DOS-to-UNIX Translation Table

DOS-to-UNIX Translation Table

DOS Command UNIX Command Purpose

================== ================== =====================================

CHDIR, CD cd Change directory (NOTE: DOS uses

“cd..” to go up one directory,

UNIX uses “cd ..” – with a space)

CLS clear Clear the console screen

COMMAND csh, sh, ksh Command processor/user shells

COMP f1 f2 diff f1 f2 Compare files f1 and f2

COPY cp Copy a file or group of files

COPY f1 f2 > f3 cat f1 f2 >f3 Concatenate files f1 and f2 to f3

DATE date Display and change system date

DIR ls, ll, ls –al List a directory

EDIT vi Text editor

EDLIN ed Line editor

ERASE, DEL rm Remove/delete files

FIND grep Find text in files

HELP command man command Get help on a command

MKDIR, MD mkdir Make a directory

MODE stty Set terminal options

MORE < file more file Display a file a screenful at a time

PRINT file lpr file Print a file

RENAME, REN mv Move or rename files

RMDIR, RD rmdir Remove a directory

SET set Set the value of a variable

TIME date Display and change system time

TYPE file cat file Display the contents of a file

VER uname –a Display OS version currently installed


df, du show free disk space

passwd change your password

ps show current processes

pwd displays your current directory (“print working directory”)

swlist display devices currently installed on your system

exit logout

compiled from various sources


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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