UNIT 7How to Install & Setup Kali. 1: In order To start setting up Kali-Linux, the first thing you have to do is open Oracle Virtual Box and then untick USB Controller and click import.Step 2: Once you have finished importing it, go to systems and set the memory to 2048MB. Then set the processor to 2 and execution cap to 100%.Step 3: Click on display and set the Vid memory to 128MB and the set the scale factor to 130% Or whatever percentage helps make the screen more visible.Step 4: After that go to network and make sure that the Adapter 1 has NAT Network enabled.Step 5: If you followed and the steps Kali should be installed and in order to access it you must enter the Username: root and the Password: toor.Step 6: Once you’ve logged in open Firefox and download PYCHARM then extract it.Step 7: Now copy and paste the pycharm file, you just downloaded, into the OPT folder.Step 8: Open the terminal and type ‘/opt/pycharm-community-2019.2.4/bin’ then press Enter, then type ifconfig to get the machines ip address.How to Setup and Install Metasploitable. 1: Create a new virtual machine, name it Metasploitable, set the type as linux, version oracle(64-bit), set the memory as 1024MB and set the hard disk as Existing and selected the metasploit file you just downloaded.Step 2: Once created, open it and then login with the Username – msfadmin and the password – msfadmin.Step 3: Now logged in, type ifconfig to get the ip address (you will need it later)Step 4: Go back onto Kali and open the terminal and type, cd /opt/pycharm-community.2.4/bin then enter, after that type ls and enter again, then type ./ then press enter to open Pycharm.Step 5: Once pycharm has opened, start a new python file and copy the code.Step 6: In the code change the IP address in url to the ip address that you had earlie, after that save the code.Step 7: Open the terminal and type the same as I have below. Now you have got the password to the account.Scanner: Part 1Step 1: When you put your IP Address /mutillidae/ you will be taken to this page, find DNS Look up and it will take you these pages.Step 2: You now need to install Beautiful Soup. To do this open the terminal or terminator and enter the highlighted code on the image for both Python 2 and Python 3 (You don’t need to download both pythons, but I did just in case one didn’t work). Step 3: Now you want to create 3 new pycharm files and call them “extract_forms”, “scanner”, “vulnerability_scanner”, now enter the codes shown below. The areas that have links with an IP address in it, you will have to change it to your own IP.The Extract_forms Code in full.The scanner code in full.The vulnerability_scanner code in full.Step 4: Once you have all the code entered in the correct files, open terminator and navigate your way to Pycharm projects and run the vulnerability scanner file, then type “python and you should get this.Physical SecurityLocks – Locks are a protective physical safety system which can be used for physical access through doors or windows. Mechanical locks, such as clamp locks or combination locks for cameras or stripe-cards, or wireless locks.Visitor Passes – These are a common type of technology companies that allow tourists to have access to their facilities, most passes are either a card or a badge. The passes must always be posted so that the company workers can be made aware that they are allowed on site.Sign in/out Systems – Such type of systems can be used to monitor workers when entering and leaving the business sector. Businesses can use certificates and badges to sign in a room by taping it onto a card reader, so that workers can use them.-4914901587500Biometrics – biometric system?is a?system?that allows the recognition of a certain characteristic of an individual using mathematical algorithms and?biometric?data. There are several uses of?biometric systems. There are?systems?that require enrolment upstream of users. Other identification systems?do not require this phase.-76202730500Cable Shielding – These are used to protect cables from electromagnetic interference and wiretapping. It is important for a business that the cables are used for transferring data are hidden and that they are resistant to EMI so that outsiders cannot interfere with the data whilst its transferring.026543000Software & Network SecurityEncryption Techniques – The most common techniques of encryption as the following 4, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES), Twofish. AES is a symmetric encryption algorithm that will encrypt fixed data blocks at 128 bits a time. The key for deciphering the text can be 128, 192 or 256-bit long. The 256-bit key encrypts 14 rounds of data, 12 rounds of 192-bit key and 10 rounds of 128-bit key. RSA is an asymmetric encryption that is based on factorising the product of two large prime numbers. Only someone who knows these numbers can successfully decode the message. TDES is a symmetric encryption and an advanced form of the DES that encrypts data blocks using 56 bit keys. TDES applies to each data block the DES cypher algorithm three times.Twofish is a free license encryption method that cyphers blocks of data in 128 bits. The successor to the Blowfish encryption system is known to have ciphered 64-bit message blocks. Whatever the key length, Twofish still encrypts information in 16 rounds.Virtual Private Network (VPN) – This is programming that creates an encrypted connection over a less encrypted connection, VPNs are used so that you can protect data/information so that hacker can’t access it.Intruder Detection System (IDS) – This is a system that can monitor the networks traffic for suspicious activity and will alert if an issue has been spotted in the program.Call-back – This security mechanism is used to authenticate a user’s access to the network. This process is done by the user calling an automated system when they have logged in, after they have logged in the system will call them back to authenticate if it was the user who logged in.Handshaking –This method of authentication when it comes to keeping data secure and handshaking is achieved by the server sending a message of challenge to the individual making the request, then the requestor will send a message back to the server and then the server will authenticate the response to make sure that the response given is correct.Diskless Network – This is a network that can transfer network information and files over the network instead of discs, so a user can log in to the network without using a disc and what this can do is improve the network security and backup features as the network files are all saved in place.Audit Logs – This feature is very important for security as you can show the activity that has taken place throughout the network so you can see of someone has compromised it by installing a malicious software so the audit logs will be able to tell you who was logged into the network at that time. ................

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