Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0896r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of TGk San Francisco Meeting |

|Date: 2005-09-15 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Richard Paine |Boeing |6115 72nd Dr NE |206-854-8199 |richard.h.paine@boeing.c|

| | | | |om |

Seattle Ad Hoc 3 Minutes


Meeting was called to order at 0815

Attendees: Richard Paine, Joe Kwak

Introduction and agenda

Discussion of Seattle ad hoc approach and Anaheim process

- Vote on each deferred

- Revote on location

Reviewed status of spreadsheet 05/191r54

Discussion about how best to do the ad hoc – consensus was to not do comment processing until Bernard or others show up

The meeting went into recess for individual work at 0851

At 10:15 came out of recess to comment processing on MISC category blanks

Comment 1024 – Accepted

P53L23 - Add note: "Note: Many wireless networks ignore probe requests with the SSID element indicating the broadcast SSID."

Comment 1025 – Declined

The Channel List in the AP Channel Report element is defined in section The Channel List field contains a number of octets representing individual channels without any requirement for ordering of these channels. You may therefore assume that a STA would need to order the Channel List to determine the ascending channel number sequence referred to in section

Comment 1041 – Accepted

Assigned to Editor to resolve issue with finalizing document

Comment 1042 – Accepted (same as 1041)

Assigned to Editor to resolve issue with finalizing document

Comment 1063 – Declined

There is no multicast address required for any TGk measurement. TGk frames may be sent using unicast, multicast, or broadcast destination addresses. The use of multicast addresses within a network is beyond the scope of the specification and is usually configured and coordinated by the network operator.

Comment 1091 – Annex D comment that ended up in Misc, moved to MIB along with 521, 661, 1091, and 1298

Reassigned to MIB

Comment 1092 – Accepted (same as 1438)

05/691rx is an overview of the 11k specification.

Comment 1128 – Accepted

P24, L24, Figure k14: Add "Zero or more entries" above the Frame Report Entry field. Change "14" to "n x 14" below the Frame Report entry field.

Comment 1132 – Counter

P25L7 Change "individual frames" to "unicast data and unicast management frames."

Comment 1192 – Deferred

Normative text has been changed in 05/0438r0 approved at the May 05 meeting

Comment 1193 – Deferred

P56L4 and L6: change "may be considered" to "should take precedence".

Comment 1201 – Accepted (306?)

P8L6-18. Replace "association" with "(re)association" in underlined text in 5 places.

Comment 1234 – Deferred to Ecclesine

This discussion addressed the need to adjust to 10 or 20MHz channels for 11n and Peter had already addressed it and would need to look at this comment.

Comment 1238 – Deferred

Comment 1239 – Accepted

P8L6-18. Replace "association" with "(re)association" in underlined text in 5 places.

Comment 1298 – MIB

Comment changed to MIB and deferred to Paul Gray

Comment 521 – Deferred MIB

Comment changed to MIB and deferred to Paul Gray

Comment 1320 – Counter

MIB is no longer mentioned in 5.2.5

Comment 1321 – Counter

The word "enables" is no longer part of section 5.2.5

Comment 1322 – Deferred

In, commenter suggests expanding measurement token from one to two octets for TGk. This would mean the loss of commonality with TGh. Most believe that one octet is adequate for measurement token (up to 256 pending measurements).

1654 Recess until 0800 on 9/15/05


Meeting called to order at

Attendees – Richard Paine, Joe Kwak

Comment 1323 – Declined

The information contained in Neighbor Reports is not directly available by a radio measurement from any single position. The Neighbor Report may contain information about Aps that are currently not in radio range.

Comment 1333 – Declined

Measurement Request frames are no bigger than any other frame and is limited by the maximum frame size. Smaller measurement request frames can be created by limiting the number of measurement request elements per frame. Author is invited to suggest explicit suggested remedies for his future comments.

Comment 1337 – Deferred

Assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1352 – Counter

P3L12 Change the first bullet to " - Requesting and reporting of radio measurements over the radio interface in supported channels." Bullet 3 - The upper layer interface is part of the service because it is part of the Radio Resource Measurement amendment which adds this service.

Comment 1354 – Accepted

"w/" has been changed to "with" (already in Draft 2.2).

Comment 1355 – Accepted

The information column and notes column have been rewritten to address both IEs (already in Draft 2.2).

Comment 1365 – Declined

Same as 928

Comment 1378 – Deferred and assigned to the group to discuss in Anaheim.

Comment 1396 – Deferred and assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1398 – Deferred and assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1399 – Deferred and assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1406 – Declined

It is not clear from the comment what change the commenter is requesting.

Comment 1407 – Deferred and assigned to Joe Kwak

Comment 1413 – Accepted (overview comment)

05/691rx is an overview of the 11k specification.

Comment 1414 – Accepted

Please refer to annex A (PICS) to determine optional and mandatory portions of the amendment. (already in draft 2.2).

Comment 1417 – Deferred

Assigned to Joe Kwak

Comment 1421 – Deferred

Assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1422 – Deferred

Deferred to group discussion of the need to have measurement failure codes

Comment 1432 – Deferred to 11k group

“shalls” in section 7

Comment 1438 – Accepted

05/691rx is an overview of the 11k specification.

Comment 1439 – Accepted

It is not clear from the comment what change the commenter is requesting.

Comment 1449 – Accepted

Now that 11e has been approved as a standard, the editor needs to review the 11e amendment to insure that the 11k amendmenet includes 11e content in paragraphs common between 11e and 11k.

Comment 1467 – Accepted

Editor to verify that the assigned values for 11k do not conflict with other assigned values in the tables.

Comment 1474 – Deferred

Assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1475 – Deferred

Assigned to Simon Black

Comment 1537 – Deferred

Assigned to Kwak and moved to Statistics

Comment 673 – Accepted

Editor to change "subsection" to "sub-clause" in all places in editing instructions.

Comment 774 – Declined

We are assuming that MPHG is Monty Python Holy Grail, but we don't know what the "Holy handgrenade" skit is. It is not clear from the comment or the remedy what suggested text should be.

Comment 775 – Accepted

P8L4 Change section title from "Request Information Element" to "Request information element".

Comment 886 – Accepted

The cover page has been correctly updated in draft 2.2.

Comment 1059 – Declined

802.11 editorial style requires providing higher level titles and subtitles down to the subclause to be modified.

Comment 1516 – Accepted

P36L22: Change "Subfield" to "field".

Comment 363 – Declined (same as 1103)

The editor to provide revised wording for AP Channel Report notes in Table 5 and also in Table 12.

Comment 935 – Deferred to 11k

Need up or down vote

Comment 1004 – Deferred

The way it is written does cover all instances, but should we add a sentence clarifying "valid channel" to include dynamic radar conditions per TGh.

Comment 1381 – Declined

We did address the comment by adding an SSID element in a Neighbor Report request to filter the contents of the Neighbor Report response frame. The AP Channel Report is very short with only one octet per channel (see comment 16 and 05/663r0).

Comment 1382 – Accepted

We do permit Channel Reports for multiple bands. Draft 2.2 clearly states "multiple AP Channel Report elements may be used to report channels in more than one frequency band". (Editor: already in 2.2).

Comment 1411 – Deferred

The wording throughout the draft is consistent, but needs to be consistent across TGj and TGk. We need to link the channel numbers to the 11j spec rather than to the PHY spec in Table K1.

Comment 1436 – Declined

The 05/663r0 document contains the changes to the Neighbor Report to go into the 2.3 draft that talk about the capabilities field, which was the subject of your comment (comment 713 in LB71). We were not able to discern what you wanted to do with the reserve bit information.

Comment 875 – Deferred

Assigned to Joe Kwak

Comment 1205 – Deferred

Assigned to Joe Kwak

Comment 1383 – Deferred

Assigned to Joe Kwak

Comment 1407 – Deferred

Assigned to Joe Kwak

Comment 336 – Deferred to TGk

Same as 1004

Comment 361 – Counter

P2L15 Change "measurements locally as well as" to "measurements locally; STAs and upper layer entities can"

Comment 362 – Decline

The suggested changed text is less straight forward and more confusing than the text it would replace.

Comment 585 – Accepted

The SF meeting voted to remove Hidden Station and Medium Sensing Time Histogram measurements. Justifications for the remaining measurements may be found in 05/0691rX.

Comment 689 – Accepted

Same as 585

Comment 807 – Accepted

The specifications in 802 are difficult to follow. We sympathize and 05/0691rX (available on gives an overview of the 11k measurements. Insert new note below figure 46h. P9L2: "Note: To fully understand the purpose of a measurement request, one must understand the output of the requested measurement. The output of the measurements of the measurement requests are found in"

Comment 914 – Deferred

Change the section names so they don't overlap (Quincy and Rebecca comment). Recommend change the 11h sections to Spectrum Management titles and the 11k section to Radio Measurement titles. Do the same for figures and tables.

Comment 1012 – Counter

We presently have added an SSID filter to the Neighbor Report Request. TGv is addressing the issues of virtual Aps with multiple BSSIDs.

Comment 1583 – Deferred to Black

Comment 470 – Deferred to TGk

Comment 510 – Accepted

The value of Measurement Duration set to "0" is not allowed except for statistics requests. Note to the editor: Add sentence to the end of the measurement duration field description: "A measurement duration value of zero (0) is not allowed." Insert this new sentence in sections,,, and

Comment 779 – Deferred to TGk (11j)

Same as 1114

Comment 842 – Deferred to Kwak

Comment 1114 – Deferred to TGk

Table K1 needs to have somebody to review and provide a resolution to the 11j and 11k links. Same as 1114.

Comment 1360 – Deferred to TGk

Same as 1114

Comment 1579 – Declined

The random selection of the initial channel for beacon measurements on multiple channels was explicitly chosen to prevent multiple STAs actively probing the same channel at the same time. When a requesting STA broadcasts such a request to multiple STAs, the random selection prevents storms of probe requests from multiple STAs on any channel.

Comment 790 – Deferred to Black

Comment 1020 – Deferred to Black

Comment 1470 – Deferred to Black

Comment 891 – Declined

When a STA associates to a new BSS, the STA may request and obtain Neighbor Report information for the new BSS. There is no reason to request the same Neighbor Report information again during any reassociation.

Comment 900 – Accepted

Same as 147

Comment 906 – Deferred to Black

Comment 915 –



This document contains TG 11k minutes from Seattle Ad Hoc.


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