Contact Change Information

[Pages:3]Contact Change Information

Instructions for Employees

This job aid contains the following processes: ? Change Contact Information (page 1)

Change Contact Information 1. Select the Personal Information application from your Workday homepage


Use the Change Contact Information to following information

? Personal Home Address ? Personal Home Phone ? Personal Email Address ? Work Phone

2. Select Change Contact Info

3. The next selection will show all of your current contact information. Change Home Contact Information 4. Select Edit > Change My Home Contact information

5. To edit the home address information, select the pencil icon in the Primary Address section

| Version Date 8/20/2021 1

Contact Change Information

Instructions for Employees

6. Enter the following information

a. Address Line 1

b. Address Line 2 (if applicable)



d. State

e. Postal Code


Usage ? either Mailing, Street, or both

Please review all address information to ensure the details are correct. Address information is used to determine tax criteria within our payroll system

7. To add an Additional Address select Add

8. To remove an Address Home Address section the X icon

One home address is required for all employees

9. To edit the home phone number, select the pencil icon 10. Enter the following information

a. Phone Type ? either Mobile or Landline b. Country Phone Code c. Phone Number ? including area code d. Visibility ? Public or Private

in the Primary Phone section

Home phone numbers are automatically set to private visibility. Private home phone numbers can only be seen by the employee, their manager, and Human Resources. Public home phones numbers can be seen by all Workday users.

11. Select Submit


New home address information is sent down to our payroll and timekeeping systems on a nightly feed. Once updated, it will allow you to update your tax forms. Please update your tax information as soon as possible so that your paycheck is processed accurately.

| Version Date 8/20/2021 2

Contact Change Information

Instructions for Employees

Change Contact Information 12. Select Edit > Change My Home Contact information

13. Workers have access to edit their work phone information in Workday. For a change to your email address please submit a ticket to the IT Helpdesk. To change your work location, please contact your Manager.

14. To edit the home phone number, select the pencil icon 15. Enter the following information

e. Phone Type ? either Mobile or Landline f. Country Phone Code g. Phone Number ? including area code h. Visibility ? Public or Private

in the Primary Phone section

Home phone numbers are automatically set to public visibility. Public home phones numbers can be seen by all Workday users.


Work phone numbers are sent down to the Active Directory system and will be displayed in Outlook for other employees to view.

| Version Date 8/20/2021 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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