Girls start puberty a few years after boys

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes of Puberty T/F Quiz

Name: ______________________________________________Period:_________

Directions: Circle T if you think the statement is true or F if you think it is false.

T F 1. Boys and girls will both develop muscle tissue during puberty.

T F 2. Only boys produce testosterone.

T F 3. Boys and girls both develop broader shoulders during puberty.

T F 4. A boy’s breasts can get bigger and become sore during puberty.

T F 5. The size of a boy’s penis determines how masculine he is.

T F 6. Boys are born with testicles inside their bodies rather than outside.

T F 7. The “shrinking” of the testicles is not a cause for concern.

T F 8. Wet dreams, or nocturnal emissions, occur only when a male has a sexy dream.

T F 9. Men will continue to make sperm until they die.

T F 10. An erection occurs when the blood vessels in the penis fill with an extra supply of blood.

T F 11. Masturbating can lead to health concerns with the penis.

T F 12. Hormones have no effect on a boy's emotions.

T F 13. A girl's breasts may grow unevenly, one slightly bigger than the other.

T F 14. A girl's body develops more fatty tissue during puberty than a boy's body.

T F 15. A girl's hips get wider during puberty to help support a growing baby during pregnancy.

T F 16. After puberty, the vagina is wet most of the time.

T F 17. A girl's period (menstruation) lasts an average of 5 days.

T F 18. Once a girl starts her period, she will get one every 28 days.

T F 19. A girl needs to clean her vagina every month.

T F 20. It is normal for sexual desires to develop in girls during puberty.

Puberty Terminology

Puberty: The time when males and females become physically able to reproduce.

Adolescence: the time between childhood and adulthood

Hormones: chemicals that cause changes in your body

Testosterone: the male sex hormone; found in both genders but in greater quantities in boys

Estrogen: the female sex hormone; found in both genders but in greater quantities in girls

Testicles: produce the millions of tiny sperm cells and produce the sex hormones

Ovaries: produce sex hormones and produce, store, and release mature eggs

Nocturnal emission: Wet dream; when a male ejaculates in his sleep; a sign that a boy’s body is now making sperm and he is now able to reproduce

Menstruation: the shedding of the uterine lining each month pregnancy does not occur; a sign that a girl’s menstrual cycle has started and she is now able to reproduce

Exit Slip Questions: Ch-Ch-Ch Changes of Puberty

1. How does a boy know that he has started to make sperm? ____________________________________

2. How does a girl know that her menstrual cycle has started? ____________________________________

3. What is the male reproductive hormone? __________________________________________________

4. What is the female reproductive hormone? _________________________________________________

5. List 2 physical changes that happen ONLY in BOYS during puberty.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

6. List 2 physical changes that happen ONLY in GIRLS during puberty.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

7. List 2 social or emotional changes that happen in both girls and boys during puberty?

________________________________________ ________________________________________



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