The World According to Paul Asay

ISU Sign-In / Sign-Out System Documentation

Student Side:


The student sign-in screen is: After the student swipes their card or manually enters their 991 number is will go to the next screen, display their name and ask what activity they are there for. Clicking enter here signs them in. After a few seconds the system automatically returns to the sign-in screen for the next person.

Note: All students are loaded into the database, but not staff.

Sign-out Process:

The student sign-out screen is the same as the sign-in. Since the system knows who is currently signed in, next time they swipe their card it knows to sign them out. It displays a brief sign-out message then returns to the sign-in screen for the next person. A detailed record is written to the database at this time for reporting.

If a student signs in, but does not sign-out they will stay in the system as active until midnight when we automatically sign them out, as if they were there for 60 minutes.

Staff Side:

The sign-in for staff is: using the staff persons 991 number. You can access this website from anywhere. Once signed in to the system you can alter the system via the options provided, lookup student information, or run one of 5 reports.

For Staff designated as "Administrators" they will see:

Add/Delete: Staff Activities

Clicking on the "Staff" will allow you to add new staff members who can run reports. When you add a new staff person you have the option to add them as "Administrators" or not. Administrators can alter the system, and run reports. Otherwise the Staff member can only run reports.

Clicking on Activities will display a list of all items a student can choose when they sign in from the drop down box. You can add a new activity here, or delete an existing activity by clicking on it, and confirming delete.

Student Look-Up: If you need to find a student's 991 number, or know a 991 number, but not the name you can find it here. For name searches you can type a full or partial name and it will display a list of all matches. From that list if you click on the 991 number highlighted it will display more detailed information about the student.

Manual Sign-In: If you know of a student who forgot to sign-in, or has come before the system was in place you can sign them in manually here.

Edit Messages: The welcome message the system displays after sign-in or sign-out can be changed here

Edit Hours: If you know a student who signed into the system you can change the hours they have reported they were there. For instance if a student signed in, forgot to sign out and was given the default 60 minutes you can go back and change it to whatever actual time they were there.

Reports Section:

Visit Summary This Month: Will display a summary report of the visits for the current month including the number of visits, total visit time, and average visit time. If you click on the gold arrows at the top you can move backward to the previous month(s) or forward.

All Visits in Detail Report: Will display a screen where you can enter a date range you want this report from. After selecting the data range it will display every visit showing names, times and activity during that date range.

All Visits in Detail Report (Excel Output): The same report as above, but the output generates an Excel Spreadsheet with the relevant data.

Individual Student Detail Report: Will display a screen asking for the particular students 991 number and what date range you would like the report for. After entering the information a report shows all activity from that particular student during the date range.

Activity Specific Detail Report: Will display a screen with a drop down box for all activities and a date range. After selecting the activity to report on and the date range it will display every student that signed in with that activity chosen during the date range selected

Currently Signed In: Will display a list of every student that has signed in at present, but not yet signed out. Unless the student forgets to sign-out this will give you a list of every student in the building.


Server Requirements: The ISU Sign-In system is designed to run on a Windows Server or PC running IIS web services. Classic ASP must also be enabled within IIS.

Database: All transactions within the system are controlled within an Access database called “signin.mdb”.

Customization: A file in the initial directory called “dbinfo.asp” has the path to the database. This should match the installation location of the software. It also contains the department name that appears on the Sign In screen. Change this from “Your Department” to whatever you would prefer. The image that appears on the Sign In screen is called “signon.jpg” and can be replaced with a similar size picture. Likewise the image for the staff.html Sign In screen is called “campus.jpg”. Further customization can be accomplished via the style sheet called “signin.css”.

Nightly Processing: In order to handle an open Sign-In (student signed in, but forgot to sign-out) two executable programs are included that should be run every night. The first program called “SignInClose.exe” adds a sign-out time to each open sign-in with a default time of 1 hour after sign-in. The second program called “SignInCloseActives.exe” deletes the record in the database when a student signs-in to keep track of who is active in the system at any given time. Both of these programs should be setup within Windows Scheduled Tasks. General recommendation is to run SignInClose.exe at 11:55 PM, and SignInCloseActives.exe at 11:57 PM.

Student Information: The ISU Sign-In system has student information updated every week from the Bursars Office via a CSV file. The file is processed with a program called “StudentLoad.exe”. This creates a new “Student” Access database with a table called “Student”. The table is copied and replaced within the “master” database after the program is run each week. This way all student information is kept current in one location and other departments just refer to the master database so this process is centralized on the “Library” server.

Mag Stripe Reader: While the student can manually type in their 991 for the Sign-In and Sign-Out process, it is easier and faster to use a Mag Stripe Reader that is programmed to read track 1 on the Student ID Card. These readers can be purchased for approximately $40 at a variety of locations such as .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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