1920’s Review Sheet

1920’s Study Guide

All terms from Vocabulary List 7

Directions: WRITE OUT AN EXPLANATION FOR ALL BELOW – on a separate sheet of paper

American Foreign Policy after WW1

League of Nations, Isolation

Kellogg - Briand Pact

President Harding

Political party? “Return to normalcy”

Prohibition –

18th Amendment, 21st Amendment

causes of – results of

speakeasy, bootlegger

Changes in Industry in the 1920’s

What business boomed? What industries declined? WHY??

Ripple Effect

Economy of the 1920’s

President Coolidge “The chief business of America is business”

Coolidge Prosperity

Bull Market

Buying stocks “on margin’

Installment buying - impact on business, impact on Americans

Problems of the U.S. farmers

Culture of the 1920’s

Fads, flappers, jazz

Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes


Scopes Trial

Sacco and Vanzetti

Red Scare

Communists, anarchists

Emergency Quota Act 19th Amendment


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