom they work.? Signed a Confidentiality form with the Trent Health Services. ? I always ask Ruth to look over the information I have provided on the posters and e-mails to ensure they are respectful and professional. ? I put the Trent Health Services logo on all my posters and cards to ensure that students know that my work is on behalf of the Trent Health Services.Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in project development,?respectful of?group process, leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to meet the needs and build capacity of the population in the given context.? Working with the two other students to help create ideas for each others posters and articles.? Being respectful of their ideas and opinions? Being a leader with my project and developing timelines to complete my work? Following my preceptors’ opinions and advice for my posters and cards and collaborating with her on behalf of the Trent Health Services? Collaborated with the Trent Print Shop to have my posters and cards ready. ?Working with Harry and Karly on the Alcohol Harm Reduction Campaign for Ruth? Collaborating with Otonabee College, Gzowski College, Lady Eaton College, and Champlain College.? Collaborating with Student Health 101Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self-reflective practice and identifying learning needs through self-assessment that align with?the?SON’s program goals and the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice in Canada.? Created a timeline using calendars for the months of January, February, and March to organize and plan my project and to ensure I meet deadlines.? Working on bettering my promotional skills by talking with my preceptor on skills and plans she has used in the past to promote materialStudent Self Evaluation Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.Identify 3 areas requiring further development.1. Creating Posters and Promotional Items 1. Promoting to Students in person 2. Communication with other groups 2. Communicating more with groups 3. Time Management and Organization Skills 3. Researching more strategies for health promotionSignature of Student_____________________________________________________Date________________________Signature of Clinical Instructor____________________________________________ Date_________________________ *Signatures must not be typed inPreceptor’s Evaluation (midterm):ProgressCourse ObjectiveEvidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDemonstrated professional responsibility and accountability to collaboratively plan, implement and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to the community population served, using elements of the course website such as the learning system and regular, punctual?communication with preceptor and faculty.Emma is very accountable for her work and consistently consults with me. Emma is professional in her approach and considers the interests of the student population. Emma communicates with me in a timely manner and follows through on requested tasks with speed and quality. XApplied their knowledge to support population assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health promotion project development, implementation and process and outcome evaluation.Emma works very effectively and has already completed many materials including three posters, promotional cards, and e-mail communications that are relatable to students. Emma reviewed information and resources from the 2013 survey to help inform her process. She has created a strong plan for promoting the National Campus Health Assessment Survey and is integrating multiple channels and vehicles.XDemonstrated ethical respectful and professional practice when working with community organizations and the population with whom they work.Emma listens to others and respects their opinions. Emma has demonstrated ethical and professional practice when interacting other departments (such as the print shop, and the Colleges) and with her placement mates.The materials and resources that Emma has created have a very professional tone and appearance, including effective use of logos and images. Emma is learning about the principles of harm reduction in application to alcohol use. She provided leadership to the discussion regarding issues related to student drinking. XDemonstrated knowledge of relational practice in project development,?respectful of?group process, leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to meet the needs and build capacity of the population in the given context.Emma has very good interpersonal skills. She gives and receives feedback in an honest and respectful way. Emma takes turns being a leader with her fellow placement students, but also follows the lead of others very well. She has shown excelling leadership and organization in preparing for the NCHA survey. She works well independent and in a group. XDemonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self-reflective practice and identifying learning needs through self-assessment that align with?the?SON’s program goals and the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice in Canada.Emma is reflective about her work. She seeks clarification and regularly asks for feedback about her work. She always requests final approvals before moving forward. She is able to identify areas for improvement and has worked to build her previously existing strengths in Health Communication. Emma is very organizes and adjusts her plans based on her self-reflected accomplishments and goals.XPreceptor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on). Great work so far. Your help creating and leading the NCHA communication plan has been incredibly helpful and well done!Signature of Preceptor___________________________________________________Date____________________Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________Date____________________Signature of Student_____________________________________________________Date____________________*all signatures must be in writing not typedClinical Instructor’s Evaluation (midterm): ProgressCourse ObjectiveEvidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDemonstrated professional responsibility and accountability to collaboratively plan, implement and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to the community population served, using elements of the course website such as the learning system and regular, punctual?communication with preceptor and faculty.Applied their knowledge to support population assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health promotion project development, implementation and process and outcome evaluation.Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional practice when working with community organizations and the population with whom they work.Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in project development,?respectful of?group process, leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to meet the needs and build capacity of the population in the given context.Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self-reflective practice and identifying learning needs through self-assessment that align with?the?SON’s program goals and the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice in Canada.Clinical Instructor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________Date____________________Signature of Student_____________________________________________________Date____________________*all signatures must be in writing and not typed ................

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