
What’s New 1/29/15: Happy New Year! Here some updates.Terms and conditions have been added to the Library titled ‘Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) FuelRequirements”. The terms include the suggested language from Engineering Guide #82-Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel permitting flexibility. The terms cover emission units subject to the following regulations: OAC 3745-18-06 and 40 CFR 80.510(c). Please note: if the emission unit is a diesel, compression ignition (CI) engine subject to the RICE MACT, please use the Diesel Engine CI terms (The ULSD requirement is already included in these templates.)In the terms and conditions library tree webpage, click on Miscellaneous Terms and Conditions drop downFrom there, click on either branch: Organized by Category/Fuel Quality, Sampling, Analysis, Reporting, and Fuel Usage or Operational Restrictions/Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Folder; or Organized by Rule Reference/Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)/Part 80-Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives FolderOur list of updates has gotten too long, so only the previous year’s updates will be shown on the website. If you need historical updates, you can request a ‘What’s New Archive’ (2012 and 2013 what’s New Updates). Send an email to Lynne Martz at lynne.martz@epa. MACT/NSPS Amendments Table: Always check the rules for the most recent amendment date(s)Note: Federal Register notices listed should be verified by checking for the rule in the 40CFR to see if it has become effective. SubpartLast Revised for AmendmentsRevised for Amendments* of:Needs to be Updated for these and/or future amendments:Part 60 Subpart A60.75/1/122/12/9960.84/28/142/27/1460.11?10/17/0060.134/28/142/27/141/5/15; 11/19/14 FR UpdatesPart 60 Subpart D5/7/132/16/12Part 60 Subpart Da5/7/132/16/12 and 4/24/13Part 60 Subpart Db4/24/142/16/12 and 2/27/14Part 60 Subpart Dc6/11/142/16/12Part 60 Subpart VV6/26/1211/16/07 and 6/2/08Part 60 Subpart VVa6/26/1211/16/07 and 6/2/08Part 60 Subpart KKK4/29/148/16/12Part 60 Subpart WWW4/29/149/21/06Part 60 Subpart IIIIvaries1/30/13 2/27/14 Method 1 changes in Table 7**Part 60 Subpart JJJJvaries1/30/13 2/27/14 Method 1 changes in Table 2**Part 60 Subpart OOOO12/24/134/12/13 and 9/23/13Part 63 Subpart A63.69/12/064/20/0663.71/9/139/13/10 and 2/27/1463.86/13/134/20/062/27/14 not relevant63.99/12/065/30/0363.109/12/064/20/06Part 63 Subpar N11/14/129/19/12Part 63 Subpart T4/25/145/3/07Part 63 Subpart HH8/31/12 to 10/1/128/16/12Part 63 Subpart HHH9/28/128/16/12Part 63 Subpart IIII7/31/094/20/06, 12/22/06, and 4/24/07Part 63 Subpart MMMM7/31/094/20/06 and 12/22/06Part 63 Subpart PPPP7/31/094/20/06 and 4/24/07Part 63 Subpart ZZZZvaries1/30/132/27/14 Method 1 changes in Table 4**Part 63 Subpart DDDDD3/28/131/31/13Part 63 Subpart UUUUU1/6/144/19/12 and 4/24/131/5/15; 11/19/14 FR Updates*including all prior amendments; or drafted after older amendments were promulgated** terms drafted separately for the Method 1 revisions made through Amendments of 2/27/14________________________________________________________________________________________11/6/14 Please call or e-mail Lynne Martz with any comments or questions on Library terms or General Permits at 614-644-3599 or lynne.martz@epa.;Please call or email Misty Parsons for comments or questions specific to Oil and Gas Library terms or General Permits at 614-644-3614 or misty.parsons@epa.________________________________________________________________________________________7/14/14 Most of the spark ignition engines have been updated for the new BAT determination, per Mike Hopkins the short term NSPS limits = BAT. Added changes to the monitoring and recordkeeping, reporting, and testing requirements to better document compliance and the identification of each engine; and added the superseding language for any amendment to Subpart JJJJ in the Miscellaneous terms. Look for the last revised date to see if the template has been modified for the more current language. Some of the synthetic minor files have not been changed (running out of time).________________________________________________________________________________________6/12/14 Completed a permit template for steam generating units which only burn natural gas or distillate oil with no more than 0.50 % by weight sulfur in NSPS Subpart Dc.Note: Unfortunately, Ohio EPA is not accepting delegation of GACTs (based on the CAA’s Urban Air Toxics Strategy) and area sources in MACTs. The last file in the Miscellaneous Terms & Conditions (last file under Part 63) of the Library has terms that can be used in the Facility-Wide T&C section of a permit to document this decision.Always check the rules for the last amendment date(s) [updated 1/29/15]___________________________________________________________________________________6/11/14 Completed a permit template for steam generating units w/ a heat input capacity <30 MMBtu/hour, which are not subject to the PM or opacity standards in NSPS Subpart Dc.________________________________________________________________________________________5/23/14 Completed a permit template for NSPS Subpart Dc.________________________________________________________________________________________5/6/14 Revised the boiler MACT and Cr Electroplating terms for the Word Perfect conversion to WORD mistakes: = to ‘ ; 3?to ∑ ; A @ to “ “; to ±This either has been done or still needs to be done for most of the older terms, pre-WORD terms, search for: = (to ‘ ) 3 (to ∑) A @ (to “ “) and (to ±)________________________________________________________________________________________5/1/14 Drafted terms for the revision made to Method 1, in amendments of 2/27/14; but could not add these changes to any or all files that might identify Method 1. Most Library terms only identify Method 1 and do not contain enough detail to contradict new version).________________________________________________________________________________________4/28/14 and 4/29/14 Made revisions for recent or missed amendments to §60.18, §60.13, Subparts KKK and WWW (revision to open flare terms).________________________________________________________________________________________4/25/14 Added the facility limit terms to the end of the Subpart T terms, for the amendment of 5/3/07.________________________________________________________________________________________4/24/14 The NSPS Subpart Db templates were updated for the Amendments of 2/27/14 which added the option to use Method 320 from Part 63 for NOx (and only added in Db).________________________________________________________________________________________3/18/14 The spark ignition non-synthetic minor MACT templates have been revised for the new BAT policy9/13/10; and in the synthetic minor templates, the testing sections have been modified to allow emission factors other than the AP-42 to be used to restrict emissions, and where there is no limit from the MACT or OAC NOx RACT rule. These changes will be added to the remaining NSPS templates and to the compression ignition templates, as time allows.____________________________________________________________________________________2/24/14 The rule used in the Applicable Rules/Requirements Tables for SO2 in the natural gas engines was OAC 3745-18-04(F)(4); the applicable rule should be 3745-18-06(G). This change is in process, as well as the changes needed to remove the TPY limits for the new BAT determination in the non-synthetic minor permit templates. These changes have been made in the spark ignition templates numbered 1 through 6 and remains a work in progress.________________________________________________________________________________________2/7/14 Added Category 2 non-emergency engines for 2016 + model year, two new templates with limits from Table 3 of 40 CFR 1042.101.________________________________________________________________________________________2/4/14 Revised the compression ignition engine table by adding the emission limits in the 2nd-to-the-last column.________________________________________________________________________________________1/29/14 Revised the spark ignition engine table by adding the emission limits (or options) in the 2nd-to-the-last column.________________________________________________________________________________________1/13/14 Updated the 40 emergency engine templates for NSPS Subpart IIII (linked to the CI ICE Table) for the requirements for emergency and non-emergency demand response and peak shaving, from the amendments of 1/30/13. These terms were originally drafted into a single “add-on” file, i.e., the option is now contained in all of the emergency CI engine templates.________________________________________________________________________________________1/10/14 Made a few revision to the SI emergency engine terms to better reflect the 1/30/13 amendments to NSPS Subpart JJJJ________________________________________________________________________________________1/7/14 The oil and coal permit templates for the Utility MACT, Subpart UUUUU, are complete. These 2 files are drafted in two formats and were left in color. The first section of each file is a permit template and the second half of each file shows the terms drafted from each paragraph under the Sections of the rule, and in order (with few exceptions). These files can be used as a permit template, for inspections, to copy a selection of terms (e.g. emissions averaging), or as a summary of the NESHAP for the district/local office, a consultant, or the facility. The color can be removed with the A font, “select all” and change it to black. Send any comments to me at the address above. ................

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