Login Screen


Management Information System – Electronic Data Processing Bureau



|Approved: |

| | | |

| | | |

|AFHRDSB | | |

| |____________________________ |_______________ |


| |Director | |

| | | |

| | | |

|MIS-EDPB | | |

| |____________________________ |_______________ |


| |Program Manager | |

| |Asst. Director | |

| | |

| | |

|Recommended for Approval: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|MIS-EDPB |____________________________ |_______________ |


| |Project Manager | |

| | | |

| | | |

|AFHRDSB | | |

| |____________________________ |_____________ |





|Screen/Function |Screen Reference No. |Page |

| | |No. |

|STARTUP | |5 |

|LOG-IN | |6 |

|MAIN MENU | |7 |


|- SUMMARY | |9 |

|- SCHEDULE | |10 |

|- REPORTS | |12 |

|- D.T.R. | |13 |

|- UPLOADING | |15 |

|- PROCESS | |16 |


|- LEAVE FILING | |18 |

|- LEAVE HISTORY | |20 |

|- STUDY LEAVE | |21 |



|- PRINT REPORT | |25 |

|-- PREVIEW | |27 |

|- PROCESS | |28 |




|- SCHEDULE FILE | |33 |

|- BUREAU FILE | |34 |

|- PASSWORD | |36 |

|- HOLIDAY FILE | |37 |



|LATMS USERS | |41 |

|Description of Table Headers | |42 |

Screen Reference No :

Screen Name : STARTUP


Screen Description

The Startup screen appears when the LATMS application is initially launch. It is an introductory screen for the LATMS and displays the Office name, end-user, the Office logo, and the system title.

Objects Definition


|Command |Description |

|| Leave Administration and Time Monitoring System | |Closes Startup screen and displays the Login screen. |

Screen Reference No :

Screen Name : LOG-IN


Screen Description

The Login screen prompts the user to enter a valid User ID and the corresponding Password to access the available functions/modules within the system and establish a connection to the LATMS database server.

Object Definition


|Command |Description |

|Login |Displays the Main Menu screen. |

|Cancel |Closes the Login screen and stop the LATMS application. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow Blank |Display |Data Type |

| | | | |Type | |

|User-ID |Field where user types his/her assigned user ID/name |I | |TextBox |Char |

| | | |No | | |

|Password |Field where user types his/her assigned password |I |No |TextBox |Char |

Screen Reference No :

Screen Name : MAIN MENU


Screen Description

The LATMS Main Menu screen presents the different program menus where the user can select the desired functions/modules to execute.

Object Definition


|Command |Description |

|Daily Time Record |Displays the Daily Time Record (DTR) screen. |

|Leave Administration |Displays the Leave Administration screen. |

|Reports Generation |Displays the Reports Generation screen. |

|File Maintenance |Displays the File Maintenance screen. |

|Special Time |Displays the Special Time screen. |

|Daily Pass Slip |Displays the Daily Pass Slip screen. |

|Close |Stops and closes the entire LATMS application. |

|[pic] LATMS Users |Display the LATMS Users screen that shows current system users, their respective login time, and |

| |respective lapsed time of use. |

Screen Reference No :



Screen Description

The Daily Time Record screen presents the various functions/submodules as described below that manages daily time records.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Index |When moused-over, drops-down/lists the various functions/submodules (below) contained in the Daily Time Record |

| |module. |

|Summary |Displays the Summary screen when clicked. |

|Schedule |Displays the Schedule screen when clicked. |

|Reports |Displays the Reports screen when clicked. |

|D.T.R. |Displays the D.T.R. screen when clicked. |

|Upload |Displays the Upload screen when clicked. |

|Process |Displays the Process screen when clicked. |

|Close |Stops and closes the Daily Time Record screen. |

Screen Reference No :

Screen Name : SUMMARY


Screen Description

The Summary screen presents the summary of the daily time transactions of all employees or employees of a particular Bureau for a selected date.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|View |Displays on the grid the summary of the transactions of employees (all or of a selected Bureau) on a selected date. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data Type |

| | | |Blank? | | |

|Date |Sets the date of the summary report |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|All |Sets to view for all employees |I |Y |OptionButton |Bit |

|By Bureau |Sets to view by Bureau |I |Y |OptionButton |Bit |

| |Sets selected Bureau |I |Y |ComboBox |Varchar |

|ID No. |Lists scan ID No. of employee |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Varchar |

|Employee Name |Lists employee Name |O |N | |Varchar |

|Time-In |Lists time-in in the morning |O |Y | |Datetime |

|Break |Lists time-out at lunchbreak |O |Y | |Datetime |

|Time-In PM |Lists time-in in the afternoon |O |Y | |Datetime |

|Time-Out |Lists time-out in the afternoon |O |Y | |Datetime |

|Horizontal Scroll Bar |Scrolls the view horizontally. | | | | |

Screen Reference No :

Screen Name : SCHEDULE


Screen Description

The Schedule screen presents the submodule of the Daily Time Record where the work schedule and/or overtime of an employee can be set or change.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Look-up |Finds the Employee Name corresponding to the entered Employee No. |

|Schedule Frame |

|New |Clears entries for a new employee and schedule |

|Edit |Allows editing of the schedule function |

|Delete |Delete the currently listed schedule of the employee |

|Save |Saves the new or edited schedule of the employee |

|Overtime Frame |

|New |Allows input of new overtime schedule of the employee |

|Edit |Allows editing the overtime schedule of the employee |

|Delete |Delete the overtime schedule of the employee |

|Save |Save the overtime schedule of the employee |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data Type |

| | | |Blank | | |

|Employee No. |Employee number |I |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Employee Name |Displays the employee name corresponding to the Employee|O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

| |No. | | | | |

|(Date Range) From |Starting/effectivity date of the new/edited schedule |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

| |and/ or overtime | | | | |

|(Date Range) To |Ending date of the new/edited schedule and/or overtime |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Schedule |Sets the schedule |I/O | |CheckBox |Bit |

|Code |Displays the code of the schedule |O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|Day Off |Display the number of days-off for the schedule |O |Y |TextBox |Numeric |

|From |List the start/effectivity of the new/edited schedule |I/O |Y |MSFlexGrid |Datetime |

|To |List the end-date of the new/edited schedule |I/O |Y | |Datetime |

|Schedule Time |List the new/edited schedule |I/O |Y | |Datetime |

|Day-Off |List the number of days-off for the new/edited schedule |I/O |Y | |Numeric |

|Overtime Frame | | | | |

|Overtime |Sets Overtime mode |I/O |Y |CheckBox |Bit |

|(Overtime) From |Sets start of overtime |I/O |Y |DTPicker |Datetime |

|(Overtime) To |Sets end of overtime |I/O |Y |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Date From |Sets start/effectivity date of the new/edited overtime |I/O |Y |MSFlexGrid |Datetime |

|Date To |Sets end-date of the new/edited overtime |I/O |Y | |Datetime |

|Time From |Lists start of overtime |I/O |Y | |Datetime |

|Time To |Lists end of overtime |I/O |Y | |Datetime |

|Horizontal Scroll Bar |Scroll the view horizontally | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : REPORTS


Screen Description

The Reports screen presents the submodule where the daily time report of employees (whether by individual, by Bureau, or all) on a particular date range can be previewed and printed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Preview |Previews the Daily Time Report |

|Print |Prints the Daily Time Report |

|Refresh |Refreshes the view on the Daily Time Report |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data Type |

| | | |Blank | | |

|All |Sets the display of the daily time report for all employees |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Employee |Sets the display of the daily time report by individual |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| |employee | | |Button | |

| |List all the employees’ name for selection |I |Y |Combo |Varchar |

| | | | |Box | |

|Bureau |Sets the display of the daily time report by employees of a |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| |particular Bureau only | | |Button | |

|Bureau |Lists all the Bureaus for selection |I |Y |Combo |Varchar |

| | | | |Box | |

|(Range Period) From |Sets the starting date of the daily time report to display |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|(Range Period) To |Sets the ending date of the daily time report to display |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Box |Displays the DTR report |O |N |Picture Box | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : D.T.R.


Screen Description

The D.T.R. screen presents the submodule of the Daily Time Record where the monthly daily time record of a particular employee can be previewed and edited.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Look-up |Searches for the employee name corresponding to the employee ID |

|Execute |Displays the DTR of a selected employee for a selected month |

|Save |Saves the changes made |

|Edit |Enables the time entries to be edited |

|Clear |Clears all the time entries |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data |

| | | |Blank | |Type |

|Employee ID |Sets Employee ID |I |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Employee Name |Displays the employee name |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Month Ending |Sets month ending |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Day |Lists the days |O |N |MSFlexGrid | |

|Time-In |Lists the time-in entries |O |N | |Datetime |

|Break-Out |Lists the time-out entries before lunchbreak |O |N | |Datetime |

|Break-In |Lists the time-in entries after lunchbreak |O |N | |Datetime |

|Time-Out |Lists the time-out entries |O |N | |Datetime |

|O.T. In |Lists the time-in entries at the start of O.T. |O |N | |Datetime |

|O.T. Out |Lists the time-out entries after the O.T. |O |N | |Datetime |

|Present |Lists the no. of hours present for that day |O |N | |Float |

|O.T. |Lists the no. of O.T. hours for that day |O |N | |Float |

|Absent |Lists if absent for that day |O |N | |Float |

|Total Days Present |Displays the total no. of days present for the selected |O |N |Label |Float |

| |month | | | | |

|Total Days Undertime |Displays the total number of undertime hours for that |O |N |Label |Float |

| |month | | | | |

|Total Days Late |Displays the total no. of days late for the selected month|O |N |Label |Float |

|Total Days Absent |Displays the total no. of days absent for the selected |O |N |Label |Float |

| |month | | | | |

|Date |Sets the date of the daily time record to edit |I/O |Y |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Undo Changes |Undo all the changes made and reverts back to original |I |Y |Check |Bit |

| |time entries | | |Box | |

|Time IN AM |Sets the Time-In AM entry (edit mode) |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time OUT AM |Sets the Time-Out AM entry (edit mode) |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time IN PM |Sets the Time-In PM entry (edit mode) |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time OUT PM |Sets the Time-Out PM entry (edit mode) |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time IN OT |Sets the Time-In entry for OT (edit mode) |I/O |Y |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time OUT OT |Sets the Time-Out entry for OT (edit mode) |I/O |Y |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Remarks |Brief description/explanation on the time entries |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : UPLOADING


Screen Description

The Uploading screen presents submodule of the Daily Time Record where all the data from the fingerscan unit on a selected date are uploaded or ‘transferred’ to the LATMS database for storage and further processing.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Go |Uploads the data from temporary table to employee ledger |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data |

| | | |Blank | |Type |

|Pay Period: From |Starting date of the uploading |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Pay Period: To |Ending date of the uploading |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Progress Indicator |Shows up during uploading and indicates the | | |ProgressBar | |

| |progress of uploading | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : PROCESS


Screen Description

The Processing screen presents the submodule of the Daily Time Record where the daily time entries for a particular month are processed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Proceed |Starts the processing for the selected pay period (month ending) |

|Cancel |Cancels the processing |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data |

| | | |Blank | |Type |

|For the Month Ending |Sets the pay period (month ending) to process |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Leave Administration screen presents the various functions/submodules of the Leave Administration where leave records are processed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Index |When moused over, list down the various functions/submodules of the Leave Administration. |

|Leave Filing |Opens the Leave Filing screen. |

|Leave History |Opens the Leave History screen. |

|Study Leave |Opens the Study Leave screen. |

|Monetization |Opens the Monetization screen. |

|Print |Opens the Print (Reports) screen. |

|Process |Opens the Process screen. |

|Close |Stops the Leave Administration module and closes the screen. |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : LEAVE FILING


Screen Description

The Leave Filing screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where filed leave application data can be encoded and removed, and where leave credits can be previewed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Lookup (Refresh) |Searches for the filed leave applications records of the entered/inputted employee’s name from the LATMS database. |

|Add |Adds/stores the encoded leave application data to the LATMS database. |

|Remove |Removes/deletes encoded leave application data from the LATMS database. |

|Print |Prints the filed leave application |

|Clear |Clears the filed leave application entries |


|Fields |Description |I/O |Allow |Display Type |Data |

| | | |Blank | |Type |

|Employee’s Name |Selects employee’s name |I |N |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Bureau |Displays the employee’s Bureau |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Position |Displays the employee’s position |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Leave Credits Frame | | | | |

|(Leave Credits as of) VL |Displays the VL credits of selected employee. |O |Y |TextBox |Float |

|(Leave Credits as of) SL |Displays the SL credits of selected employee. |O |Y |TextBox |Float |

|(Leave Credits as of) SPL |Displays the SPL credits of selected employee. |O |Y |TextBox |Float |

|(Leave Credits as of) FL |Displays the FL credits of selected employee. |O |Y |TextBox |Float |

|Total __ Days |Displays the total leave credits of selected employee.|O |Y |TextBox |Float |

|LWOP |Displays the total number of leave w/o pay | | | | |

|Date of Filing |Selects date of filing. |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Type of Leave |Selects type of leave |I/O |N |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Inclusive Date(s) From |Selects start date of leave |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Inclusive Date(s) To |Selects end date of leave |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Days |Displays the no. of days for the leave |O |N |TextBox |Float |

|Remarks |Sets remarks/notation for the leave |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|Type of Leave |Lists the type of leave |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Float |

|Days |Lists the no. of days for the leave |O |N | |Float |

|From |Lists the starting date of the leave |O |N | |Datetime |

|To |Lists the ending date of the leave |O |N | |Datetime |

|Date Filed |Lists the date of filing of the leave |O |N | |Datetime |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Leave History screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where the records for the leave application and credits of an employee are previewed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Lookup (Refresh) |Searches for the entered/inputted employee’s leave credits and applications. |

|View |Displays the leave applications records for a selected period. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Employee’s Name |Sets name of employee. |I |N |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Bureau |Displays the Bureau of the inputted employee. |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Leave Credits Frame | | | | |

|(Leave Credits as of) |Displays the VL credits of selected employee. |O |N |TextBox |Float |

|VL | | | | | |

|(Leave Credits as of) |Displays the SL credits of selected employee. |O |N |TextBox |Float |

|SL | | | | | |

|(Leave Credits as of) |Displays the SPL credits of selected employee. |O |N |TextBox |Float |

|SPL | | | | | |

|(Leave Credits as of) |Displays the FL credits of selected employee. |O |N |TextBox |Float |

|FL | | | | | |

|Total |Displays the total leave credits of selected employee. |O |N |TextBox |Float |

|All Filed Leaves |Sets display to show all filed leaves |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Last 12 Months |Sets display to show all filed leaves for the last 12 |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| |months | | |Button | |

|Date Range |Sets display to show all filed leaves for a date range |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Type of Leave |Lists the type of leave. |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Varchar |

|Days |Lists the no. of days. |O |N | |Float |

|Inclusive Date(s) |Lists the inclusive date(s) for the leave. |O |N | |Datetime |

|Date Filed |Lists the date of filing for the leave. |O |N | |Datetime |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : STUDY LEAVE


Screen Description

The Study Leave screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where Study Leave of an employee is encoded.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Lookup |Lookup for the entered employee’s Bureau and Division |

|Certification |Shows the Certifications screen. |

|Save |Saves the study leave record. |

|Clear |Clears the fields for new entry. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Employee’s Name |Sets name of employee. |I |N |Combo |Varchar |

| | | | |Box | |

|Bureau |Displays the Bureau of the inputted employee. |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Position |Displays the position of the inputted employee. |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Date of Filing |Sets the date of filing of the study leave |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Type of Study Leave Frame | | | | |

|With Pay |Sets study leave as with pay |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Without Pay |Sets study leave as without pay |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Chargeable to vacation leave |Sets to charge study leave to vacation leave |I |Y |Option |Bit |

|credits |credits. | | |Button | |

|Purpose Frame | | | | |

|Preparing for/taking Bar |Sets purpose for study leave as ‘Preparing |I |Y |Option |Bit |

|Examination |for/taking Bar Examination”. | | |Button | |

|Preparing for/taking Board |Sets purpose for study leave as ‘Preparing |I |Y |Option |Bit |

|Examination |for/taking Board Examination”. | | |Button | |

|Completing of masteral degree |Sets purpose for study leave as ‘Completing of |I |Y |Option |Bit |

|as a graduate under the CSC-LSP|masteral degree as a graduate under the CSC-LSP | | |Button | |

|or extending of period to |or extending of period to finish the same”. | | | | |

|finish the same | | | | | |

|Taking/completing of masteral |Sets purpose for study leave as |I |Y |Option |Bit |

|/doctorate degree |‘Taking/completing of masteral /doctorate | | |Button | |

| |degree”. | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Certification screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where the certification for the Study Leave of an employee is …….

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Certify |Certifies …. |


|Field/Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|I am a permanent employee |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|I have rendered at least two (2) years of service in the Office on the day |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|prior to the first day of effectivity of the leave. | | | | |

|I have fulfilled the service obligation of any previous |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|scholarship/training contract or study leave contract. | | | | |

|I have no foreign or local scholarship grant. |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|I have no pending administrative or criminal case. |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|I have notified the Office of my failure to take/complete the bar/board |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|exam or masteral degree for which an earlier study leave has been granted | | | | |

|to me. | | | | |

|I have sufficient vacation leave credits. |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|The examination to be taken or field of study to be pursued is relevant to |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|my official duties and responsibilities and the functions or mandate of my | | | | |

|bureau. | | | | |

|Certified true copy of proof of enrollment to a review/graduate school or |I |Y |CheckBox |Varchar |

|the application form to take the examination is hereto attached. | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Monetization screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where the monetization of leave credits is managed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Lookup |Searches for and shows the employee’s Bureau and position |

|Save |Saves the monetization details. |

|Print |Prints monetization record…. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Employee’s Name |Sets to generate report of leave applications. |I |N |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Bureau |Sets to generate report of leave credits. |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Position |Selects all employees |O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Commutation Details | | | | |

|Vacation Leave |Sets input for vacation leave |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|(Vacation Leave) |Sets no. of vacation leave credits to commute. |I |Y |TextBox |Float |

|Day/s | | | | | |

|Sick Leave |Sets input for sick leave. |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Sick Leave Day/s |Sets no. of sick leave credits to commute. |I |Y |TextBox |Float |

|Requested |Sets request for commutation. |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Total _ Days |Shows total no. of leave (days) credit to monetize/commute|O |N |TextBox |Float |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : PRINT (REPORTS)


Screen Description

The Print Reports screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where the leave application and leave credits are generated, previewed and/or printed.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Refresh |Refreshes the generation of the selected report. |

|Preview |Shows the preview screen for the selected report. |

|Print |Prints the selected report. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Report Type Frame | | | | |

|Leave Application |Sets to generate report of leave applications. |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Leave Credits |Sets to generate report of leave credits. |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Print Range Frame | | | | |

|All |Selects all employees |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

|Bureau |Sets selection of Bureau |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

| |Sets particular Bureau |I |Y |Combo |Varchar |

| | | | |Box | |

|Employee |Sets selection of individual employee |I |Y |Option |Bit |

| | | | |Button | |

| |Sets employee |I |Y |Combo |Varchar |

| | | | |Box | |

|(Range From) |Selects start of report period |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|(Range) To |Selects end of report period |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : Preview Pane


Screen Description

The Preview Pane screen presents the submodule/function of the Print Reports where reports for the leave application or leave credits are previewed prior to printing.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Close |Closes the Preview Pane screen and returns to the Print (Reports) screen. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Preview Pane |Previews the selected report. |O |N |PictureBox | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : PROCESS


Screen Description

The Process screen presents the submodule/function of the Leave Administration where leave credits are processed..

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Go |Starts the processing of leave credits for all employees. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Period (from) |Sets the start of the period to process. |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|(Period) To |Sets the end of the period to process. |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Progress indicator |Shows up during processing and indicates the progress of |O |N |ProgressBar | |

| |the processing | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Reports Generation screen presents the module of the LATMS where reports are generated for printing.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Print |Prints the selected reports. |

|Close |Stops and closes the Reports Generation screen. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Report |Sets the type of report to generate/view and/or print. |I |N |ComboBox | |

|By Employee |Enables selection of individual employee |I |Y |CheckBox |Bit |

| |Displays list of all employees for selection |I |Y |ComboBox |Varchar |

| |Displays corresponding employee number of the employee |O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|By Bureau |Enables selection of Bureau |I |Y |CheckBox |Bit |

| |Displays list of all Bureaus |I |Y |ComboBox |Varchar |

| |Displays corresponding codes of bureau |O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|All |Selects all employees |I |Y |CheckBox |Bit |

|Range From |Selects start of report period |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|(Range) To |Selects end of report period |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Report Preview |Displays the generated report |O |N |PictureBox | |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The File Maintenance screen presents the module of the LATMS where records on the employees, schedules, bureaus, passwords and holidays are maintained.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Index |When moused over, list-down the various submodules/functions of the File Maintenance. |

|Employee Masterfile |Displays the Employee Masterfile submodule/function. |

|Schedule File |Displays the Employee Masterfile submodule/function. |

|Bureau File |Displays the Employee Masterfile submodule/function. |

|Password |Displays the Employee Masterfile submodule/function. |

|Holiday File |Displays the Employee Masterfile submodule/function. |

|Close |Stops the File Maintenance module and closes its screen. |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Employee Masterfile screen presents the submodule of the File Maintenance where employee record can be added, edited, and deleted.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Lookup (Refresh) |Searches for the entered employee’s record. |

|Add |Sets the submodule to add new employee record |

|Edit |Sets the submodule for editing an employee record |

|Delete |Erases an employee record |

|Save |Updates and saves new or edited employee record |


|Command |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Employee |Sets the employee number |I |N |TextBox |Varchar |

| |Sets the employee’s name |I |N |Combo Box |Varchar |

|Last Name |Lists the employee’s last name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|First Name |Lists the employee’s first name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Middle Name |Lists the employee’s middle name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Bureau/ Division |Lists the employee’s Bureau/Division |I/O |N |Combo Box |Varchar |

|Position |Lists the employee’s position |I/O |N |Combo Box |Varchar |

|Salary Grade |Lists the employee’s salary grade |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Step |Lists the employee’s salary step increment |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Tax Code |Lists the employee’s tax code |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Remove from Payroll |Option to remove employee from the payroll |I/O |N |Check Box |Bit |

|Date Hired |Sets hiring date of the employee |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|GSIS No. |Lists the employee’s GSIS No. |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|TIN No. |Lists the employee’s TIN No. |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|Pag-Ibig No. |Lists the employee’s Pag-Ibig No. |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|PhilHealth No. |Lists the employee’s PhilHealth No. |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|Address |Lists the employee’s address |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Date of Birth |Sets the employee’s date of birth |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Birth Place |Lists the employee’s place of birth |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Civil Status |Lists the employee’s civil status |I/O |N |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Sex |Lists the employee’s sex |I/O |N |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Height_Mtrs. |Lists the employee’s height |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Weight_Kilos |Lists the employee’s weight |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Phone No. |Lists the employee’s telephone no. |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Blood Type |Lists the employee’s blood type |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Father’s Name |Lists the employee’s father’s name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Birth Place |Lists the father’s place of birth |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|(Father’s) | | | | | |

|Mother’s Name |Lists the employee’s mother’s name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Birth Place |Lists the mother’s place of birth |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|(Mother’s) | | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Schedule File screen presents the submodule of the File Maintenance where new schedule record can be encoded and edited.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|New |Sets the submodule for encoding a new schedule record |

|Save |Saves new schedule record |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Code |Sets code of schedule |I |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Working Days/Week |Sets working days per week |I |N |TextBox |Numeric |

|Time In AM |Sets time-in schedule in the morning |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time Out AM |Sets time-out schedule for lunchbreak |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Half-Day In/Out |Sets time-in/out schedule for half-day |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time In PM |Sets time-in schedule after luncbreak |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time Out PM |Sets time-out schedule in the afternoon |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Code | |O |N |MSFlexGrid | |

|Time In AM |Lists time-in schedule in the morning |O |N | |Datetime |

|Time Out AM |Lists time-out schedule for lunchbreak |O |N | |Datetime |

|Time In PM |Lists time-in schedule after luncbreak |O |N | |Datetime |

|Time Out PM |Lists time-out schedule in the afternoon |O |N | |Datetime |

|Half-day |Lists time-in/out schedule for half-day |O |N | | |

|No. of Days/Week |Lists number of working days per week |O |N | | |

|Horizontal Scroll |Scrolls the list horizontally | | | | |

|Bar | | | | | |

|Vertical Scroll Bar |Scrolls the list vertically | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : BUREAU FILE


Screen Description

The Bureau File screen presents the submodule of the File Maintenance where new Bureau and Division can be added and edited.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Bureau Frame |

|New |Sets the submodule for encoding a new Bureau record |

|Edit |Sets the submodule for editing a Bureau record |

|Delete |Erases selected Bureau record |

|Save |Saves and updates a selected Bureau record |

|Division Frame |

|New |Sets the submodule for encoding a new Divsion record |

|Edit |Sets the submodule for editing a Divsion record |

|Delete |Erases selected Divsion record |

|Save |Updates and saves edition on a selected Divsion record |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Bureau Frame | | | | |

|Bureau Code |Sets the Bureau code or acronym |I |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Description |Sets the complete Bureau name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Bureau Code |Lists the Bureaus’ codes or acronyms |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Varchar |

|Description |Lists the complete Bureau names |O |N | |Varchar |

|Horizontal Scroll |Scrolls the lists horizontally |I/O |Y | | |

|Bar | | | | | |

|Vertical Scroll Bar |Scrolls the lists vertically |I/O |Y | | |

|Division Frame | | | | |

|Bureau Code |Sets the Bureau code or acronym |I |N |Combo |Varchar |

| | | | |box | |

|Division Code |Sets the Division code |I |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Description |Sets the complete Division name |I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

|Bureau Code |Lists the Bureaus’ codes or acronyms |I/O |N |MSFlexGrid |Varchar |

|Division Code |Lists the Divisions’ codes or acronyms |I/O |N | |Varchar |

|Description |Lists the complete Division names |I/O |N | |Varchar |

|Horizontal Scroll |Scrolls the lists horizontally |I/O |N | | |

|Bar | | | | | |

|Vertical Scroll Bar |Scrolls the lists vertically |I/O |N | | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : PASSWORD


Screen Description

The Password screen presents the submodule of the File Maintenance where the user access level and passwords for the LATMS application can be set.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Add |Enables the submodule to accept new enrollee with the corresponding access level and password to the userlist with |

| |access to the LATMS application. |

|Save |Saves changes made to access level and password of a particular user. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Administrator |Sets the username of the Administrator |I |N |TextBox |Char |

|Password |Sets the password of the Administrator |I |N |TextBox |Char |

|Administrator |Sets the user as Administrator. |I/O |Y |Check |Bit |

| | | | |Box | |

|User |Sets the user as User only. |I/O |Y |Check |Bit |

| | | | |Box | |

|User |Sets the user name of the enrollee. |I |N |TextBox |Char |

|Password |Sets the password of the enrollee |I |N |TextBox |Char |

|Confirmation |Confirms the entered password. |I |N |TextBox |Char |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : HOLIDAY


Screen Description

The Holiday screen presents the submodule of the File Maintenance where holidays can be set.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|Delete |Erases the holiday entries from the LATMS database. |

|Save |Stores the encoded holiday/s to the LATMS database. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Date |Sets the date for the holiday. |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|(Holiday Type) |Sets the holiday type to Legal/Regular. |I/O |Y |Check |Bit |

|Legal/Regular | | | |Box | |

|(Holiday Type) |Sets the holiday type to Special. |I/O |Y |Check |Bit |

|Special | | | |Box | |

|Remarks |Sets the remarks/notation for the holiday. |I/O |N |Text |Varchar |

| | | | |Box | |

|Date |Lists the date/s for the holidays. |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Datetime |

|Code |Lists the codes for the holidays. |O |N | |Varchar |

|Remarks |Lists the remarks/explanation for the holidays. |O |N | |Varchar |

|Horizontal Scroll Bar |Scrolls the grid list horizontally. |I/O |Y | | |

|Vertical Scroll Bar |Scrolls the grid list vertically. |I/O |Y | | |

Screen Reference No. :

Screen Name : SPECIAL TIME


Screen Description

The Special Time screen presents the module where Special Time for a group/scope of employee (by individual, by Bureau, by Division, or all employees) on a selected date can be set.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|| Return to Main | |Stops and closes the Special Time screen/module returns to the Main Menu screen. |

|Save |Stores the encoded Special Time entries to the LATMS database. |

|Delete |Erases the displayed Special Time entries from the LATMS database. |

|Clear |Clears the Special Time entries |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Date |Sets the date for the Daily Pass Slip |I |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Scope Frame | | | | |

|Individual |Sets the scope selection to ‘Individual’ mode |I |Y |Check box |Varchar |

| |Lists all the employees’ names for selection by individual|I |Y |ComboBox |Varchar |

| |employee | | | | |

|Per Bureau |Sets the scope selection to ‘Per Bureau’ mode |I |Y |Check box |Varchar |

| |Lists all the Bureaus for selection by Bureau. |I |Y |ComboBox |Varchar |

|Per Division |Sets the scope selection to ‘Per Division’ mode |I | |Check box |Varchar |

| | | |Y | | |

| |Lists all the Divisions for selection by division |I | |ComboBox |Varchar |

| | | |Y | | |

|All |Sets the scope selection to ‘All’ mode and selects all |I |Y |Check box |Bit |

| |employees. | | | | |

|Time Frame | | | | | |

|Whole Day |Sets the Daily Pass Slip for the whole of the day. |I/O |Y |Check box |Varchar |

|Scheduled |Sets the Daily Pass Slip for the scheduled |I/O |Y |Check box |Varchar |

|Time-In |time-in. | | | | |

|Scheduled |Sets the Daily Pass Slip for the scheduled |I/O |Y |Check box |Varchar |

|Time-Out |time-out. | | | | |

|Remarks |Sets the remarks/notation for the Daily Pass Slip. |I/O |Y |TextBox |Varchar |

|Grid Frame | | | | | |

|Code |Lists the code? |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Varchar |

|Name |Lists the names of the employee/s. |O |N | |Varchar |

|Whole Day |Lists ??? |O |Y | | |

|Time-In |Lists the time-in entries. |O |Y | |Datetime |

|Time-Out |Lists the time-out entries. |O |Y | |Datetime |

|Horizontal Scroll |Scrolls the lists horizontally | | | | |

|Bar | | | | | |

Screen Reference No. :



Screen Description

The Daily Pass Slip screen presents the module where daily pass of an employee is encoded for storage to the LATMS database. It also previews specific daily pass record of a particular employee.

Object Description


|Command |Description |

|| Return to Main | |Stops and closes the Daily Pass Slip module/screen and returns to the Main Menu screen. |

|Look-up |Searches for the daily pass slip record of the selected employee for a selected date. |

|Save |Saves newly encoded/edited daily pass slip record of an employee to the LATMS database. |

|Delete |Deletes or erases from the LATMS database the daily pass slip record of the selected employee for a particulare |

| |date. |

|Clear |Clears the entries of the daily pass slip records. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|Employee (ID) |Displays the employee ID no. corresponding to the employee|I/O |N |TextBox |Varchar |

| |name | | | | |

|Employee (Name) |Lists the employees’ names |I/O |N |Combo Box |Varchar |

|Date |Sets and displays calendar for selection of date for the |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

| |Daily Pass Slip | | | | |

|Official |Sets the DPS as ‘Official’ nature |I/O |Y |CheckBox |Bit |

|Personal |Sets the DPS as ‘Personal’ nature |I/O |Y |CheckBox |Bit |

|Time Departure |Sets the time of departure |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Time Arrival |Sets the time of arrival |I/O |N |DTPicker |Datetime |

|Destination |Sets the destination for the daily pass slip |I/O |N |TextBox |Char |

|Contact Person |Sets the contact person |I/O |N |TextBox | |

|Purpose |Sets the purpose for the Daily Pass Slip |I/O |N |TextBox |Char |

Screen Reference No :

Screen Name : LATMS USERS


Screen Description

The LATMS Users screen displays the current logged-in user/s of the system, their respective login time, and respective lapsed time of use.

Object Definition


|Command |Description |

|Refresh Button (Bulb icon) |Refreshes the list in the LATMS Users screen. |

|Close Button (Stop sign icon) |Closes the LATMS Users screen. |


|Field |Description |I/O |Allow |Display |Data |

| | | |Blank? |Type |Type |

|User |Lists the users currently logged-in at LATMS application. |O |N |MSFlexGrid |Char |

|Log In Time |Lists the respective log-in time of the current LATMS |O |N | |Datetime |

| |users. | | | | |

|Lapse Time |Lists the respective running time of use of each LATMS |O |N | |Datetime |

| |users. | | | | |

|Horizontal Scroll |Scrolls the LATMS Users list horizontally. | | | | |

|Bar | | | | | |

|Vertical Scroll Bar |Scrolls the LATMS Users list vertically. | | | | |

Description of Table Terms

I/O – Specifies whether fields can accept input (I) from the user, display output data (O), or both.

Allow Blank – Specifies whether the field will accept or allow a blank entry.

Display Type – Describes/specifies the kind of display of the field:

1. CommandButton – control typically used to start/initiate an event that performs an action such as closing a form, moving to a different record, printing a report, and so on.

2. TextBox - is the basic control/field that where users can input/add or edit data (input) and where data value can also be displayed (output).

3. ComboBox – a control that has both a text box portion and a drop-down combo box or list box. Users can either enter/input information in the textbox portion or select an item from the list in the list box portion.

4. Label - is a graphical control that displays data or text that should not be changed directly, such as a caption above check boxes or under a graphic.

5. CheckBox – a control that allows the user to enable, permit, or select a choice or condition. This box is used to toggle the choice/condition between two states, such as ‘true or false’, ‘yes or no’, and which represent a selection or non-selection of that choice/condition.

6. OptionButton – is a control that allows user to choose only one option from a set of several mutually exclusive options. Choosing one option button makes that choice current and releases a previously enabled choice. For example, option buttons can be used to direct output to a file, a printer, or a window.

7. DTPicker - the date and time picker control allows a user to select and specify a specific date or time. When in date mode, the control looks like a combo box but drops down a month calendar instead, allowing the user to specify a particular date.

8. MSFlexGrid – a control or container object used to display data in a spreadsheet-like grid with rows and columns.

9. ProgressBar - a common control that indicates the progress of a lengthy operation by gradually displaying a colored bar inside a horizontal rectangle. The length of the bar in relation to the length of the rectangle corresponds to the percentage of the operation that is complete.

10. PictureBox – a container control that displays an image, picture, or even a report.

11. ScrollBar - scroll bars are used as a control inside a dialog box or ‘window’ when its content, e.g. a report, cannot fit in one view.

Data Type – Specifies the kind of data to be inputted/accepted or displayed on the field.

1. Character/Varchar - consists of any combination of letters, symbols, numbers, symbols, punctuations and even spaces that may make up information such as names, addresses, and even numbers that are not used in mathematical calculations, like employee number, phone numbers or zip codes.

Character stores a declared size of data (fixed-length) regardless of the actual length of the entry while varchar stores the actual size of the entry (variable-length) ignoring all trailing blanks.

2. Datetime - datetime data can represent either dates or times, or both.

3. Numeric (Decimal) - Use Numeric data to indicate magnitude. Numeric values contain digits from 0 to 9, and, optionally, a sign and a decimal point.

4. Float - Float data type is functionally equivalent to Numeric.

5. Integer - Use the Integer field type for non-decimal numeric values where performance and table storage limitations are especially important.

6. Bit - Integer data (with either a 1 or 0 value) which represents ‘true’ or ‘false’ or ‘yes’ or ‘no’.





































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