Script for Windows 2003 Single Label Domain Rename

Script for Windows 2003 Single Label Domain RenamePrerequisite requirementsWindows Server 2003 Install DiskCopies of Microsoft Documents for supplementary information and troubleshooting“Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Domain Rename”“Supplemental steps for using the Exchange Server Domain Rename Fixup tool together with the Windows Server 2003 domain rename tools”Active Directory Domain Operational Level is Windows Server 2003Active Directory Forest Operational Level is Windows Server 2003Exchange Server is running Exchange 2003 sp1 or later (Build 6.5.7226 or later)Microsoft’s Domain Renaming toolsMicrosoft’s Exchange Server Domain Rename Fixup toolA Domain account that has both Local Administrator Rights on the Control Server, Exchange Administrator and Enterprise Administrator rightsProceduresComplete Each STEP before proceedingOn any Errors - Stop and resolve before proceedingPreparationCreate DNS Zone and allow dynamic updates – petest.lanExchange Specific Step A – Remove Exchange from DCs Move Exchange Data off ALL DCs & Uninstall Exchange from each of these machinesIdentify all machines with Exchange Management ConsoleStop making ANY changes to:- AD including but not limited to:-AD Forest, Domains, OUs, Users, Computers etcGPOsExchange Specific Step B – Stop Exchange Server configuration changesStop making ANY Administrative changes affecting ExchangeRecord all Servers hosting Software Distribution Points referenced by GPORecord all DFS Roots and Servers Hosting Root ReplicasSTEP 1 – Backup All Domain ControllersBackup all DCsSTEP 2 – Set Up the Control StationSetup Member Server as Control stationInstall Windows Server 2003 Support ToolsCreate C:\DomainRename on Control ServerCopy RENDOM & GPFIXUP into C:\DomainRename on Control ServerInstall XDR-Fixup onto Control ServerSTEP 3 – Generate the Current Forest DescriptionOpen a Command Prompt and run cd c:\DomainRenameRun all subsequent RENDOM commands in this contextRun rendom /list to generate Current Forest Description Filecopy domainlist.xml domainlist-save.xml (This will be needed for the Exchange Fixup)STEP 4 – Specify the New Forest DescriptionEdit domainlist.xmlRename all partitions and domains.Bear in mind it is possible to rename NetBIOS name as well as DNS name – these instructions only change DNS nameRun rendom /showforest to review changesSTEP 5 – Generate Domain Rename InstructionsUpload desired structure - Run rendom /uploadSTEP 6 – Push Domain Rename Instructions to All DCs and Verify DNS ReadinessObtain Domain Naming Master FMSO Role Holder – dsquery server –hasfsmo nameForce Changes to be replicated – repadmin /syncall /d /e /P /q te-dc1.petestwhere te-dc1.petest is the result of 6.1NB This command’s switches are CASE SENSITIVECheck DNS entries have been created in the new zone – for details check pages 41-43 of “Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Domain Rename”STEP 7 – Verify Readiness of Domain ControllersRun rendom /prepare and generate dclist.xmlCheck dclist.xml and check that each server is listed as “Prepared” (<State>Prepared</State>)Repeat 7.1 & 7.2 until ALL DCs are listed as PreparedSee troubleshooting notes on Page45 of “Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Domain Rename” for additional guidanceSTEP 8 – Execute Domain Rename InstructionsRun rendom /execute to issue the command to change the nameAllow all DCs to Reboot automaticallyCheck results in dclist.xmlCheck each Server entry for (<State>Done</State>) for success confirmationIf any Server is (<State>Error</State>) then check instructions on page 47 of “Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Domain Rename” for additional guidanceExchange Specific Step C –Update The Server Configuration – notes in “Supplemental steps for using the Exchange Server Domain Rename Fixup tool together with the Windows Server 2003 domain rename tools”Run “Start\All Programs\Microsoft Exchange\Exchange Rename Tool\Exchange Rename Tool” to open a command prompt in a specific contextEnter xdr-fixup /s:c:\DomainRename\domainlist-save.xml /e:c:\domainlist.xml /trace:tracefile.txt /changes:changescript.ldf /restore:restorescript.ldfLog off the Control Server and log back onIf there are issue with this see note on “Supplemental steps for using the Exchange Server Domain Rename Fixup tool together with the Windows Server 2003 domain rename tools” Click “Start\All Programs\Microsoft Exchange\Exchange Rename Tool\Exchange Rename Tool” to open a command prompt in the correct contextRun LDIFDE –i –f changescript.ldfIf Exchange Clusters Exist carry out additional steps within Exchange Specific Step CExchange Specific Step D – Restart All Exchange Servers – notes in “Supplemental steps for using the Exchange Server Domain Rename Fixup tool together with the Windows Server 2003 domain rename tools”Restart ALL Exchange Servers AND computers running Exchange System Manager TWICE – NB If using DHCP for any of these PCs, DHCP Servers will need re-activating in New Domain if any of these computers are DHCP machines. At DHCP Console Right Click At the DHCP Console Level \ Manage Authorised Server\Unauthorised and then Authorise EACH DHCP Server in ADSTEP 9 – Unfreeze the Forest ConfigurationReboot the Control Station TWICERun rendom /endReboot all Software Distribution Point servers TWICE – These were recorded in 1.5STEP 10 – Re-establish External Trusts – Does not applySTEP 11 – Fix Distributed File System (Dfs) TopologyFor Each Root affected by the rename*: Enter dfsutil /renameFtRoot /Root:DfsRootPath /OldDomain:OldName /NewDomain:NewName /VerboseWhere:-DfsRootPath is the DFS root to operate on eg \\petest\foldersOldName is the exact old name to be replaced in the topology for the Dfs rootNewName is the exact new name to replace in the topologySee additional Notes on Pages 51-2 “Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Domain Rename” for additional guidanceReboot all Dfs Root Replica Servers TWICE – These were recorded in Step 1.6STEP 12 – Fix Group Policy Objects and linksRun at a command prompt – gpfixup /olddns:petest /newdns:petest.lan /dc:te-dc1.petest 2>&1 >gpfixup.logReplace names as requiredRun Repadmin /syncall /d /e /P /q te-dc1.petest dc=petest,dc=lanPost Rename ProceduresRe-Activate DHCP Servers within Domain (unless done in 11.1)At DHCP Console Right Click At the DHCP Console Level \ Manage Authorised ServerUnauthorise and then Authorise EACH DHCP Server in ADBackup Domain ControllersBackup Group Policy ObjectsRestart Member Computers TWICE – connect wireless devices to cables to ensure consistent connectionsExchange Specific Step E – Verify Exchange Server rename operationClick “Start\All Programs\Microsoft Exchange\Exchange Rename Tool\Exchange Rename Tool”Enter xdr-fixup /verify:restorescript.ldf /changes:verifycorrections.ldfReview Results – All Exchange Servers should show new Primary DNS SuffixIf Not - on each failed exchange server:-Click Start, Right Click My Computer, Click PropertiesClick Computer Name tab, Click Change, click More, click to select Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes check box, then click OKExchange Specific Step F – Update Active Directory Connector – Does not applyRun rendom /cleanRename Domain Controllers so that Primary DNS Suffix is correctTo rename a domain controller using System PropertiesClick Start, and then click Control Panel.In Control Panel, double-click System Properties.On the Computer Name tab, click Change.Click OK to acknowledge that renaming the domain controller may cause it to become temporarily unavailable to users and computers. (See note below.)Click MoreUnder Primary DNS suffix for this computer, type the new name.Click OK four times to close the System Properties dialog box.Use this procedure to update the File Replication service (FRS) member object after renaming a domain controller.For more information about this procedure, see article 316826 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base ().To update the FRS member objectUsing Ldp.exe (or ADSI edit), find the computer object of the renamed domain controller.Do a recursive search for an object of type nTFRSSubscriber with the computer name of "Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share)" under the Computer object.The search filter is "(&((cn=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share))(objectclass=ntfrssubscriber)))".Find the fRSMemberReference attribute of the object returned by the search.Find the object whose domain name is in the fRSMemberReference attribute. This is the Ntfrsmember object corresponding to this domain controller.Change the computer name of this Ntfrsmember object from the old name of the domain controller to the new name of the domain controller.Exchange Specific Step G – Domain controller rename operation follow-upModify the Recipient Update Service to connect with the newly renamed Domain Controller to update objects in active directory – Additional Information KB288807If any domain controllers are statically assigned as Directory Service (DSAccess) Servers, repair the registry keys that specify these DSAccess DCs – This can be found in Properties of the Exchange Server in System Manager – Additional Information 250570If email messages remain in the message queues on one or more Exchange servers – restart SMTP Service ................

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