California State University, Dominguez Hills

California State University, Dominguez Hills

School of Nursing

Culminating Activity Handbook


Graduate degrees involve the pursuit of advanced theoretical and applied knowledge. Demonstration of that specialized knowledge is typically required at the end of the program in the form of a Culminating Activity (e.g. thesis, comprehensive examination, or directed project). The School of Nursing MSN Culminating Activity is an oral presentation to faculty, supported by PowerPoint slides, to demonstrate achievement of the expected program outcomes.

The purpose of the Culminating Activity is for the degree candidate to:

▪ Integrate learning across the entire program to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter

▪ Apply this learning outside of individual assignments/courses

▪ Show critical and independent thinking

▪ Demonstrate knowledge, skills, values for new graduate-level roles

MSN Program Outcomes:

Upon the completion of the Master of Science in Nursing program, the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the uses of scholarly inquiry to evaluate current and new knowledge from nursing theory, nursing science and related disciplines to inform and/or initiate change in nursing practice.

2. Analyze the effect of sociopolitical, cultural, and global influences on nursing practice.

3. Provide evidence-based, clinically proficient care and services using nursing critical thinking skills in advanced nursing roles.

4. Disseminate nursing knowledge to professionals within the health care system to improve health care outcomes for individuals, families, and communities.

5. Apply the research process to appraise and develop nursing’s body of knowledge.

6. Use information systems technology resources to implement quality improvement initiatives and support decision making.

7. Implement effective strategies for managing ethical issues inherent in clinical practice, education, and research.

8. Analyze the effect of health policy, finance, technology and the organizational context on the development and implementation of quality nursing practice.

9. Apply leadership principles in inter-professional practice to effect change in health care and health policy on local state national and international levels.

10. Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning to enhance the nursing profession.

Oral Presentation and PowerPoint:

You will prepare an oral presentation, supported by Microsoft PowerPoint slides, that addresses how you have achieved specific MSN Program Outcomes. Additionally, you will submit a separate professional resume written as though you are applying for a position aligned with the role you studied.

The PowerPoint slides, as an element of the Culminating Activity for the degree, should represent your best work. Use the PowerPoint media appropriately for a formal professional presentation. Please avoid including photos of family, pets, hobbies and religious notations. Carefully choose your slide template/background and graphics for a visually appealing product. Keep font styles and sizes consistent from slide to slide. Be sure to add citations and reference slide(s) using APA style. Self-citation of academic papers is not expected. Do cite original sources and copyrighted images.

As you develop your presentation, please revisit the intention in the purpose section of this document. Also carefully consider the information presented in the MSN Program Outcomes Worksheet for Scoring and the MSN Culminating Activity Rubric (a separate Excel file). Give several examples of how you have achieved each of the outcomes through coursework (assignments, learning activities, and/or role focused clinical preceptorship experiences). Do focus on the application of knowledge (what you did, how you used knowledge) for your role to the practice setting.

The presentation will be delivered orally to a faculty panel of two individuals using Zoom conferencing technology (computer audio or phone call-in number). Pre-recording the oral is not permitted. Please use the first-person voice (I, we) in your presentation. You will have a maximum of 30 minutes to present. The presentation procedure is as follows:

Few minutes: Introductions

30 minutes: Candidate’s presentation to panel

15 minutes: Questions, collegial dialogue, and critique

15 minutes: Panel’s review (without candidate) and decision

Next hour: Call back to the candidate with decision and feedback

Required Content:

1. Resume - Prepare a professional resume as though you are applying for a position in the role you studied. Limit your resume to 3 pages. Format the document as a resume (APA format does not apply to the resume) in Word or PDF. Do NOT include this resume in the PowerPoint presentation. Include the following elements in your resume:

▪ Professional goals

▪ Education – use the anticipated graduation date for MSN program

▪ Professional experience

▪ Skills and certificates

▪ Scholarship (publication or presentation) – if relevant

▪ Clinical practicum experience – if relevant for the role

2. Introductory Statement – Begin your presentation with a self-introduction and state your role option. Do NOT discuss your resume because faculty will review this prior to the presentation. Plan to spend 2 minutes or less on the introductory statement.

▪ Discuss your professional growth and transformation through the MSN program. Reflect on your educational journey, consider challenges that were overcome, and skills you developed.

▪ Provide some context for your clinical preceptorship experiences (agency, type of unit, role of preceptor).

3. MSN Program Outcomes

▪ Address only the outcomes # 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, & 10

▪ Give examples of how you have achieved each outcome through coursework (assignments, learning activities and/or role performance clinical experiences). Refer to the supplemental worksheet below for scoring the outcomes. This worksheet presents each outcome, definitions relative to the outcome, explanation, and examples.

▪ The focus of your discussion should be on the application of knowledge for your role to the practice setting.


1. File the Culminating Activity Eligibility Form by the deadline of July 5 for Fall graduation and October 30 for Spring graduation.

2. Students deemed eligible will be entered into a Blackboard (Bb) Organization titled MSN Culminating Activity. All communication regarding the Culminating Activity will take place in Bb.

3. You will need to attend a mandatory preparation session with your Role Advisor in order to be permitted to sign up for a date/time to deliver the oral presentation. You are strongly urged to review the information within this handbook and the scoring rubric to understand the general expectations prior to the preparation session, which will focus on role specific perspectives.

4. At the beginning of the semester, you will be notified via Bb Announcement when the sign-up for the oral presentations is available. You will be able to choose from a variety of dates/times. If you fail to sign-up by the deadline, a date/time will be assigned to you.

5. The PowerPoint presentation must be submitted to Turnitin for a similarity report prior to the final submission. Submit both the Resume and PowerPoint files electronically in the same submission via the Bb Organization by the required deadline. Late submissions are subject to significant point deductions.

6. The Zoom link and phone numbers will be posted in the Bb Organization. Your oral presentation will be given via audio (computer or phone). Faculty will have your PowerPoint on their computer, and you will cue them when to advance to the next slide.

7. In the event of a “no-show” or tardiness of greater than 5 minutes, you will have to contact the Graduate Program Coordinator to reschedule the oral presentation. If possible, it will be rescheduled within the same semester. However, it may have to be deferred to the following semester.


Faculty will evaluate the Culminating Activity using a standardized grading rubric (available on the website and Bb Organization). The student must achieve a minimum score of 80% to complete the Culminating Activity. To pass, both members of the evaluation panel must recommend a pass.

Should the student receive a score less than 80% on the initial attempt, the presentation must be revised, incorporating faculty feedback, for subsequent presentation. Depending on the extent of revisions needed, a repeat presentation may be scheduled that same semester, or a recommendation made to defer to the next semester to provide more preparation time. There is a limit of three (3) presentations of the Culminating Activity. If the student fails on the third and final attempt, no degree conferment will be recommended by the School of Nursing.



• Nursing resume e-books are available in the online library

• You may receive resume guidance and feedback from the CSUDH Career Center

Presentation Support

• Construct PowerPoint slides following the usual professional design guidelines for effective presentations. Refer to examples in the Bb Organization.

• Tap professional colleagues and peers for proofreading and feedback on clarity


Rev 12/20 ta

MSN Program Outcomes Worksheet for Scoring

Key: NA = Nurse Administrator, NE = Nurse Educator, FNP = Family Nurse Practitioner, CNS = Clinical Nurse Specialist

|MSN Program Outcome |Definitions |Explanation |Meets all with examples |Fails to meet with examples |

|1. Demonstrate the use of scholarly |Scholarly inquiry - involves |Describe a change or innovation related |Provided an acceptable example of how |Unable to apply examples to meet the |

|inquiry to evaluate current and new |investigating scientific sources for |to your role that you wrote about, |outcome was met through coursework or |outcome.   |

|knowledge from nursing theory, nursing|evidence that supports nursing practice. |proposed, planned or implemented in your |clinical preceptorship in your role |Examples |

|science and related disciplines to |(Outcome # 1) |preceptorship, that includes theory and |option. |Could not come up with appropriate |

|inform or initiate a change in nursing|Nursing theory - explains and predicts |science |Examples: |theory for role option |

|practice. |the affect an intervention has on an | |NA - Organizational or change theory |Change was not related to role e.g. |

| |individual, family, group, or population.| |NE - Educational theory |Administrator talking about individual|

| |(Outcome # 1) | |CNS & FNP - Health Behavior theory as |patient change |

| |Nursing science- describes how health and| |the basis for change | |

| |wellbeing can be promoted through caring,| | | |

| |scholarly inquiry, and theory. (Outcome #| | | |

| |1) | | | |

|2. Analyze the effect of |Cultural - The culturally responsive |Describe a situation experienced in your |Provided acceptable example of how |Insufficient demonstration of meeting |

|sociopolitical, cultural, and global |master’s prepared nurse engages in a |role performance in which you needed to |outcome was met through coursework or |the outcome with example provided. |

|influences on nursing practice. (Will |dynamic, respectful, and reciprocal |evaluate the effects of culture, global |clinical preceptorship. | |

|accept 2 of 3 but must include |dialogue with each person irrespective of|influences and/or social/political |Examples: | |

|cultural) |their race, ethnicity, gender, social |influences to meet your role specific |NA - Cultural issues of employees in | |

| |position, sexual orientation, immigration|goals. |the work place and the relationship | |

| |status, and educational level. (Outcome | |between organizations, groups, and | |

| |# 2) | |leadership behavior to encourage | |

| |Global influences- impact of broad | |creativity, sharing, and collaboration.| |

| |perspectives (beyond an individual | | | |

| |facility) on nursing practice, research, | |NE - Cultural impact of student | |

| |and education at local, organizational, | |learning, e.g. interactions and | |

| |national, regional, or international | |diversity in the classroom, various | |

| |levels. (Outcome # 2) | |styles and approaches to issues based | |

| |Sociopolitical- understanding how social,| |on developed patterns of responses. | |

| |political, and economic factors influence| | | |

| |nursing practice and shape health care. | | | |

| |(Outcome# 2) | | | |

|3. Provide evidence-based, clinically |Clinically proficient care and services –|Describe a situation during your |Provided acceptable example of how |Unable to apply examples to meet the |

|proficient care and services using |the ability to provide effective care |preceptorship in which you needed to use |outcome was met in the clinical |outcome. |

|nursing critical thinking skills in |directly and/or to engage a variety of |your knowledge of clinical nursing |preceptorship. | |

|advanced nursing roles. |disciplines on multiple levels vertically|practice to accomplish decision making |Examples: | |

| |and horizontally to solve issues and make|for your role. |NA - evaluates the evidence on the most| |

| |decisions. (Outcome # 3) | |up-to-date clinical or administrative | |

| |Critical thinking- gathering and | |practice and implements the process to | |

| |assessing relevant information using | |initiate in the practice setting. | |

| |abstract ideas to interpret effectively, | |NE - prepares nursing students for a | |

| |applies to well-reasoned conclusions and | |specific unit of study using evidence- | |

| |solutions. (Outcome # 3) | |based teaching strategies. | |

| |Evidence Based Practice- a process | |FNP - develops specific plans for | |

| |involving the examination and application| |individualized patient care using a | |

| |of research findings or other reliable | |variety of scholarly sources. | |

| |evidence that has been integrated with | |CNS -use evidence based project to | |

| |scientific theories” (Schmidt and Brown | |demonstrate. | |

| |2009, p. 4) (Outcome # 3) | | | |

|7. Implement effective strategies for|Ethical Issues – a problem or situation |Describe a situation where ethical theory|Provided an acceptable example of how |Insufficient demonstration of meeting |

|managing ethical issues inherent in |that requires a choice among conflicting |or principles were applied to resolve an |outcome was met through coursework or |the outcome with example provided. |

|clinical practice, education, and |alternatives. |ethical issue related to your role. |clinical preceptorship in your role | |

|research. | |Explain the ethical decision-making |option. | |

| | |processes that were applied to resolve |Examples: | |

| | |the issue. |NA – Ethical issues related to human | |

| | | |and financial resources. | |

| | | |NE- Ethical issues related to the | |

| | | |learning environment. | |

| | | |FNP – Ethical issues related to | |

| | | |patients, practices, or health care | |

| | | |systems. | |

| | | |CNS- Ethical issues related to patients| |

| | | |or nursing staff. | |

|8. Analyze the effect of health |None |Considering your role option, explain how|Provided an acceptable example of how |Unable to apply examples to meet the |

|policy, finance, technology and the | |the connections between finances and |outcome was met through coursework or |outcome. |

|organizational context on the | |health care policy guide the organization|clinical preceptorship in your role | |

|development and implementation of | |policies and practices. |option. | |

|quality nursing practice. | | | | |

|10.  Demonstrate commitment to |Life Long Learning - the continuing |Explain what you will do to enhance the |Provided an acceptable example of how |Unable to apply examples to meet the |

|lifelong learning to enhance the |development of knowledge and skills |nursing profession as a masters prepared |outcome was met. |outcome. |

|nursing profession. |people experience after formal education |nurse. |Examples: | |

| |and throughout their lives. (Outcome # | |All Role Options - include how you will| |

| |10) | |advance your professional development, | |

| | | |your contributions to the nursing | |

| | | |profession as a masters prepared nurse,| |

| | | |plans to develop as an expert in your | |

| | | |role, disseminating knowledge to | |

| | | |others. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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