
How to Install & Setup Kali. 1: To start setting up Kali-Linux, the 1st thing you have to do is open Oracle Virtual Box and then untick USB Controller and click import.Step 2: Once imported, go to systems and set the memory to 2048MB. Then set the processor to 2 and execution cap to 100%.Step 3: Click on display and set the Vid memory to 128MB and the set the scale factor to 130%.Step 4: After that go to network and make sure that the Adapter 1 has NAT Network enabled.Step 5: Now that you have installed Kali installed and have the corrected settings, you should be able to load it and login with the Username – root & the Password – toor.Step 6: Once you’ve logged in open Firefox and download PYCHARM then extract it.Step 7: Now copy and paste the pycharm file, you just downloaded, into the OPT folder.Step 8: Open the terminal and type ‘/opt/pycharm-community-2019.2.4/bin’ then press Enter, then type ifconfig to get the machines ip address.How to Setup and Install Metasploitable. 1: Create a new virtual machine, name it Metasploitable, set the type as linux, version oracle(64-bit), set the memory as 1024MB and set the hard disk as Existing and selected the metasploit file you just downloaded.Step 2: Once created, open it and then login with the Username – msfadmin and the password – msfadmin.Step 3: Now logged in, type ifconfig to get the ip address (you will need it later)Step 4: Go back onto Kali and open the terminal and type, cd /opt/pycharm-community.2.4/bin then enter, after that type ls and enter again, then type ./pycharm.sh then press enter to open Pycharm.Step 5: Once pycharm has opened, start a new python file and copy the code.Step 6: In the code change the IP address in url to the ip address that you had earlie, after that save the code.Step 7: Open the terminal and type the same as I have below. Now you have got the password to the account.Scanner: Part 1Step 1: When you put your IP Address /mutillidae/ you will be taken to this page, find DNS Look up and it will take you these pages.Step 2: You now need to install Beautiful Soup. To do this open the terminal or terminator and enter the highlighted code on the image for both Python 2 and Python 3 (You don’t need to download both pythons, but I did just in case one didn’t work). Step 3: Now you want to create 3 new pycharm files and call them “extract_forms”, “scanner”, “vulnerability_scanner”, now enter the codes shown below. The areas that have links with an IP address in it, you will have to change it to your own IP.The Extract_forms Code in full.The scanner code in full.The vulnerability_scanner code in full.Step 4: Once you have all the code entered in the correct files, open terminator and navigate your way to Pycharm projects and run the vulnerability scanner file, then type “python vulnerability_scanner.py and you should get this. ................

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