Setting the Printer Options in CUPS

Setting the Printer Options in CUPS

Open a web browser and go to to access the CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) home page. Then click the Printers tab.


In the printers tab, locate your printer and then scroll to the right and click the Set Printer Options button.



In the Printer Options, Card section, select the card size. The default is CR80. Generally cards are CR80 in size. This size is the same length and width as a standard credit card. CR79 is 1/16 of an inch shorter and narrower than a standard credit card.


In the Print Options section, select the Ribbon Type and the Transfer Film type that you are using in your printer (check the packaging they were packed in to determine the type). Make the appropriate selections for the remaining settings in this section.

Disable Printing is generally used if you are using the printer to encode/re-encode a magnetic stripe on a card that has already been printed, or to over-laminate a previously printed card.

Print both sides is selected when printing a dual sided card on a printer that is equipped with the dual side option (has a flipper unit attached).

Split 1 Set of Ribbon Panels is used when printing full color on the front of a dual sided card and black only on the back of the card when using a ribbon that has only 1 black (K) panel.




In the Image Color Options section, you can set various settings that are associated with the colors.

Color Matching selects the type of color matching the driver uses. System Color Management or none are the two available choices. The default is System Color Management. Generally System Color Management work well. Sometimes though if the colors are not printing correctly (red becomes orange for example) selection None works better.

Color Model is RGB and is the only choice.

Resin Dither applies only to printing that is done with the black panel on the ribbon. Generally Optimize for Graphics is used. When printing photos in black and white, better results are generally obtained by selecting Optimize for Photos.

Dye-Sub Intensity (YMC) can be used to increase/decrease how dark the three color panels (Yellow, Magenta, Cyan) print on the card

The Resin Head Front/Back can be used to increase/decrease how dark the black (K) panel prints on the card.



In the Lamination Options section, you can adjust the various settings regarding the protective over-laminate. This section applies only to those printers that are equipped with a laminator module.

The Horizontal Offset setting adjusts the placement of the laminate material with regards to the short edges of the card. (adjustment along the long edge of the card is a mechanical adjustment on the printer.

The Dwell Time controls the speed at which the card passes through the lamination process. The larger this number the slower the card travels.

The Cartridge 1 and 2 settings need to be set to the type of laminate that is being used in each cartridge. (some laminators only have one cartridge).

The Transfer Temp adjusts the temperature of the laminating roller (in degrees Celsius). If the lamination process is causing the cards to warp, sometimes decreasing the temperature and increasing the dwell time or increasing the temperature and decreasing the dwell time will alleviate the warping. (it is recommended that PVC/Polyester composite card be used when laminating).





In the Image Transfer Options section you can adjust various settings that relate to the image being transferred to the card. The vertical/horizontal offset settings are based on a landscape design. (All cards are printed landscape from the printer’s point of view. A portrait card is actually a landscape card with the image rotated 90 degrees)

The Vertical Offset moves the image up/down (towards/away from the long edge of the card).

The Horizontal Offset moves the image left/right (towards/away from the short edge of the card.)

Transfer Heat adjusts the temperature of the transfer roller that laminates the image on to the surface of the card. If parts/spots of the image do not transfer to the card (areas of the card are extremely light) it may be necessary to increase the transfer temperature (generally by about 5 degrees).

Transfer Dwell Time adjusts the speed the card travels whilst the image is being transferred on to the card. The larger this number, the slower the card travels. Generally this setting does not require adjustment.



In the K-Panel Options section, you can set parameters that affect how the printer uses the K (black) panel of the ribbon. This is particularly useful if the card has a barcode printed on it.

The Front/Back K-Panel Area setting can generally be set to None (the default). If a barcode is being printed on the card you should change the setting to Full Card. Full Card forces the printer to print anything that is black with the black panel of the ribbon and not create black using a composite the YMC panels to create black. (when a barcode is printed with the composite black, barcode readers generally will not be able to read it.) If the setting is set to full card and there is a photo printed on the card and the person in the photo has black hair or clothing, frequently the black will be partly printed with the black resin panel and partly in the composite black. It doesn’t harm the printer, but it is not aesthetically pleasing. The recommendation is to not have a photograph and barcode on the same side of the card.

The K-Panel Only Front/Back when set to No, will print color (black bars printed in black composite under the black bars printed with the resin panel). Generally, if the barcode is printed on a color background the setting would be set to No. If the barcode is printed on a white background, the setting would be set to Yes.


In the Global Magnetic Encoding Options you can set the magnetic encoding to the desired format and Coercivity. The choices for each track are:

JI SII, Generally used in Japan only and is uncommon.

ISO, The default setting and the most commonly used format when encoding a magnetic stripe on a card.

RAW which is used when encoding raw data to a magnetic stripe.




In the Banners section you can select a banner denoting the documents classification (Confidential, Secret, etc.) to appear at the top and bottom of the ID card.




The Policies section allows you to select the action to be taken if an error is encountered whilst printing, Choices are Abort, Retry and Stop.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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