3 Steps to Changing Screen Size

[pic] 3 Steps to Changing Screen Size

For Computers using Microsoft Windows (Win95 - XP):

Step 1

First, find an empty area of your desktop

and use your mouse's Right button to click

in it. You should see the window to the

right open up. [pic].

Next, bring your mouse arrow (cursor) to

the word "Properties" and use your Left

mouse button to click on it.

(You may find it helpful to print this

page out before going through these steps.)

Step 2

Then you should see the Display Properties

dialog box (window) open up (see image to

the right, yours may look a little different). [pic]

Click on the “Settings” tab, then bring your

mouse arrow to the little tab under

the words "Screen resolution" and if you see

800 by 600 or 640 by 480, drag it until the

numbers under it say : 1024 by 768 pixels

(again, see image to the right).

IMPORTANT!    If it already says

1024 by 768 pixels click Cancel, you are

already at the correct screen size for this

web site and probably do a lot less scrolling

when you visit web pages. Good for you!

If you see 800 x 600 or 640 x 480, and

have to move the little slider to change

it to 1024 by 768 pixels, DO NOT CLICK

OK yet.    Instead, look for the rectangular

button that says "Advanced" and click it

and go to Step 3.  

Step 3

On the bottom half of the window, you will

probably see the word "Compatibility". Look

for the three options to choose from after

the words "After I change display settings:"

(see image to the right). [pic]

If it isn't already selected, click on the one

that says "Apply the new display (Win 98

may say “color”) settings without restarting",

then click "Apply" then "OK". The window

will close and you will again see the previous

window, click OK again. Your screen may

go black for a moment, and then it will come

back at the new size. You may need to bring

your cursor to the bottom right corner of your

browser window, then hold down the left

mouse button and drag it to fill the screen.

That's it!

(You may find it helpful to print

this page out before going through

these steps.)

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For Mac Classic users: If you are using Mac Classic, there is a tab somewhere on the left border of your screen. Open it and select the color television screen icon.

Select the screen resolution you would like from the pop-up options that appear. For Mac OS X users: For OS X and onward; go into SYSTEM PREFERENCES, click/select DISPLAY and select the appropriate resolution when the options come up.

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