INFO Financial Assistance K





Conditional acceptance .................................................... 2 Failed high school courses ................................................ 2 Withdrawing from the College ......................................... 2 Paying your fees ............................................................... 3 Refund policy ................................................................... 3




Omnivox homepage ......................................................... 4 Omnivox services ............................................................. 5 MIO (Messaging in Omnivox) ........................................... 6 Omnivox discussion forum ............................................... 6





Your schedule ................................................................... 7 Dropping courses ............................................................. 8 Adding courses ................................................................. 8 IPESA ................................................................................ 9 Attendance ....................................................................... 9 Class cancellations ............................................................ 9




Academic advising .......................................................... 10

Bookstore ....................................................................... 11

Career & personal counseling ........................................ 12

Computers ...................................................................... 12

Financial Assistance ........................................................ 13


Housing registry ............................................................. 14 Virtual ID cards ............................................................... 14 Learning Centre .............................................................. 15 George Wallace Library ................................................... 15


Lockers ........................................................................... 16 Parking ........................................................................... 16 Public transportation ..................................................... 16




Students requiring adapted support .............................. 17 International students .................................................... 17 Students from francophone high schools ....................... 20 Parents ........................................................................... 21



Welcome to Champlain College SaintLambert!

Dear New Student, Starting c?gep is exciting ? you'll be attending a new school, meeting tons of new people, learning about new subjects, and creating new opportunities for your future. Along with all this "newness" come a lot of questions ? who do I talk to when I need answers? Where can I find the information I'm looking for? How does c?gep work? To make a long answer short: READ THIS INFO PACK and TALK TO US! While we hope to have covered most of what you need to know in this New Student Info Pack (and you should read it carefully!), we know that sometimes students have questions that can't quite be answered in a few printed pages. If that's the case, don't be shy about calling us, sending us a message (be sure to read about MIO, our online messaging system, on page 6) or dropping by the College. So who exactly will you be talking to? Well, it depends what you want to know! Contact info for different departments is located throughout this document, but if you can't find what you're looking for, you can always call the operator at 450-672-7360 ext. 0. Welcome! We're looking forward to meeting you!

-- The Admissions, Recruitment and Advising Team in the Registrar's Office

450-672-7360 ext. 256 (Come visit us! We're just to your right when you enter the main doors.)

PS. We'd like to ask you for a small favour: if there's something you wish we had included in this Info Pack, please let us know so we can add it next year ? thanks!


Conditional acceptance

If your acceptance letter says that you were given "conditional acceptance" it means that you must fulfill the specific conditions indicated on your letter. It is your responsibility to provide the College with proof that you met these conditions (i.e. a letter from your high school or the school where you were taking your course(s) indicating that you have passed the course(s) and are eligible to obtain your high school diploma). You must provide this letter as soon as possible by mail, by email (admissions@), by fax (450-672-8297) or in person in the Registrar's Office (room F-103).

Failed high school courses

Your acceptance may be revoked if (a) you fail a high school course and do not receive your high school diploma as a result, OR (b) you fail a course that is a pre-requisite for your program, even if you still receive your high school diploma, OR (c) you do not maintain your current grade average.

Students who do not meet the pre-requisites for a program but who have a high school diploma may be accepted into another program where space permits.

If you failed a course and are re-writing the exam or re-taking the course, it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible. You must provide us with your grades and proof of graduation, once you have received them, by mail, by email (admissions@), by fax (450-672-8297) or in person in the Registrar's Office (room F103).

For more information about admissions, please call the Registrar's Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256.

Withdrawing from the College

If you wish to withdraw from the College, you must meet with an Academic Advisor in the Registrar's Office (F-103) by September 19 (Fall semester) or February 14 (Winter semester) at 4:00 p.m. to complete the appropriate documentation. If you simply stop attending your classes without formally withdrawing, you will receive failing grades that will remain on your permanent record and will be taken into account if and when you decide to reapply to Champlain or any other college. Failures will also have a detrimental impact on your R-score; the lower your R-score, the lower your chance of being admitted to the university program of your choice.


Paying your fees

As a first-semester student, you already paid your semester fee when you confirmed your acceptance to the College. However, you may incur extra fees for Physical Education classes; these fees must be paid online through your Omnivox account or in person at the Registrar's Office (F-103) by the stated deadline. In future semesters, all fees must be paid by the stated deadline as well. Students who do not pay their fees on time will be subject to an additional charge of $25.00 and will risk having their Omnivox accounts blocked and/or being de-registered from their courses. Deadlines can be found in Omnivox under "Documents and Messages Intended for You ? Dates for Online Registration."

Refund policy

If you decide not to attend Champlain after paying the fee, you can receive a refund if you cancel before the official withdrawal date set by the government. In order to receive a refund, you must: - cancel in writing - include your signature - submit the cancellation in person (in the Registrar's Office, room F-103), by mail, email

(admissions@) or by fax (450-672-8297). Refunds are issued by cheque and sent by mail. Please refer to Important Dates under the "New Student Info Pack" page on our website for cancellation deadlines; see also the section `Withdrawing from the College' on page 2. You will not be issued a refund if you do not make a cancellation, even if you do not register for any courses. After the official withdrawal dates, no refunds will be issued.

For more information about fees, please call the Registrar's Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256.


Omnivox homepage

Once you log in to your Omnivox account, this is what you'll see. Check out the STUDENT GUIDE for information on Registration (instructions and dates for online registration), Fees, Government Loans and Bursaries, Adapted Services and more.

These Omnivox services are

described in detail on the next page.

Deadlines and important dates are indicated here.

A quick glance here tells you about new messages, documents

& features.

You can post

questions here; see page 6 for details.

News and information about what's happening on and off campus is described here.

You can customize this list to show the websites you visit most often.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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