
4261485-14478000COLLEGES AND STUDENT SERVICES COMMITTEE2018-19Meeting date: Wednesday February 27, 2019Location: Bata Library 102Agenda1. Chair’s Welcome2. Approval of agenda3. Approval of January 16th meeting minutes4. University budget discussion – Cheryl Turk, AVP Financial Services5. Housing budget – Jen Coulter, Director Housing Services6. Wellness Centre budgets – Stewart Engelberg, Director Student Wellness Centre7. AVP Students Updates8. Round Table Updates9. Any other business10. AdjournmentIn attendance: Melanie Buddle (Chair), Nona Robinson (AVP Students), Lesley Hulcoop (Secretary), Ann-Majella McKelvie (TCSA), Ryan Sova (Gzowski), Erik Bak (Lady Eaton), Mark Murdoch (Food Services), Paul Longhurst (Trent International), Stewart Engelberg (Wellness), Johanna Hart (Campus Programs), Cheryl Turk (Finances), Jenn Coulter (Housing), Corrie Hyland (Traill), Demi Mathias (TUNA), Christine Freeman-Roth (Lady Eaton Principal). Absent: Malinda Grey (TGSA), Maryam Rashid (TISA), Kaylea Post (Otonabee) Regrets: Joanna McMurchy (Champlain)1. Chair’s Remarks – Melanie BuddleWelcome to our new location. Christine Freeman-Roth is here today to shadow me for chairing the next meeting. Heading into budget season with the first presentations today. 2. Approval of AgendaMotioned by Ryan Sova. Seconded by Ann-Majella McKelvie. All in favour.3. Approval of January 16th Meeting MinutesMotioned by Mark Murdoch. Seconded by Erik Bak. All in favour.4. University budget discussion – Cheryl Turk, AVP Financial ServicesStarted the budget process in November. There are uncertainties about funding moving forward. For example, we were not aware of the 10% decrease in tuition fees and OSAP changes when the budget process started. It is estimated the university will lose 8.2 million dollarsWe asked all the budget holders to find a 5% reduction. This could be accomplished through revenue generation or cost reduction.We are seeing a continued growth in enrollment which should help counter the tuition fee cuts even though we will see an increase in resources needed for teaching and so on.Budget is still assuming that funding will be the same way we have received funding in previous years. We just began receiving special purpose grants for this fiscal year now.?Special purpose grants include grants such as the Student Success Grant (used for FPHL), the Credit Transfer Grant (Durham), the Graduate Expansion Grant, the Women’s Campus Safety Grant, Funding for Disability Services, and so on. They contribute a total of 1.3 million?dollars for the university. We may have to revisit the budget if funding doesn’t come through for the upcoming budget.5. Housing budget – Jen Coulter, Director Housing ServicesBased on the “Non-Tuition Related Non-Compulsory Ancillary Fee Protocol”, the approval of the budget took place with the College Residence Council & Housing Services Advisory Committee on January 30, 2019. This presentation to CASSC is for information purposes. Budget increase is 6% for 2019-2020.Projected beds for 2019-20 is 1,776. Estimated that they will be occupied by 60% of Trent’s domestic first year students and 70% of Trent’s international first year students.Looking at renovations in Champlain CollegeWith renovated spaces, there will be increased premium fees which will be noted during the residence selection process for students.?6. Wellness Centre budgets – Stewart Engelberg, Director Student Wellness CentreUse of Health, Counselling and Student Accessibility Services (SAS) continues to increase at a rate that is faster than the increase in students. Have seen a 60% increase in use of SAS and an 81% increase in the use of counselling services since 2014-15. This means that more students are engaging in help seeking behavior, which is really good.The last ancillary increase was in 2014-15 for a summer credit ancillary fee. Our percentage of students using SAS (19%) is higher than at other universities. Seeing an increase in pressure in July and August for students taking summer courses as well as students on campus for the Bridge Program.? We are also trying to attract more students to come in the summer to get registered for the upcoming year.The Consumer Price Index (CPI) this year is 2.4% which would be a $.30 increase in the Counselling ancillary fee.In this budget we are going to be requesting a $2.00 ($1.70 over CPI) increase in the Counselling Services allocation. The Counselling Services ancillary fee would increase from $12.77 to $14.77.This would allow for increased services in the summer and throughout the academic year.This would reduce waitlists and increase access for services. Lesley will be emailing the formal motion form to cabinets for approval.?Notice of Motion: Move that the Counselling Services Ancillary fee be increased by a $1.70 above CPI ($.30) for a total increase of $2.00.?This motion will be voted on by student representatives at the March 13th CASSC meeting.? If you are student representative and you are unable to make this meeting you need to send a delegate.7. AVP Students UpdateOngoing work around the issues with ancillary fees. Meeting with senior admin and the TCSA. Brandon Remmelgas is encouraging levy groups and Cabinets to create descriptions of what they do. Need to make first year students aware of the student groups here, and how vibrant and engaged students are at Trent. The new opt-out process will be in effect for September 2019, and invoices are sent out June-July). Presented at the Provost meeting in Toronto yesterday regarding student success. I discussed the Rebound program. Rebound is a peer-support program that provides first or second year students with connections to resources, services and supports on campus. Over 350 students registered for the program this year.?8. Round Table Updates TCSA: Elections beginning, Thursday next week is ‘Meet the Candidates ‘with voting the following week. Dionysus is on April 5th in the Student Centre, it is now a nonalcoholic event to celebrate the end of year. Exam care packs April 3rd at 9am. Oxygen bar March 26th and 27th. Massage day March 28th. De-stress fest calendar event; if your organization is hosting an event in that two-week time period (last week of March, first week of April), please send to Ann-Majella to be included on the poster. Dr Capello from Regina will be here to discuss racism on March 18th and 19th.?Gzowski: Next Friday is the Formal at Junction; elections open Monday; Shine a Light vigil on Tuesday (collaboration with FPHL)Trent International: Two workshop sessions for graduating students for permanent residency (March 15th in Durham, March 28th Peterborough), March 16th is Cultural Outreach.Student Affairs: Krista from Rebound is hiring students for Rebound and Out On Campus. The positions are posted on the job board. Spiritual Affairs will be running focus groups for major faith groups this semester (next week is Muslim students on March 7th). The final service day is a Habitat for Humanity build next week. If you would like to volunteer, register on the TrentU Service Days website. TUNA: Semi Annual general meeting on March 7th, elections will begin after the 50th Anniversary Gala (March 22nd) and the powwow (March 23rd).Lady Eaton: The formal takes place on March 15th. The East vs West hockey game is on the same night. March 10th is AGM, elections begin after.9. Other BusinessNo other business10. AdjournmentMotioned by Ann-Majella McKelvie ................

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