TWC = Tri-Weekly Commercial (Frankfort, Ky.)

Compiled by Sharon Milich Kouns, (c) 2000

Early References to Check

• The Navigator, by Zadok Cramer, Philadelphia 1811

• Glenn - steamers manufactured in Frankfort included: Clinton, Argo, Eagle, Plowboy, Locust Lexington (built for southern ‘market’)... quotes letter from Ebennezer H. Stedman, 1781 [sic believed to be 1817] mentioning the steamer Sylph.

ñ...In the Spring, Some Time in april, I Sent a load paper to Frankfort intending to Ship it to Louisville on a Steam Boat. So the Next day I Went down to frankfort & found the watter So low That the little Steamer ñSylphî Could not Come further than Burns landing. But Capt. Burns was at Frankfort with his Keel Boat & told me he woold take my paper on his Keel Boat & Ship it on Bord the Steam Boat at his landing.

• Reminiscences of Ebenezer Stedman 1808-1884, by E. H. Stedman, © 1959 University Press

• Glenn - reference James and R. Johnson: Leland Johnson The Falls City Engineers © US Corps of Engineers, Louisville, 1974, and Kentucky River Navigation by the USACOE © 1975....

• Glenn reference Frankfort State Journal article sometime in 1965.

• Glenn reference Frankfort State Journal article Oct. 3, 1936

• Glenn reference Argo first steamer to pass through Lock #4 in 1840....

• Glenn reference Sam Sanders resided on Ann street, Capt. and builder of Dove; Sylph and three I

• Glenn reference Capt Harry Innes Todd - piloted three Blue Wings

• Capt John Armstrong piloted Argo I through Lock #4 first time; later Argo II, John Armstrong and Ocean.

• Glenn reference duelling on board the “Bob Letcher”

• “Roaring Jack” John W. Russell steamer Empress.. rescue of steamer General Brown Novemebr 1838... New Orleans Times Democrat Mar 2, 1927; Frankfort State Journal June 9, 1968

• Glenn reference Frankfort State Journal Oct 15, 1965 Annie Pierce Stegers... Steamship [sic] Manufacturers

TWC = Tri-Weekly Commercial (Frankfort, Ky.)

FRAB = Frankfort Roundabout

Yeoman = Yeoman (Frankfort, Ky.)


TWC Aug. 2, 1852 - Accident. - As the Blue Wing No. 2 was ascending the Kentucky river on Wednesday night she struck a flatboat that was floating at the time, laden with staves, her guard raking the top of the boat and crushing to death a man named Scott, from Franklin county, who was asleep on the flat, and badly injuring another man. - Louisville Times, 31st.

TWC Aug. 4, 1852 - Advertisement - ironically on same page as story of Jenny Lind’s marriage....

Frankfort and Cincinnati Packet

the fine steamer

Jenny Lind

George W. Triplett, Master, will take the place of the Diana for the present, and make her regular trips —

Leaving Frankfort on Mondays and Fridays, at 9 o’clock a.m.

Leaving Cincinnati on Sundays and Wednesdays, at 12 m.

The boat has been well fitted up, and passengers and freighters will find every attention given to their wants. Apply on board July 29, 1852 [this Jenny Lind not in Ways?]

TWC Sep. 6, 1852 - Advertisements

Frankfort and Cincinnati Packet

the fine steamer


George W. Triplett, Master, will make her regular trips —

Leaving Frankfort on Mondays and Fridays, at 9 o’clock a.m.

Leaving Cincinnati on Sundays and Wednesdays, at 12 m.

The boat has been well fitted up, and passengers and freighters will find every attention given to their wants. Apply on board Sept. 6, 1852

TWC Nov. 1, 1852 - Advertisements

Louisville and N. Orleans Packet.

The steamer Eclipse, Sturgeon, master, leaves for New Orleans on Saturday November 20. For freight or passage, apply to

WH Watson, Agent

Frankfort, Nov. 12 [Ways 1688 - big write-up]

TWC Nov. 17, 1852 - Marietta, Ohio, Nov. 13. - The mail packet Buckeye Bell exploded both her boilers 12 miles above here. No ladies were injured. Amond the killed are John Barbour, of Pittsburgh, James Daniels, engineer; John, West, of Coal Run; C. S. Butler, Ed. Atherton, of Beverly; Wm. Stull, and 10 others.

Injured - Capt. Hahn, arm broken and badly scalded; Whiscon, clerk, leg broken and both feet and ankles smashed - probably will die; Calvin Steele; Senator C. C. Corny, leg broken; E. Buckmar, and many others whose names are unknown. The boat was torn to pieces and every flue collapsed in one boiler. The other can’t be found. The accident is attributed to gross recklessness of the engineers, one of whom, at the time of the explosion, was on the safety valve.

TWC Dec. 10, 1852 - The Explosion of the Geneva. - The telegraph has already informed us of the explosion of the steamer Geneva. The following from the St. Louis News gives the details of the disaster. Capt. Perry, the commander of the Geneva, who, it is feared, cannot survive the injuries sustained, was Captain of the Telegraph No. 1 when she first came out:

The stern wheel steamer Geneva, commanded by Capt. J. Perry, left this city last evening, bound for the Illinois river, and while at the shore, nearly opposite the mouth of the Missouri, she blew up, and afterwards burnt to the water’s edge. The accident occurred while the boat was lying at the shore, wooding, and while the greater portion of the crew were on shore, or the list of killed and wounded would have embraced, perhaps, nearly every soul belonging to the boat.

In a few moments after the terrible accident the steamer Hibernia No. 2 came up, and rendered every assistance to get the living as well as the dead from the burning wreck. So far as can be ascertained, the Geneva had over eighteen or twenty persons on board, of whom four were killed and missing, and a number severely injured. The Hibernia landed all taken form the wreck at Alton, and they were brought down to the city this morning by the Amazonia. Mr. Smith, clerk of the boat, has furnished us with a list of all brought to this city. They were as follows: Capt. Perry, dangerously injured; Wm. Hemly, mate, slightly hurt; Geo. Fulton, first, and Alexander Kelsey, second engineer, severely injured; Wm. Gall, pilot, severely injured; the stewart, two cooks, and a cabin boy, names not known, more or less bruised and injured; five or six deck hands and firemen were also brought down, none of whom are seriously hurt; three deck hands or firemen were taken from the wreck to a house in the neighborhood, one of whom has an arm broken, and other severe injuries.

The killed and missing are Capt. Chas. Deane, of this city, and of the firm of Carson & Deane, commission and produce merchants; his body has not been found, and it is presumed to have been consumed with the wreck. When last seen, he and Mr. Johnson were in the forward part of the boat, and near the clerk’s office. Captain Deane is believed to have been the only passenger on the boat, on his way to the Illinois river, for the purpose of attending the shipment of produce by the boat.

Willis C. Johnson, first clerk, was taken from the wreck in a dying condition, and survived less than an hour, during which time he was unable to speak. The second clerk, a brother of the deceased, was on shore at the time and escaped unhurt. The barkeeper and watchman, whose names we could not learn, are missing. These four are all the killed and missing known up to the present time.

Capt. Perry, who was on the hurricane deck at the time is dangerously wounded. He was brought to this city on the Amazonia, and has been taken to the hospital. His injuries are of a serious nature, and there is very little hope for his recovery. Both of the engineers were seriously hurt; one was on duty and the other asleep at the time.

The explosion was apparently from the top of the boilers, blowing directly upward and tearing all the forward part of the boat to shreds. In an instant the wreck was on fire and burnt to the waters edge. The persons injured do not appear to have been scalded, but burnt, as if seared with a hot iron. We are told there was a want of water in the boilers, and they went off as if filled with powder. The report was heard for a considerable distance and resembled the sound of a heavy cannon.

The boat was owned by Captain Perry and the first clerk Mr. Johnson. She has been out three or four years, and formerly ran on the Ohio during low stages of that river. They purchased her last summer and have made several trips to the upper Mississippi.

TWC Dec. 24, 1852 - Departure of the Eclipse - ... still delayed Dec. 29th

TWC Dec. 27, 1852 - Life Preservers. - The new steamboat law requires steamboats to be provided with life preservers, but as the kind of preserver is not specified by the steamboat men are providing themselves with whatever their ingenuity may suggest. Some have tin boxes, and others tin cases fastened to the bottoms of their chairs, and other regular life preservers.

Capt. DeHart, one of the oldest and most experienced boatmen in the West, suggests that the cotton or upper mattrasses of boats be covered with gum or rubber cloth, “which is impervious to water, and will prove the most beneficial life preservers that can be used. Loops or handles can be attached to the mattress to hold on to, and if occasion require, it would float two or three persons. These mattrasses are always useful and needed for the berths, and will involve but little extra expense, and take up no extra room, but be always at hand, in case a boat should sink in the night, and the passengers are abed, all they would have to do, would be to grasp their mattrass and trust themselves to the water.

Hugh Wilkins, the upholsterer on Wall st., has invented a life preserver in the shape of a pillow with a water proof cover, and loop handles at either end - Lou. Cour.

TWC Dec. 27, 1852 - From the Cincinnati Gazette, 22d Dec.

Arrest of Parties Concerned in the Burning of the Martha Washington.

since writing the article in yesterday’s Gazette, we have learned the following additional particulars from the Atlas of last evening.

At the usual hour of Change on Monday, Mr. Wm. Kissane, once clerk for Pugh & Alvord, now of the firm of Smith & Kissane, Soap and Star Candle Factors, on Canal and Vine streets, having finished his business with the merchants, stepped out of College Hall, when he was tapped upon the shoulder by an officer and requested to enter a carriage, he was driven immediately to the depot of the L.M. Railroad.

Lorenzo Chapin, of the boot and shoe Manufactory of J. S. Cheney, over Clayton’s Jewelry Store, corner of Sycamore and Columbia, was arrested about the same time, as he came down stairs, going to dinner. Amassa Chapin, his brother, was arrested at the foot of the stairs, as he was returning from dinner.

James W. Chandler, of Covington, Ky., was arrested near the same hour by a preconcerted arrangement of the others, who had decoyed him to that point for simultaneous arrest, at the corner of Sycamore and Third streets.

The prisoners were separately conveyed by carriage to the depot, and confronted each other as the cars were about starting.

The developments of this strange affair shows that some time in the month of December of last year, certain parties bought the steamer Martha Washington, of James McGregor, of this city. J. N. Cumings became Captain, J. G. Nicholson, Clerk, and W. H. Holland, Mate. The boat was loaded by different parties of this city, and left our wharf in January, and on the 14th of that month, in the neighborhood of island No. 65, on the Mississippi river, the boat was burned - boat and cargo total loss.

The charge against the parties arrested, is that they by collusion with officers of the boat, with fraudulent bills of lading and false oaths there to, obtain insurance in the following offices, when in reality there were few or no goods shipped.

James Chandler had secured $1,200 insurance on pistols in the “National” in this city, when the supposition is that none were shipped. The office refused to pay. Chandler sued.

Capt. Cummings secured $4,500 insurance on the freight list of the boat in the Fireman’s and Mechanics’ of Madison, W. B. Cassily agent in this city, promptly paid it.

Lyman Cole secured $8,000 insurance in the Fireman’s Insurance Company of this city on Boots, Shoes and Kossuth Hats, said also to have been shipped. The sum was paid by Josiah Lawrence, Esq., before he died.

G. P. Stevens insured $3,869 on an invoice of boots and shoes, bought of Lyman Cole, in the Protection Agency of this city. He also insured in the Etna Agency $4,874 on goods purported to have been bought of John Edwards. Lyman Cole insured $5,500 on boots and shoes in the Cincinnati Agency of the Detroit Insurance Co. Cole sued the Company, and this has had a long examination in the Courts of Detroit.

Capt. Cummings effected an insurance through an innocent person, of $4,500 in A. S. Chew’s Agency of the Phoenix, of St. Louis. - Also, a large amount in the Charleston Company, which is in suit.

The Union Mutual, of New York, had $10,000 - $4,800 on 1,600 doz. sheepskins, and 5,200 on 26,000 white sole leather, said to have been shipped.

Chas. Lane & Co., of Boston, innocent parties, advanced Kissane $4,800 on the 9th of January, on a policy in the Equitable Insurance Company, of Boston, of $5,934, on 300 packages said to have been shipped on the Martha Washington.

James Lee, of Boston, innocent party is insured to protect drafts, for $5,980, on 167 barrels of pork, said to be shipped by Cole, and 83 barrels of pork and 100 tierces of lard, by Kissane.

Adam Chapin effected, as the boat passed Louisville, insurance with the Louisville agency of the Maidson Insurance Company, for $4,200 on 200 cases of boots and shoes, said to have been shipped by said Chapin, in Cincinnati. This case was sued for by Kissane.

A thousand rumors are current in reference to every point of this case. The drayman who hauled the goods has acknowledged the perjury. The Mr. Cheney makes his revelations. Mr. Filley, partner of the Chapins, is reported to have been opposed to the scheme, and to avoid the threats of parties to leave the city, to have secreted himself in Illinois to escape violence, that on his dying between the 24th of last October he charged these parties with conspiracy.

There where other insurances besides those noted, swelling the pretended amount of shipment to an aggregate beyond the reasonableness of ordinary shipments.

Mr. Kissane is of Irish extraction, a Canadian by birth, unmarried, but having an aged and deeply afflicted mother.

The two Chapins have been for several years, with two other brothers, extensive shoe dealers and manufactured in this city. Having some time since failed, the establishment was conducted under the style and name of J. S. Cheney.

Mr. Chandler, a resident of Covington, was we believe, a candidate for City Marshal.

Capt. Cummings and Holland, the mate, are at present up Red River.

Mr. Lyman Cole, brother of Horace Cole, and formerly merchant of Pearl street, was no doubt arrested at Oxford, yesterday.

TWC Dec. 27, 1852 - Particulars of the Loss of the Steamer Western World.

We copy the following from the St. Louis News of 22d inst:

Capt. Fulton, who was in charge of the boat at the time of the accident, returned on the Lady Pike this morning, from the mouth of the Ohio, where they were landed by the Hill. The officers and the crew, with many of the passengers, who lost their baggage, and were unable to proceed on their trip downward, returned. They bring full particulars of the disaster.

The accident occurred at Princeton Bar, about one hundred miles above Vicksburg, at 4 1/2 o’clock in the morning. There was no fog, but it was very dark, and one or both boats mistook the signals which were rang by the bells. The Hill was ascending at the time, and struck the Western World just forward of the boilers, cutting her down so that the water rushed in, causing her to careen so much, that she completely capsized, in less than twenty minutes after the collision.

There were on board 65 deck and 33 cabin passengers. Of the former, 13 were drowned, and one of the crew, a negro man belonging to Mr. Grundy, of Ballard county, Kentucky.

Of the deck passengers, Mr. Rice and family, came on board at St. Louis, and were emigrating to Texas. There were nice persons in the family, five of whom were drowned.

Mr. Jones, and family, eleven persons came on board at Hickman, Ky. All lost except Mr. Jones.

Mr. Sullivan, wife, and infant, of St. Louis, going to New Orleans, all three lost; making fourteen persons who are known, to have perished.

None of the cabin passengers or officers were drowned, but all of them lost their baggage. A Southern mail on board was also lost. The Hill took off those who were saved from the wreck, and landed them at Cairo. Some of the passengers who were bound South, got off at different places to await boats that were bound down.

Capt. Alex. Norton is sole owner of the boat. He was not on board at the time, having got off at Memphis and returned to this city to attend to some business. He left the boat in charge of Mr. Fulton, the first clerk. She left port on the 10th inst., with a fair cargo, which was full by the time she reached Memphis. Mr. Dubbs, her agent, has a list of her freight, as follows: 3,000 bbls. flour, 30 hhd tobacco, 160 boxes tobacco, 200 bbls. whiskey, 100 hhds. bacon, 15 kegs shot, 50 kegs and 75 tierces lard, 50 tierces beef, 40 coils rope, 3,000 sacks corn; 500 sacks bran, 350 sacks oats, 83 head of cattle, and 150 bbls. pork.

The Western World was about five years old; but she was lengthened and completely repaired about three years since.

The boat was valued at $24,000. There is an insurance on her to the amount of $16,000, all in offices of this city. All her books and papers, except the passenger register and freight book, are lost. The captain estimates her freight from $40,000 to $50,000 in value, nearly all of which is insured in this city. The freight list was not insured, and besides this loss to her owner, there was nearly $1,000 in the iron safe, which went down with the boat. The total loss of boat and cargo may be set down at $65,000 to $70,000, of which perhaps $55,000 to $60,000 falls upon the offices of this city.


Frankfort Commonwealth, Mar. 18, 1856 - The steamer Henry Lewis, from Cincinnati for New Orleans, was run into by the E. Howard, near Troy, Ind., about four o’clock on Saturday morning last, and immediately sunk. - Several lives were lost. Those known were a gentleman named Finney, two gentlemen from Portsmouth, Wm. Jacob, a second steward, David McCutcheon, cabin boy, and an Irish woman and two children. Peggy, the fugitive slave woman who was recently arrested at Cincinnati, and who murdered one of her children there, was on board, and her only surviving child was drowned. She is said to have shown only delight at the event.

Frankfort Commonwealth, Mar. 26, 1856 - BIGAMY. - Two Wives and a Sweetheart. - Marshall F. Moore, a steamboat man from Louisville, was before the police court yesterday, charged with bigamy. He married a girl in Shelby county, Ky., and afterwards one in Louisville. Two weeks after the last marriage, the first wife came to Louisville, whereupon Moore left. This was last January, and he had not been heard of since, till a few days ago, when his Louisville wife, who was visiting friends here, unexpectedly met him. He was courting a girl near this city, and a very affectionate letter to her was found in his pocket when arrested. The case will be tried to-day. - Cin.-Gaz.


FC Feb. 25, 1870 - The steamer Emma No. 3, while passing the chute at Island 35, on the Mississippi, struck, a snag and careened, upsetting a stove in the cabin and entirely consuming the boat. Twenty or thirty lives are reported as having been lost, among them Mrs. Lewis and aunt from Covington, Ky., and James Scholey from Lexington, Ky. The water was intensely cold and the life boat was swamped by those rushing into it. Some died from exposure after being rescued.

FC May 6, 1870 - Kentucky River Navigation Company

At the annual meeting of this Company in this City, on Monday, the following officers were elected to serve the next year:

Moreau Brown, G. S. Shanklin, Jessamine county; Thomas P. Porter, Woodford county; Philip Swigert, Franklin county; C. J. Spillman, Garrard county; J. R. Bryant, Mercer county; Squire Turner, Madison county; Thomas Bradley, John Mason Brown, Fayette county; W. B. Belknap, Louisville, were elected Directors.

Isaac Smith elected a Director by the County Court of Clark county.

The Directors having organized, Moreau Brown was unanimously re-elected President, and James W. Batchelor, of Louisville, was elected Secretary.

The office of assistant Secretary having been established, P. Swigert was elected to the same and also reelected Treasurer.

The Board adjourned to meet on Monday next in the city of Lexington.

We learn there is a large force now engaged in the erection of lock and dam No. 6.

Yeoman Apr. 9, 1870 - River Matters. - The Blue Wing returned from the mouth of Hickman, on Thursday, P.M., with 800 barrels of whisky consigned to parties in Louisville. She left for that city 8 o’clock yesterday, A.M. The Dove will leave for Cincinnati this morning at 10 o’clock. The tow-boat Valid arrived from the mouth yesterday with several barges of coal for the merchants of this city. The river is falling slowly.

The last rise in the Kentucky river will bring to this market about twelve thousand saw logs. Three thousand have been purchased by Ray & Connell, of Louisville; the rest, will be purchased by Dudley & Bro., and other lumber merchants of this city.

FC Apr. 15, 1870 - Story about the Boden Double Steam Valve - ... 187 explosions in the past 20 years on navigable waters.

FC May 20, 1870 - It is with regret that we learn that Mr. Sanford D. McBrayer, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Harrodsburg, Ky., was burned up in the terrific fire that recently consumed the steamer War Eagle and other property at La Crosse, Wisconsin. The fire which originated from a single barrel of oil was most rapid in its progress, and with its blinding smoke and flaming heat prevented the escape of Mr. McBrayer, who was on board the boat. His sudden and violent death is received by his fellow-citizens with deepest pain.

FC July 8, 1870 - The Great Boat Race. - The race between two steam boats, the R. E. Lee a Louisville built boat, and the Natches [sic] built in Cincinnati, from New Orleans to Cairo, says the Lexington Gazette, came off last week, amidst the greater excitement all along the river. Betting ran high and the interest was unabated so long as the contest lasted. The Lee won by one hour and four minutes, making the entire distance of one thousand miles in three days and half an hour. No accident happened to either boat, which is the best thing we could say on the subject. The Natchez had frequently bantered the Lee, and the old Captain of the latter could stand it no longer, so he gave him a race with the result indicated.

FC Aug. 12, 1870 - The steamer Silver Spray exploded her boilers in the Mississippi on Monday last destroying a large number of lives. The boat was utterly destroyed.

FC Nov. 18, 1870 - Mississippi Pilots. - The pilot-house of the Mississippi steamer is about thirty feet from the water. It commands a view on all sides, and affords the best outlook. Here one gets a better idea of the way a boat is managed than anywhere else. The wheel is ten feet in diameter, for the pilot must have a great power over the rudder; in threading the shifting, tortuous channel, this wheel is scarcely at rest for a moment. When in a hurry the pilot uses both hands and feet in setting it over, and often the rudder requires the aid of a reversed engine in order to turn the boat with sufficient rapidity. The boat has two engines, and at each is an engineer, ever on the look out for the order to back, to stop, to go ahead slow, and to go ahead strong. The pilot has two sets of bells for each engine. One set is used for stopping and starting only, the other set is used for conveying signals as to backing and going ahead. When the boat is in a difficult channel, and has to make numerous changes of her course, a stranger to a Mississippi steamer might suppose the pilot mad as a March hare. he puts his wheel to port and then to starboard, and is always in headlong haste; he rings one bell after another, with a quick, nervous touch of the rope; one wheel backs and the other goes ahead, and then vice versa; sometimes they turn slow and sometimes fast; you wonder whether the constant tinkling of bells down in the engine room won’t distract the engineers, and whether they can keep up their orders. - The pilot seems to have his hands more than full, but he never makes a mistake. At his feet is a spring, and when he sets his foot upon it a whistle, which is more like the cry of a lost soul, or the war-whoop of a hundred Commanches than like a steam whistle -announces that the Northwestern is coming. I have always wondered how these pilots could guide their boats through the intricate channels of the upper Mississippi in the night. Their pay is $250 per month. It requires an apprenticeship of several years before a certificate can be obtained.

FC Nov. 25, 1870 - The steamers Norman, Pine Bluff, and City of Evansville were burned at the wharf at Evansville on Tuesday last. The total loss is estimated at $200,000. A lady passenger, Mrs. Nora Wood, of Newsburg, was burned to death on the Norman.

FC Dec. 9, 1870 - Navigation has opened on the Kentucky river, the Dove No. 2, Capt. Sanders, with Marsh Woods, as clerk, arrived on Wednesday last and proceeded to Shaker Ferry. She leaves for Louisville to-day at 8 o’clock.

[No Yeoman papers were microfilmed on this roll for the year 1871-72]


FC Feb. 3, 1871 - The steamer W. R. Arthur, from New Orleans to Louisville, exploded her boilers near Memphis, on the 28th, tearing away the forward cabin and texas. The boat then took fire and burned until the bow sunk. The night was very dark, and in the confusion and terror that followed, about eighty lives were lost. The frequency of these steamboat disasters demands investigation and some precautionary measures that will better protect human life in the future. - Hardly a week has passed in the last four months, that boats have not been destroyed and lives and property lost. Humanity and reason demands that these alarming and distressing casualties be reduced in number by all the means at the command of the authorities and the people.


Yeoman Jan. 2, 1872 [sic 73] - The Steamer Gen. Buell’s hull was punctured by ice at Madison, Ind., last week, and sunk in four feet of water.

Yeoman Jan. 4, 1873 - Reopening of Navigation. - The Blue Wing Coming. - We are pleased to learn from that noted, most reliable and most popular steamboatman, Mr. Marsh Woods, that, as the rivers are now all rising, and as all the ice-gorges between Pittsburg and Louisville have been swept away by the recent thaw, navigation will now at least be resumed on the Ohio and its tributaries.

Mr. Woods also informs us, that the Blue Wing No. 3, will leave Louisville for this port, and Shaker’s Ferry, next Monday morning, and will arrive here the next evening.

The announcement of the reopening of navigation on the Kentucky river, after so long a suspension - a suspension, indeed, almost unprecedented in its duration - will be hailed with unusual satisfaction by the entire public of Central Kentucky, as well as by the merchants of Louisville and Cincinnati.

Yeoman Jan. 4 1873 - Steamboat Disasters of 1872.

Steamboat owners and river men generally will long remember 1872, as, financially, one of the most disastrous years they have ever gone through. Few have a credit on the right side of the ledger. The late opening of navigation in the upper rivers was ominous. An enormous crop that was to be moved gave bright hopes to steamboatmen, but early in the season low water set in and has continued. The larger boats had to lie up early in the summer and have continued in idleness since; or, in attempting to run, have done so at a loss. Notwithstanding the elements were against them, the past year has been noted as one in which the fiercest competition among steamers has taken place. On the Ohio, Lower Mississippi, and from St. Louis “opposition” has been rampant and many thousands of dollars have thus been lost.

Without estimating the destruction of boats at Cincinnati, by the breaking up of an ice-gorge, on the last days of the old year, the steamboat disasters by flood and fire on the Western rivers, during 1872, are thus summed up with their causes:


By striking hidden obstructions..... 26

By striking rocks (on rapids or elsewhere) 10

By striking snags or logs 20

By explosion 6

By fire -- steamers lost 14

By collision 16

By improper or overloading 3

By striking “a pile” of logs -- boat sunk 1

By collision of steamers with bridges 5

By running into the bank 1

By steamers or barges running on sand bar 5

Spring leak 7

Steamer run into by a raft of lumber and sunk 1

Steamers sunk by ice 25

By running on old steamboat wrecks 2

Property Lost On The Western Rivers During 1872.

On Ohio river $1,052,700

Upper Mississippi (above Cairo) 577,500

Lower Mississippi (below Cairo) 601,350

Arkansas river 163,000

Red river 104,150

White river 70,000

Missouri river 19,100

Illinois river 1,500

Black creek, Miss... 10,000

Ouachita river 8,000

Tennessee river 5,600

Kentucky river 4,000

West (?) river 2,000

Ft. Francis 3,000

Total 2,621,900

Loss of coal barges and coal principally

in the Ohio (estimated).. 300,000

Loss by miner steamboat and barge

accidents (estimated) 250,000

Loss of lumber rafts by bridges and floods 200,000

Grand total 3,371,900

Lives Lost On The Western Rivers During 1872

By explosion 58

By movements of ice 2

By sinking of boats 4

By apparatus’ of boat breaking while aground 1

By boat striking an obstruction 1

By falling overboard (low estimate) 365

Total 431

Yeoman Jan. 9, 1873 - River News. - The Blue Wing No. 3, Capt. Sanders, arrived at this port last evening at 6 o’clock; and, after a stay of two and a half hours, discharging and receiving freight, left at 8 1/2 o’clock for Shaker Ferry. The Blue Wing is the first boat of the season, after an almost unprecedented suspension of navigation, and she has been since Monday working her way through the ice from Louisville to this port.

Yeoman Jan. 9, 1873 - Death at Confirmation. - On Christmas Day, in Christ Church, Savannah, Georgia, Bishop Beckwith administered the rite of confirmation, in a class of ten, to Miss Lizzie Spencer, a most estimable young lady of that city, aged sixteen, and the daughter of Capt. W. H. Spencer, of the steam pilot service. Immediately after confirmation, Miss Spencer was stricken down in the church by heart disease, and died in the vestibule before she could be conveyed to her home. A few months before her mother died suddenly of the same disease.....

[The Yeoman was a tri-weekly paper until the Legislature met, during that period of time it became a daily paper]

Yeoman Jan. 10, 1873 - The Blue Wing No. 3, returned from Shaker Ferry yesterday, and owing to the rapid accumulation of ice in the river, consequent upon the intensily cold snap that set in night before last, was compelled to tie up here and await another thaw.

Yeoman Jan. 15, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is 5 feet in the channel, by the pier-mark and on a stand.

The Blue Wing No. 3, leaves to-day for Louisville. Returning she will leave that city on Thursday evening, and will probably arrive here on Friday afternoon, on route for Shaker Ferry.

The Dove No. 2, from Cincinnati, is expected to be in the trade between that city and this, in a few days.

Yeoman Jan. 16, 1873 - River News. - Unprecedented Trip. - The sternwheel tow-boat, Billy Parsons, arrived at this port yesterday from Parkersburg, West Virginia, en route for Red River Iron Works, having left the former place on the 1st November - two months and a half ago. The Billy Parsons is going to Red River Iron Works for the purpose of towing iron boats from that landing to Muddy Creek landing on Kentucky river.

The Blue Wing No. 3, left yesterday morning, at 8 o’clock, for Louisville.

The river at this point - half filled yesterday with floating ice - is still on a stand, with 5 feet in the channel by the mark on the bridge pillar.

Yeoman Jan. 17, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is 6 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier mark and at a stand.

The Blue Wing is, of course, still here, ice-bound. Intelligence was received here on yesterday, from both above and below, stating that all the locks were frozen up hard and fast. At Gratz, and other points below, people were crossing the river on the ice on foot and on horseback.

Yeoman Jan. 18, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point has risen eight or ten inches in the past two days. last night at dark it was six feet in the channel by the bridge pillar mark, and slowly rising.

The Dove, No. 2, from Cincinnati, which passed this city day before yesterday, on route for Shaker Ferry, had not, at 9 o’clock, returned though momentarily expected. Nor, at the same hour, had the Blue Wing returned from Louisville though several hours overdue.

Yeoman Jan. 20, 1873 - River News. - Up to 6 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, the river at this point was six and a half feet in the channel, and slowly rising.

The Blue Wing No. 3 arrived here from Louisville on Saturday morning, having been detained by a broken shaft.

Yeoman Jan. 21, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point last evening, at dark, was scant 6 feet in the channel, and slowly falling.

The Dove. No. 2 left yesterday morning for Cincinnati.

The Blue Wing No. 3 was still lying at our wharf last night at 9 o’clock waiting for her shaft which had been sent by mail to a Louisville foundry for repairs.

Yeoman Jan. 22, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is still on a stand, with 6 feet in the channel by the pier-mark. The Blue Wing’s shaft, it is now ascertained, will hardly be ready for use before next Saturday or Monday. A large tow of coal barges, from the Ohio river, is expected to arrive here by the last of the present week, or the first of next.

Yeoman Jan. 25, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is six and a half feet in the channel, and at a stand.

Yesterday, at 12 M., the tow-boat Tiger arrived from Cincinnati with two barges of Pittsburg coal, for Black & Chinn.

At the same hour the steamer Daniel Boone, from Cincinnati, arrived, and after discharging her freight, left about 3 P.M., on her return trip.

George B. Macklin & Co. expect to receive a tow of coal barges between this and Monday.

Yeoman Jan. 25, 1873 - The tow boat Tiger arrived to-day with two barges of Coal for Black & Chinn, and returned to the mouth of the river for two more barges for the same firm.

Yeoman Jan. 25, 1873 - The passenger [boat] Daniel Boone arrived to-day from Cincinnati. We hear she will be permanently in the Kentucky river trade. She landed below the railroad bridge, as she could not lower her chimnies.

Yeoman Jan. 28, 1873 - River News. - The river is on a stand with 7 feet in the channel by the pier-mark. The Blue Wing having received her shaft, and put it in, left last evening for Oregon Landing, and will return from there this evening, and leave here on Wednesday morning for Louisville. Returning she will leave Louisville on Thursday evening, for this place and Shaker Ferry.

The tow-boat Tiger arrived last evening with two barges Pittsburg coal for Black & Chinn.

The tow-boat Longfellow, was looked for hourly last evening, with a tow of coal for Geo. B. Macklin, and presume she will be found at the coal landing this morning.

Yeoman Jan. 29, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point at dark last evening was 6 1/2 feet in the channel by the bridge-mark, and slowly falling. Six ribs of Lock No. 3 - the lower lock gate - were broken yesterday by the pressure of the water, which will prevent any boats passing until the lock is repaired, and this will take probably three or four days.

Yeoman Jan. 30, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point last evening, at dark, was a little over 7 feet in the channel by the bridge-mark. It was frozen over, but not so thick that the boats could not make their way through it; though if the cold then prevailing continues, everything is likely to be frozen up by this evening.

The Blue Wing came down yesterday, with a good freight from Shaker Ferry, but concluded to tie up here until Lock No. 3, below, is repaired. The tow boat Longfellow, with a lot of hands to work on said lock, left here yesterday.

Yeoman Jan. 31, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point was less than 6 feet in the channel at dark last evening, and slowly falling. As however, the weather is moderating, and a thaw probable in a few days, we may hope for another rise in a short time.

Yeoman Feb. 4, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point last evening at dark, was 6 feet in the channel by the bridge-mark, and slowly swelling. No further intelligence from the repairs going on at Lock No. 3, though it is believed that boats will be able to pass through to-day; in which event the Blue Wing No. 3, so long detained here by the breaking of the Lock, will leave at once for Louisville.

Yeoman Feb. 5, 1873 - River News. - The river is now on a stand with 6 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier-mark. The ice has entirely disappeared, and navigation is now open to the mouth of the Kentucky river. The lock gate at No. 3 has been repaired, and is now in good order for the passage of boats. The tow boat Longfellow left for the mouth of Kentucky river on Monday for a tow of coal barges for this city, and will be back probably late this evening or early to-morrow.

The Blue Wing No. 3, in command of Capt. Sam. Sanders, with Geo. M. Woods in the office, will leave for Louisville this morning at 8 o’clock. Returning, she will leave Louisville on Thursday evening, for this city and all way landings.

From the Carrollton Democrat we learn that quite a number of steamers took refuge in the mouth of the Kentucky from the ice in the Ohio river, early last week, where they remained the rest of the week. So soon as the Ohio opens the Democrat says the shipments of tobacco from that county will be very active.

Yeoman Feb. 6, 1873 - River News. - The river is on a stand, with 6 1/4 feet in channel, by the pier-mark. The Blue Wing No. 3, departed for Louisville yesterday morning, at 8 o’clock. The Dove No. 2, with Capt. Robert Humphrey in command and William Larling in the office, will leave for Cincinnati and all way landings on Friday morning at 8 o’clock, A.M. The Dove has permanently entered in the Cincinnati trade, and will in the future, make regular trips. She will leave Cincinnati on Monday evening for Shaker Ferry and all way landings.

Yeoman Feb. 6, 1873 - The Ohio river is open to navigation from Pittsburg to Cairo, and the Mississippi from St. Louis to New Orleans.

Yeoman Feb. 12, 1873 - River News. - The river is on a stand with 6 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Dove No. 2 arrived at 4 o’clock last evening and departed for Shaker Ferry. The Dove will leave for Cincinnati this evening in command of Capt. Robt. Humphrey, with Wm. Darling in the office. The Blue Wing arrived from Louisville last evening at 6 o’clock, and left at 8 o’clock for Shaker Ferry. She will return from Shaker Ferry and leave for Louisville on Thursday evening, at 4 o’clock.

The tow-boat Longfellow arrived last evening with a tow of Pittsburg coal for G. B. Macklin.

Yeoman Feb. 13, 1873 - River News. - The river is rising slowly, with 6 3/4 feet in the channel by the pier mark.

The tow-boat Longfellow arrived yesterday from Carrolton with a tow of Pittsburg coal for G. B. Macklin.

The Blue Wing No. 3, in command of Capt. Samuel Sanders, with G. M. Woods in the office, will be found (D. V.) at the wharf this morning, and will leave for Louisville at 4 o’clock this evening. The Blue Wing will, in future, leave on her regular days of Tuesday and Friday morning, at 8 o’clock, for Louisville, and will arrive from Louisville every Thursday and Sunday evenings.

Yeoman Feb. 14, 1873 - River News. - The river is rising slowly, with full 7 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

From the officers of the Blue Wing No. 3, we learn that the river is rising slowly at Shaker Ferry, and will probably swell the river here some two or three feet more.

The Dove. No. 2 arrived on yesterday morning early from Shaker Ferry, and after having discharged several hundred sacks of wheat here for the Valley Mills, left at 9 o’clock for Cincinnati. The Blue Wing arrived at noon on yesterday, from Shaker Ferry, and after discharging a lot of whisky and what for for the Valley Mills, left at 4 o’clock for Louisville.

The tow-boat Longfellow left early yesterday morning with a tow of six flat boats, containing about six hundred tons of pig iron from the Red River Iron Works, for Messrs. Geo. s. Moon & co., of Louisville . Capt. Claxton of the Longfellow, expects to arrive at Louisville on Saturday morning and will return to Carrollton for a tow of cannel coal for Messrs. Black & Chinn, and Geo. B. Macklin, of this city.

Yeoman Feb. 18, 1873 - Flood in the Ohio. - Dispatches received here of yesterday from Cincinnati and Louisville, indicate an extraordinary flood in the Ohio. At 10 A.M., there was a depth of 42 feet in the channel at Cincinnati, and the river was still rising rapidly. Great damage has already been done to coal fleets on the upper Ohio, and extensive destruction to property throughout the whole valley of the Ohio and its tributaries, was considered imminent.

Yeoman Feb. 18, 1873 - River News. - The river commenced falling yesterday morning and up to 6 o’clock last evening had fallen near 2 feet, leaving 12 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Dove No. 2, that left Cincinnati on Saturday evening, and the Blue Wing No. 3, which left Louisville on the same evening, and both of which were due here on Sunday evening had not arrived at dark last evening. It is supposed they cannot pass through Cedar Lock, and there is not sufficient water to pass over the dam. The tow-boat Longfellow arrived at Louisville on Sunday morning safely, with her tow of six boats of pig iron, and is now at Carrollton, waiting for the river to fall in order to bring a tow of cannel coal to this place.

Yeoman Feb. 18, 1873 - Wreck of Flat-Boat or Barge. - Yesterday morning, the wreck of a flat-boat or barge passed down the river by this city, which was supposed to be the wreck of one of the barges used in the transportation of pig-iron from the works above to this city and Louisville.

Yeoman Feb. 19, 1873 - River News. - The river, at this point, at 6 o’clock last evening, was falling slowly, with scant 11 feet in the channel by the pier mark.

The Blue Wing, Capt. Sanders, with Marsh Woods in the office, and the Dove, Capt. Humphreys, with W. Darling in the office, both arrived here last evening about 6 o’clock, with good trips; and after discharging freight for this city, left during the night for Shaker Ferry. They were detained below at Lock No. 2, two days by the high water. Returning, the Blue Wing will leave Frankfort on Thursday, at 2 P.M., for Louisville. The Dove will leave this city on the same day, at 1 p.m., for Cincinnati.

Yeoman Feb. 19, 1873 - Disaster Caused By The Freshet At Pittsburg. - During the heavy rise in the Monongahela at Pittsburg, on Monday last, several coal fleets broke loose and were swept away to sudden destruction - knocking to pieces several fine tow-boats before they went down. Over a hundred coal boats were lost; and the dispatches say, that altogether, it is the heaviest river disaster ever experienced at Pittsburg. Only three lives were lost.

Yeoman Feb. 19, 1873 - The steamer Henry A. Jones, plying between Galveston and Houston, Texas, was burned at Redfish Bar, last Thursday with 48 persons on board, only 27 were saved.

Yeoman Feb. 21, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point, last evening, at dark, had but 9 feet of water in the channel by the pier-mark, and was still falling - having receded a foot and a half in the preceding 24 hours. It will not probably have more than 8 feet by noon to-day.

The Blue Wing arrived from Shaker Ferry yesterday with a good freight list of wheat, &c.; and left at 2 P.M., for Louisville.

The Dove extended her trip above Shaker Ferry, to Munday’s Landing for a lot of 700 sacks red wheat for the Valley Mills of this city, and in consequence of this detention had not arrived here at 8 o’clock last evening. She will probably arrive during the night, and leave for Cincinnati early in the morning.

Yeoman Feb. 22, 1873 - Sinking of the Steamer Dove No. 2, In Kentucky River. - On Thursday evening the 20th inst., about 7 o’clock, as the Dove No. 2, Capt. Humphreys was descending the river from Shaker Ferry to this city, with a heavy cargo of wheat and other freight, when about one mile below Lock No. 5, she struck a snag on the starboard side of her hull, forward of the boilers, and the current being very strong at that point, she swung around to the north bank of the river, and there settled to the bottom, with the water over her cabin guards on the larboard side, while on the starboard side next to the bank, there are about three feet of water over the main guards. The boat careened considerably, but it is thought that, when the water falls, she can be raised. Her cargo consisted in part of 1,700 sacks of wheat, for Sibley, French & Co., of Cincinnati, and 700 sacks for J. W. Hunt Reynolds & Son, of the Valley Mills, of this city - all of which will, of course, be damaged, as nearly all of it was under water.

The Dove is a Cincinnati and Kentucky river packet, and is fully insured in that city, while a part of her cargo is insured in this city; the remainder in Cincinnati offices. No lives were lost. The Captain and crew remained at the boat in order to save all they possibly could. The boat was valued at $15,000.

Yeoman Feb. 26, 1873 - River News. - The river is falling slowly, with 8 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Blue Wing arrived yesterday at noon from Shaker Ferry, with a full cargo, and left for Louisville at 4 o’clock in the evening.

The officers of the Blue Wing report no change in the condition of the Dove, but think that after the water falls a little more, the boat can be raised without a great deal of trouble. So soon as the water falls sufficiently, efforts will be made to raise her.

Yeoman Feb. 27, 1873 - Old John Robinson’s Great Traveling World’s Exhibition, now at Cincinnati, is coming by a special fleet of steamers built for the purpose, up the Kentucky river on a special visit to Frankfort, sometime during the coming circus and menagerie season. Of course, both the circus and menagerie of Old Johannes are the greatest and best of their kind in the world.

Yeoman Feb. 27, 1873 - River News. - The river is falling slowly with 6 3/4 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The tow-boat, Longfellow, arrived last evening from the sunken boat, Dove, and reports that the diver has stopped the hole in the hull, and only awaits pumping out to raise her. The syphons of the Longfellow were of not sufficient capacity to pump her out, and a large 10 inch marine pump has been telegraphed for at Cincinnati, and as soon as it arrives, the tow-boat will return to the Dove and endeavor to pump her out. Capt. Richards and the diver, Mr. Burriss, think that the boat can be raised as soon as the pump arrives and is put in operation.

The Blue Wing left Louisville for this place last evening, and will return from here this evening or in the morning, as Capt. Sanders telegraphed that he would make a short trip.

Yeoman Feb. 27, 1873 - River News. - The river is about on a stand with 7 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The tow-boat Longfellow left yesterday morning for the sunken steamer Dove with Captain Dan Richards, the celebrated boat-wrecker, and Mr. Burriss, the submarine diver, for the purpose of attempting to raise the boat, which they think they can do if the river does not rise too fast on them. They took men and sufficient material for al their operations, and we hope to hear soon of their complete success.

Yeoman Mar. 5, 1873 - River News. - The river is falling slowly, with scant 5 feet 9 inches in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Blue Wing arrived last evening at 6 o’clock, with a fair freight, and after having transferred a marine pump to the tow-boat Longfellow, left for Shaker Ferry, at 8 o’clock. She will return from Shaker Ferry and leave for Louisville on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 P.M.

the tow-boat Longfellow, after receiving a large ten inch steam marine pump, that will throw two 10 inch streams of water at a time, with Capt. Cassius Claxon in command, and Capt. Dan’l Richards to superintend the work, together with a large number of hands and material, left at 7 1/2 o’clock last evening for the sunken steamer Dove, for the purpose of attempting to pump her out, and set her afloat again, which they hope to accomplish to-day. We wish them success.

Yeoman Mar. 6, 1873 - River News. - The river here is 5 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier-mark. The Daniel Boone, from Cincinnati, arrived last night at 8 o’clock, and will leave this morning for Shaker Ferry at 7. No further news from the Dove; but it is presumed, that she will be successfully raised to-day or to-morrow, as the stage of water is favorable, and an ample force is at work.

Yeoman Mar. 7, 1873 - Yesterday, though still cool, was not so wintry as other of the five preceding days of this, so far, mere normal spring month of March. The winter of ‘72-’73, having appropriated the whole of the last month of autumn, but laid violent hands on the first month of spring. In a word, we can never cease to wonder at the extraordinary severity of the winter with which we have now been afflicted nearly four months and a half, until the heavy headed old monster dies and is buried out of sight.

Yeoman Mar. 7, 1873 - River News. - The river is still falling slowly, with 5 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Blue Wing arrived from Oregon Landing Wednesday night, with a fair freight list, and left on yesterday evening, at 2o’clock, for Louisville. She will leave Louisville on Saturday evening and arrive here on Sunday.

The tow-boat Longfellow arrived on Wednesday night from the sunken boat Dove, and we learn from Capt. Claxon that he pumped her out with the big marine pump in a short time after he got ready, and then attempted to pull her off the bank, but was unable to do so, as there were some logs laying outside the hull of the Dove that prevented. He thinks that as all the wheat has been taken out of the hold, as soon as the river rises three or four feet, the boat can be set afloat.

Yeoman Mar. 10, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point on Saturday evening at dark was at a stand, with 5 1/2 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Daniel Boone arrived in the forenoon of Saturday from Shaker Ferry, and left soon afterwards for Cincinnati. She was loaded down to the guards with a cargo of wheat for Sibley, French & Co. of that city.

Yeoman Mar. 19, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is still at a stand, with six feet in the channel by the pier mark.

The Blue Wing left for Louisville yesterday morning with a good freight.

We are glad to be able to announce that Capt. Robert Humphrey and Capt. Dan. Richards have at last succeeded in raising the Dove No. 2, which was snagged and sunk on the 19th February, about twelve miles above this city. She was towed down by the Blue Wing yesterday morning, and now lies at our wharf looking but little the worse for her four weeks semi-submersion. So soon as an engineer arrives, steam will be raised, and she will be taken to Madison, hauled out on the marine ways, and put in good order again.

Yeoman Mar. 20, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is still at a stand, with about 6 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Dove No. 2, having received her engineer, night before last, got up steam yesterday morning and left about 10 o’clock, for Madison, Ind., where she will be immediately placed on the marine ways for the repair of her hull.

Yeoman Apr. 1, 1873 - A Valuable Invention. - We have had the pleasure of meeting in this city Mr. G. W. Parsons, of Ceredo, in West Virginia, near the mouth of the Big Sandy, who has visited Frankfort for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the members of the Legislature and our practical business men, a very valuable improvement invented by him in slack-water navigation. It consists of a self-acting patent lock, by means of which boats pass with far greater ease and rapidity than through the ordinary locks such as are in use on the Kentucky river. The cost of the lock is far less than the old one, and the water being let in on the _____ gate principle, there is no danger of the lock chamber ever being obstructed with ______. Mr. Parsons proposes to give an exhibition of the working of his model to-day, at 11 o’clock, in the branch just above the barge at the Devil’s Elbow. Mr. Parsons has a small model steam-boat, such as was on exhibition at the Louisville Exposition last fall and will be able to show the practical working of his invention, and the exhibition will be very interesting as well as instructive.

Yeoman Apr. 16, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point was at a stand last evening at dark, with 6 feet 9 inches in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Blue Wing No. 3, left yesterday morning for Louisville, at her regular hour.

The tow-boat Longfellow, which brought up the day before from Carrollton 3 barges of coal for Black & Chinn, and 2 for G. B. Macklin, also left on her return trip to Carrollton yesterday morning.

Yeoman Apr. 16, 1873 - Bloody Affray in Henry County - The K. K. Outlaws Get The Worst of it at Guestville. - We learn from the officers of the steamers Blue Wing and Longfellow, that on last Friday night a band of some eight or ten masked outlaws visited the house of Mr. Richard Williams, at Buestville, on the Kentucky river, in Henry county, for the purpose of punishing him and his nephew, Mr. George Frederick, for refusing to obey their orders previously communicated to them in Ku-Klux form, not to engage in certain lines of business at that place - the first as a grocery keeper, and the other as a teacher. It was subsequently ascertained that the leader of the gang himself a school master, and one of his men a grocery keeper in the vicinity.....

Yeoman Apr. 17, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point at dark last evening, was 6 feet 3 inches in the channel by the pier-mark, and slowly falling. There were no arrivals or departures of streamers at this port yesterday.

Yeoman Apr. 18, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point is still slowly falling with barely 6 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The Blue Wing No. 3, Captain Sanders, with Mash Woods in the office, arrived from Louisville yesterday morning. She will leave on her regular trip this morning at her usual hour - 8 o’clock.

Yeoman Apr. 19, 1873 - River News. - The river here is at a stand with six feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

The little stern-wheel Billy Parsons, arrived here yesterday morning from Red River Iron Works, where she has been employed all winter. The Parsons is probably the smallest stern-wheeler afloat. It is neither as long nor as broad, by many feet, as one of Macklin’s ordinary coal-barges lying by it yesterday. The Parsons is en route for Carrollton at the mouth of the river.

Yeoman Apr. 22, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point has but 5 feet 9 inches in the channel by the pier-mark and is still slowly falling.

The Blue Wing No. 3, returned from Louisville on Sunday and extended her trip to Shaker Ferry from which place she returned to this city yesterday afternoon. She will leave this morning for Louisville at her usual hour.

Yeoman Apr. 26, 1873 - River News. - River is 5 3/4 feet in the channel by pier-mark. The Blue Wing left yesterday morning for Louisville on her regular semi-weekly trip.

Yeoman Apr. 29, 1873 - River News. - River last evening still at a stand with a little less than 6 feet in the channel by the pier-mark.

As however, the rains of the preceding 24 hours were heavy, and apparently general, we may look for considerable rise before our next issue.

The Blue Wing No. 3 in command of Capt. Sanders and Mr. Marsh Woods, in the office, arrived last evening from Shaker Ferry, and will leave this morning for Louisville at her usual hour - 8 o’clock.

Yeoman May 1, 1873 - River News. - There has been a slight rise in the river since our last report; it had about 7 feet in the channel last evening at dark, and was still slowly rising.

The Billy Parsons leaves for the mouth of the river and Pittsburg to-day. The Longfellow arrived with a tow of coal for Black & Chinn on Tuesday. There being at present no Pittsburg coal at Cincinnati, the Longfellow will not return to that port until intelligence of a further arrival of coal there from Pittsburg is telegraphed.

Yeoman May 6, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point last evening at dark was nine feet three inches in the channel by the pier-mark, and apparently at a stand.

The Blue Wing 3 arrived yesterday from Shaker Ferry and will leave this morning at 8 o’clock on her regular Tuesday trip to Louisville.

Yeoman May 8, 1873 - River News. - ...river at 7 1/2 arrivals or departures at his port yesterday.

Yeoman May 10, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point rose to the figure “X” on the bridge pillar yesterday at noon; but, during the afternoon, receded about three inches, leaving at dark about nine feet nine inches in the channel.

Yesterday and the day before five barges of Kentucky coal arrived here from above, and will probably be retailed by the owners --the bargemen---quite a number of whom were on the streets last evening. A good many rafts of saw-logs have also come down the river within the last five or six days, and the raftsmen and barge-men together have made the upper part of Main street quite lively for the last day or two. Frankfort is always glad to see them, and the more the merrier.

Yeoman May 13, 1873 - River News. - During Saturday and Sunday the river at this point continued to rise until it reached the figure “XI” (feet) on the bridge pillar, but subsequently began to recede slowly, and, up to dark last evening, had fallen to a little below 10 feet in the channel by the same mark, and was still slowly falling.

Up to the time of writing this - 8 o’clock, last evening, the steamer Blue Wing had not returned from her usual weekly trip to Shaker Ferry. She will probably arrive during the night, and leave on her regular trip to Louisville some time to-day.

Yeoman May 17, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point, last evening at dark, was 6 3/4 feet in the channel by the pier-mark, and falling slowly.

The Blue Wing left yesterday morning for Louisville on her regular Friday trip.

The tow-boat, Longfellow, arrived yesterday, from Cincinnati with five coal barges in tow for Black and Chinn, Berry & Co., and other consignees.

Yeoman May 20, 1873 - Shad In The Kentucky River. - On Sunday morning, as the steamer Blue Wing was coming through Lock No. 2, a number of real Potomac Shad were caught by some of the officers and employees of the boat. At first it was not known what kind of fish it was until it was recognized by the steward, who formerly lived in Washington City, as the genuine Potomac Shad. To Marsh Woods, the clever clerk, we are indebted for a specimen, and having enjoyed it for breakfast yesterday, are enabled to give our own testimony to the fact that there are shad in the Kentucky River. It is possible that the roe of an imported shad may have found its way into the river and thus have originated the stock, as we have never heard of any systematic effort to introduce the fish in our Western waters, and it is hardly probable that they could have found their way up from the sea. It was announced this spring, that shad had been caught at the Falls at Louisville, and we hope this additional discovery is evidence that our rivers are to be fully equipped with this excellent article of food.

Yeoman May 20, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point, last evening at dark, was about 6 feet in channel by the pier-mark, and at a stand.

The Blue Wing will leave on her regular Tuesday trip to Louisville this morning, at 8 o’clock.

The Richmond Register, of the 16th inst., says: The recent heavy rains have so swollen the Kentucky River as to cause an excellent boating tide for two or three weeks past. The people in the mountain counties have been much benefitted and large quantities of coal, lumber and iron have been carried below. The returning boatmen have passed this place, and report a safe landing of all their barges, with scarcely a single accident.

Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen of this city accompanied Capt. Sanders on the Blue Wing’s last trip up the river on a pleasant excursion to Shaker Ferry, returning last evening.

Yeoman May 27, 1873 - River News. - After our last report which was up to Friday evening - 7 o’clock, the river at this point rose until there was a “tide” of considerably over ten feet water in the locks. On Sunday, however, it began to fall, and continued receding until, at dark last evening, there was only seven feet ten inches in the channel, by the pier-mark, and still slowly falling.

The Blue Wing came down yesterday from her weekly trip to Shaker Ferry with a fair cargo of wheat, brooms, hogs, &c., and will leave this morning at her usual hour - 8 o’clock - for Louisville. The tow boat Longfellow is also at the wharf.

Yeoman May 31, 1873 - River News. - The river at this point at dark last evening, had only about 6 1/2 feet of water in the channel by the pier-mark and was still slowly falling.

The Blue Wing left yesterday morning for Louisville, and will return to-morrow on route to Shaker Ferry. The tow-boat Longfellow, is still at the wharf, where her chimneys &c. have just taken on a new coat of paint.


Yeoman Dec. 28, 1875 - River News. - Bad News. - We learn that the dam at Lock No. 1 on Kentucky river - the first Lock above the mouth - was washed away last Friday by a freshet caused by the sudden swelling of the streams tributary to the Kentucky below this city. This unexpected casualty will lead to the suspension of navigation in this river for several months - that is until the dam is replaced, which, we understand, will take five or six months. We are glad to learn that all our coal dealers have on hand a good supply of coal, and that, therefore, this suspension of navigation will not be likely to cause an advance in the price of that so far not wholly indispensable article. It is just possible, too, that there may be a big rise in the Ohio, causing backwater above the first Lock, in which case navigation would be temporarily, at least, resumed.


Yeoman Jan. 1, 1876 - River News. - The Kentucky river is falling slowly with, 10 1/2 feet water in the channel. The Dove No. 2 has entered the Cincinnati and Kentucky river trade, and arrived last evening from Cincinnati and left for Shaker Ferry. She will return and leave for Cincinnati on Monday next, in charge of Capt. Freeman. The Eureka will remain in the Louisville and Kentucky river trade, in command of Captain Sam. Sanders, and Geo. M. Woods in the office. She will leave for Louisville this morning, at 10 o’clock, and returning will leave Louisville on Monday morning.

The washing out of part of dam No. 1 will not interrupt navigation during the winter, as there will be plenty of water for the small boats to run until the water in the Ohio gets very low. When the water gets too low freight will be shipped over dam No. 1, as two boats will remain above the dam and connect below with the Blue Wing and Belle for Cincinnati or Louisville.

Yeoman Feb. 5, 1876 - Kentucky River News. - Since the late booming tide, the Kentucky river, at this point, has receded until now it stands at 8 1/2 feet by the pier-mark on the County Bridge. So soon as the late heavy snows begin to melt, we may expect another considerable rise, though not quite so high as that of ten or twelve days ago.

During the late tide, some sixty old rafts of saw-logs, together with two or three boat loads of sawed lumber, have arrived hear [sic] from the mountains - having been brought hither by the hardy sons of Estill, Breathitt, Owsley, and other counties in that quarter. Among the rafts are 300 walnut logs, brought down by Mr. Linton for Kerr & Satterwhite of Indianapolis, and 150 brought down by Mr. Barnes for William C. Fitts, of Cincinnati. The coming of these rafts and boats in this rise shows what would be an every day thing, not only here at Frankfort, but also at Louisville if the navigation of the Kentucky river was made what it ought to be and what requires only a little judicious and comparatively inexpensive legislation to bring about. As was remarked the other day by one of the most accomplished scientists and statesmen of the West: “At moderate cost, the Kentucky river might be made the main artery of that vast mineral and forest wealth of the State which is at present almost wholly undeveloped and which is destined at some day to make Kentucky one of the richest and most populous States in the Union.”

The Dove from Cincinnati and the Eureka from Louisville arrived here yesterday evening, and left soon afterwards for Shaker Ferry. They will both return this evening and will leave tomorrow evening for Cincinnati and Louisville respectively at 8 o’clock.

Yeoman Feb. 9, 1876 - River News. - The Kentucky river is rising slowly with scant 9 feet water in the channel. The tow-boat Longfellow arrived from Carrollton with a tow of coal on Monday evening and yesterday morning took a barge of Pittsburgh coal to R_py & Vandyke’s distillery above lock No. 5, and returning at noon, proceeded to Carrollton for another tow of coal for this market. The Eureka arrived from Louisville last evening with a fair freight, and will return this morning, at 8 ‘clock, in command of Capt. Sam’l Sanders, with Geo. M. Woods in the office.

Yeoman Feb. 12, 1876 - River News. - The Kentucky river is rising slowly at this point, with nine feet water in the channel. The Dove arrived from Shaker Ferry last evening, and her officers report the river rising all the way down. The Eureka arrived last evening from Louisville, and departed for Shaker Ferry. Her officers report heavy rain yesterday morning, and the river rising from Carrollton up. The Dove, in command of Capt. Ben F. Freeman, with S. D. Weatherford in the office, will leave for Cincinnati to-morrow morning, at 7 o’clock.

The Eureka, in command of Capt. Sam’l Sanders, with Geo. M. Woods in the office, will leave for Louisville to-morrow (Sunday) morning, at 8 o’clock. The tow-boat Longfellow arrived from Lockport with two barges of Raymond City coal yesterday evening and returned for two more. She has six barges of Raymond city and Pittsburg coal at Lockport, to be brought here and a part taken to points above.


FRAB Jan. 24, 1880 - The steamer Valley brought six hundred sacks of wheat down the river Thursday night and unloaded them at the city wharf. She has about as much business as she can attend to now.

FRAB Feb. 7, 1880 - The steamer Valley brought up 800 sacks of corn last Sunday.

FRAB Mar. 6, 1880 - The steamer Valley came up Thursday afternoon with a barge in tow heavily laden with grain and other freight.

FRAB Nov. 20, 1880 - The steamer Canary No. 2, Capt. Sam Sanders, surprised the natives by putting in an appearance on the Belle Point wharf Wednesday. She left Thursday for Cincinnati.


FRAB Nov. 20, 1886 - The favorite Kentucky river packet, the tidy steamer Blue Wing, having had a thorough overhauling and righting up at Madison, has resumed her regular trips, leaving Louisville Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 p.m., returning leaving Frankfort Wednesdays and Saturdays, arriving at 7 o’clock. She will be at the city wharf this evening, the 20th, bright as a new dollar, ready for passengers and freight bound down the Kentucky with Capt. Geo. W. Anderson in command. The Blue Wing cuisine is famous for its elegance and sustantial square qualitie; for reference see Capt. James Shaw on the hurrican [sic - no e] roof and Capt. Benjamin Freeman at the wheel. The merchants of Frankfort and the business men in the county should bear in mind that it is their duty to sustain the competition. Steamboats and steamboatmen can’t live on air and water alone.

FRAB Nov. 20, 1886 - We are grieved to hear our friend, Sid Douthitt, of the Blue Wing, is in bad health, all for the love of a gal that lives at the mouth of Big Twin.


FRAB Jan. 22, 1887 - As the tow boat Houston Combs, No. 2, was passing under the St. Clair street bridge, on Tuesday last, by some mistake the smoke stacks were not lowered and coming in contact with the timbers of the bridge were torn from their places and thrown into the river, carrying a portion of the boat’s deck railing with them.

FRAB Feb. 5, 1887 - Narrow Escape of the Steamer Hibernia. - We clip the following from the Louisville Courier-Journal of Thursday, February 3, giving an account of the narrow escape of the Hibernia, from destruction. It will be seen that Capt. Sandy V. Pence’s coolness and presence of mind alone saved his boat from destruction. The captain’s run of luck has seemed to be against him for some time, and we hope this indicates a change for the better. Here is the item:

The Steamer Hibernia narrowly escaped being burned yesterday afternoon about five o’clock. She was returning to this city from a successful trip up the Kentucky river. When about ten miles from here the dense fog which gathered on the river overtook her. Capt. Pence, her commander, concluded to permit the boat to drift with the current until the fog cleared away, thinking it would soon do so. The roustabouts, who had been working in the rain all day, hung their wet clothing over the boilers to dry. Suddenly a convulsive tremor shook the boat from stern to stern, and it was ascertained that she had grounded at Barmore’s old shipyard, in Jeffersonville. The Captain had hardly ordered the bow-line made fast to the shore, before a bright sheet of flame shot up from above the boilers and ignited the frail wood work on the boiler deck. In an instant all was bustle and confusion. Terrified passengers rushed hither and thither in their frantic efforts to escape. The Captain alone retained his presence of mind. He hastily turned a hose upon the fire, and in a very short time it was extinguished. The loss will not exceed $50. The fire originated from the wet coats which were hung over the boilers to dry. As the fog did not lift the boat was tied up on the Jeffersonville shore, where she remained until this morning.

FRAB Mar. 12, 1887 - The steamer Hibernia passed up the river on Sunday last loaded down to her guards with a miscellaneous cargo, and returned to Louisville Monday with a big trip.

FRAB Mar. 12, 1887 - The Grace Morris went up the river on Sunday with a big barge of corn, and returned with 300 barrels of whisky.

FRAB Mar. 12, 1887 - Capt. John Abrahams, one of the owners of the steamer Grace Morris, who is a candidate for the Legislature in Henry county, met with a painful accident at Harper’s Ferry, in that county, on Saturday. He was kicked in the face by a horse, breaking his jaw-bone and knocking out several of his teeth. He will be confined to the house several weeks.

FRAB Mar. 19, 1887 - Capt. Geo. W. Anderson has traded the Blue Wing for the Fanny Fern, a boat of greater speed and carrying capacity. The Fern is a new boat, having been built last fall, and will make her first trip up to this city [Frankfort] to-day. Capt. Anderson has made a good trade as the Blue Wing was too slow and too small to accommodate her trade. [this Fern not in Ways]

FRAB Apr. 2, 1887 - The steamer Hibernia made a trip up the Ohio to Augusta, the first of the week, and brought down the convicts, mules and carts, which Messrs. Mason & Foard Co. have been working there on the Covington and Big Sandy Railroad, together with camp equipages, &c. the contract having been completed. She arrived here Thursday afternoon, discharged her freight, and left yesterday morning on her regular trip to Louisville.

FRAB Apr. 2, 1887 - The force of convicts, carts &c. brought up on the Hibernia Thursday afternoon was sent to Shelby county yesterday morning to work on Section 41, of the Louisville Southern Railroad.

FRAB Apr. 9, 1887 - River. - The steamer Hibernia left for Louisville on Friday with a good trip. S. V. Pence, Master; W. F. Belser, 1st clerk.

Mr. Jack Long is agent for the Steamer Hibernia in this place [Frankfort], and will be glad to furnish any information to shippers in regard to her.

Mr. William F. Belser, first clerk on the steamer Hibernia, has returned to his post of duty after attending the funeral of his cousin, William Frickee, who died in Nashville. He belonged to the U. S. Mail service, and stood 100 in his examination. Was a member of Knights of honor and Knights of Pythias, and also a member of all railroad orders. He was buried with all the honors due one so worthy, and was beloved by all who knew him.

FRAB Apr. 9, 1887 - Capt. John E. Abrams, of the steamer Grace Morris, was nominated for the Legislature in Henry county, over Hon. W. P. Thorne, on Saturday, by a majority of 393. Mr. Thorne represented the county in the last Legislature and sought and endorsement.

FRAB Apr. 9, 1887 - It is believed by some that a large amount of money lies buried somewhere near Lock No. 4, placed there by early settlers, two brothers, one of whom was killed by Indians and the other frightened away. He afterwards came back, but had lost his eye-sight and could tell no one the exact spot where the treasure was buried. Every spring one of our old citizens goes down and digs for it.

FRAB Apr. 9, 1887 - The lower mitre sill of Lock No. 4 having been undermined by the high water this spring, the snag boat Kentucky will pump out the lock pit in a few days so that the damage can be repaired.

FRAB May 7, 1887 - The steamer Grace Morris will run an excursion from Oregon to this city [Frankfort] on Tuesday next, to enable the people of that section to attend Barrett’s Circus, which exhibits in this city, on that day.

FRAB May 28, 1887 - We are glad to say that the steamer Grace Morris, Capt. Preston, is doing a booming business this season. her officers and owners are all clever and reliable gentlemen.

FRAB Jun. 4, 1887 - The steamers Blue Wing and Hibernia came near colliding on the Ohio river Friday night, on account of mistaken signals.

FRAB Jul. 9, 1887 - The steamer Hibernia arrived on Sunday afternoon with an excursion party for Oregon, returning arrived in Frankfort, on Monday the Fourth of July. It was composed of a large number of Owen county people.

FRAB Jul. 16, 1887 - The steamer Grace Morris, with the elegant barge, Annie, gave the first of their free excursions to the sick and poor children of this city [Frankfort], on Wednesday evening. About one hundred and eighty persons enjoyed the benefits of the liberality of the owners of the Morris. The excursion went up the river as far as Clifton, returning about 8 1/2 o’clock. All who went express themselves as deeply grateful to those who gave the excursion. The Morris has done a graceful and worthy thing, for which the charitable will give them due credit.

FRAB Jul. 16, 1887 - The Free Excursion. - Editor Roundabout: The excursion tendered by the owners of the Grace Morris to the sick and children of Frankfort, came off last Wednesday. Promptly at 4 p.m. the beautiful little steamer, with her palace barge, Annie, in tow, shoved off from the Custom House wharf, stopping at Macklin’s wharf to take on the string band, then proceeded up the river as far as Clifton. The trip was enjoyed by all. There was not even a harsh word spoken to mar the happiness of those on board; and from the number complaining of hunger on the return, it must have been an appetizer. All expressed themselves as delighted, and thankful to the generous owners of the boat for their kindness.

In behalf of the committee, I hereby tender our thanks to the officers and owners of the Grace Morris for their kindness; also to the young gentlemen of the band that furnished us music. Thos. Hunter.

FRAB Jul. 21, 1887 - We are requested to announce that the Steamer Hibernia will give a grand excursion which will leave here [Frankfort] at 5 o’clock p.m. on to-morrow, and will proceed to Oregon, arriving there at 8 o’clock Monday morning. Fare for the round trip will be only one dollar. Plenty of good music on board.

FRAB Jul. 30, 1887 - The steamer Grace Morris and her excellent barge Annie, seem to be doing a land office business. On Sunday there was a large crowd on board who went up to Lock No. 5, returning by 7 o’clock p.m. On Tuesday evening again there was another large party, who had the string band on board, going to Clifton. The music was very much enjoyed by all.

FRAB Aug. 6, 1887 - Capt. Abrahams says that the excursion down the river last Sunday evening should have been advertised as twelve miles, in place of twenty, as in the bills. The enjoyment of those on board was enough in the twelve miles and so no one has any right to complain.

FRAB Aug. 6, 1887 - Judge R. E. Gaines was granted a patent, by the proper government officials in Washington, on Tuesday, for a steam pressure regulator. Here’s to the Judge, and may he make a fortune out of his invention.

FRAB Aug. 6, 1887 - The steamer Grace Morris, and barge Annie, had a tremendous crowd on board on the excursion twelve miles down the river, on Sunday evening. She returned to town shortly after 7 o’clock, p.m. There was good music on board and all who went enjoyed it immensely.

FRAB Aug. 6, 1887 - need to copy about the excursion on the Morris ...

FRAB Aug. 6, 1887 - Steamer Grace Morris and barge Annie have been kept pretty busy this week with excursions &c. On Wednesday evening Mr. Preston Williams, of Versailles, gave (didn’t get end)

FRAB Aug. 13, 1887 - The excursion up the river on the Grace Morris Thursday evening, was not very largely patronized, but was exceedingly pleasant and agreeable.

FRAB Aug. 20, 1887 - Quite an accident happened to the Clerks on the Steamer Blue Wing last Saturday. Mr. Sid T. Douthitt, first clerk, while out rowing, his boat was capsized and he went under but managed to get out without being very badly injured. Mr. Frank Senior, second clerk, was so unfortunate as to fall in a lard case, and does not think his hair will be pompadour again, soon.

FRAB Sept. 3, 1887 - The steamer Hibernia brought up an excursion party to the inauguration, on Tuesday, numbering about five hundred. Mr. Jas. T. Duvall, the old river man, who came up with them, says it was the largest lot of passengers ever brought up the Kentucky before.

FRAB Sept. 10, 1887 - Navigation will be closed for thirty days on the Kentucky river, September 15, on account of repairs to Lock Nos. 1 and 2.


FRAB Oct. 11, 1890 - An Old Timer. - Capt. Ed. Montgomery, of St. Louis, Mo., spent several days in this city [Frankfort] the first of the week visiting the family of Mr. Jos. Cox. The Captain was for fifty years a steamboatman upon the Mississippi river and her tributaries and is now engaged in writing a book of memoirs. He has many old friends and relatives in this city who were glad to see him looking so hale and well preserved.

FRAB Oct. 11, 1890 - Ingomar Sold. - Messrs. J. E. & J. N. Abraham have sold the Steamer Ingomar to Messrs. Jolly Bros., of Wheeling, West Virginia, and she has left the Kentucky river trade, which now leaves the river to the Steamers Lancaster and Falls City - the Hibernia still being engaged in transporting a circus on the Mississippi River. [Ingomar = Ways 2762??, Lancaster = Ways 3359?? According to Ways, Falls City owned by Kentucky River packet Company, and wore out in the trade]

FRAB Oct. 11, 1890 - Gone to Frankfort. - A fine-looking quartette leave this morning on the Ellen N. for the little city surrounded by mountains and almost hid from sunlight. Messrs. Fred Schapperie, John Alfolter, John Flach and Dr. C. E. Mooney, visit Frankfort on the Kentucky river for the express purpose of buying the village and bringing the Capital to Lexington. Brother Lewis will look kindly upon the emissaries and not get jealous. They will visit the Penitentiary, the cemetery, and the arsenal; if they get hungry stuff their craws to repletion - Lexington Transcript, of Thursday.

Any party that Dr. Mooney chaperones is always a welcome to Frankfort, and had they shown up at headquarters would have taken pleasure in looking after their wants. As they failed to take away the Capitol, the river or any of our other possessions, we presume they were not properly equipped. Perhaps you had better fit out another expedition, Major. [is “Ellen N.” a steamboat?? or a local parody for the L&N railroad??]

FRAB Oct. 11, 1890 - Another Boat Gone. - Capt. W. T. Gaines has chartered the steamer Lancaster to parties who will run her between Natchez and Vicksburg, on the Mississippi River, and has retired from steamboating.

FRAB Nov. 15, 1890 - A Pleasure Party. - Col. Albert S. Berry and a party of friends from Newport and Cincinnati came up the Kentucky river on his little steamer Bellevue Saturday afternoon, on a hunting and fishing trip. They went up the river Sunday morning, but returned that evening and left Monday for points below on the river.

FRAB Nov. 15, 1890 - The Hibernia Sunk. - The Steamer Hibernia was sunk near the mouth of the Yazoo river, in the Mississippi, on the first of the week. She had on board a large cargo of cotton and cotton seed. Both the cargo and the boat will be a total loss, and the insurance on the boat had expired about a month before the accident, and renewal had been refused, the boat being deemed unseaworthy. Capt. S. V. Pence had, we learn, but a short while ago, disposed of the boat to a Mr. Smith, of Mississippi, so none of the loss will fall on him.

FRAB Dec. 6, 1890 - Suspended. - The board of Steamboat Inspectors at Louisville has suspended the captain and pilot of the Steamer Bob Ballard for fifteen days, on account of a collision with another boat on the Ohio river a week or so ago. [Ways says only known packet with a tin roof...]

FRAB Dec. 6, 1890 - Bought a Boat. - Messrs. J. E. & J. N. Abraham have purchased the City of Clarksville, a large stern-wheel boat, which has heretofore been running in the Tennessee river trade, and have put her into the Kentucky river. She has a large carrying capacity, nice accommodations for passengers, and will make regular trips between this city and Louisville. The old reliable Jordan Preston will twirl the wheel.


FRAB Mar. 21, 1891 - The Only Boat in the River. - The City of Clarksville is now the only boat plying between Tyrone, this city [Frankfort], and Lock No. 1, as she was above the lock when the river receded and will have to wait until a new gate is put in at No. 1 before she can go out. The Falls City comes up to the lock from Louisville, she and the Clarksville meet there and transfer freight.

FRAB May 2, 1891 - clipping about the steam tow-boat Excel...

FRAB May 9, 1891 - Mine Host Pence. - Capt. Sandy V. Pence the well known steamboatman has purchased from the Hotel Kenyon Company, their lease on the establishment and took charge of it on Sunday.

FRAB Jun. 20, 1891 - K. of P. Excursion - The steamer Bellair brought up a large excursion party from Carrollton last night. The excursion was gotten up by the Lodge of Knights of Pythias in that place and all who came had a delightful trip. [Ways 0487???]

FRAB Jun. 20, 1891 - Had a Business Look. - The city wharf presented quite a busy appearance Saturday afternoon about 6 o’clock. The steamers, City of Clarksville [sic] and Falls City were lying there discharging and receiving freight when the Excel came into port with a tow of coal, closely followed by the U. S. Snagboat, Kentucky. [Excel not in Ways Packet Dir]

FRAB Jul. 1, 1891 - Died on the Boat. - A man by the name of John Fitzgerald, from Louisville, died on board the steamer City of Clarksville, about three miles below this city [Frankfort], Saturday morning. he was drinking when he got on board the boat at Louisville Friday afternoon and made frequent visits to the bar after the boat got under way. That night, after retiring to his berth, he was attacked with cramps, and his roommate worked with him all night, administering such remedies as could be had upon the boat, and the officers of the boat were as kind and attentive to him as they could possibly be, but about twelve o’clock Saturday he was discovered to be in a dying condition, and expired in a few minutes. When the boat arrived at the wharf Coroner Dehoney was notified and held and inquest upon the body, the jury returning a verdict of death from cramp colic, supinduced by excessive drink.

Fitzgerald was a laborer and together with about seventy-five others was on his way to lock No. 6 to work for the Government in the construction of the new lock and dam.

FRAB July 14, 1891 -

FRAB Aug. 29, 1891 - Excursion To-morrow. - The steamer Little Sandy and barge City of Monterey will leave the city wharf at 8 o’clock to-morrow morning for Lock No. 6 and return. The barge is new and a very pleasant craft to ride upon and a good time promised those who go. [Little Sandy = Ways 3520??]

FRAB Aug. 29, 1891 - Madison Excursion. - A large excursion party of young people came up from Madison, Indiana, in the City of Clarksville Wednesday, and spent several hours in this city.

FRAB Dec. 1, 1891 - Boats Can Pass Through - (somewhere between Nov. 31 and Dec 6... we missed the date)

The lock and dam at No. 6 on the Kentucky river is completed and boats can pass through. The completion of this work gives us slack navigation as far up the river as High Bridge, and as soon as the weather becomes pleasant in the spring steamboat excursions to High Bridge and Shakertown will become popular.

The work upon the lock and dam was executed in first-class style, and No. 6 is now the best lock on the river.


FRAB Jan 25, 1892 - A Close Call - The little Steamer Ghent Takes A Header Over The Dam at No.6.

The little screw propellers Ghent and Florence were coming down the river Tuesday morning, with a coal barge in tow, and when they reached Lock No. 6, in attempting to shove the barge between the guard walls the current, which was very strong, caught them and carried them towards the dam. Both boats cast loose from the barge and the Florence, which was nearest the bank, reached it safely, but the Ghent was not so fortunate. Seeing she was bound to go over the dam, the pilot headed her straight down stream and signaled the engineer to put on a full head of steam. She shot over the comb of the dam like a rocket, glided smoothly over the lower steps and when she struck the water below went down head first until the pilot was standing knee deep in water in the pilot house, then righting herself she came to the surface like a cork. The whole thing was done so quickly that the engineer did not know what was the matter until he was knocked under the boiler by the shock when the boat struck the boiling, surging water below the dam.

The fire in the furnace was extinguished and the propeller shaft bent, which left her at the mercy of the current. The U.S. snag boat which was lying below the lock went to her assistance and towed her to shore. The barge went over the dam sideway and was broken into kindling wood. Several of the crew of the Ghent were on it, but were taken off on the Florence before the barge went over the dam. The loss on the barge was about a thousand dollars.

FRAB Feb. 20, 1892 - Capt. John Stout. - The Brave Pilot, Dead.

The following dispatch to the Courier-Journal, tells of the death of a brave Frankfort boy, who has made his home in the South for a number of years.

New Orelans, La., Feb. 14. - Capt. John Stout died this afternoon at his residence in this city, after a life career as a pilot on the Mississippi, distinguished by acts of conspicuous bravery on two most trying occasions. He was at the wheel of the Robt. E. Lee when she was burned at Yucatan Plantation, in 1882, and he stuck to his blazing ship to the very last, barely saving his own life by sliding down the hog chains, after saving a score of lives by remaining at the wheel and holding his boat to the bank. He received a valuable gold watch as a token of appreciation for his heroism on that occasion.

Again, in 1886, Captain Stout had a still more narrow escape being on board the steamer J. M. White when she was burned above Bayou Sara. He had to jump overboard, and was picked up almost lifeless and with his health permanently shattered.

Capt. Stout was a brother of Mrs. J. W. Cannon, of this city, and was born and raised here. In early life he commenced to learn the printer’s art in the Old Commonwealth Office, but took a dislike to the business, gave it up, went to New Orleans, entered the employ of his brother-in-law, Capt. John W. Cannon, who then resided in that city and was running a line of boats on the Mississippi, soon became an expert pilot, and continued to follow steamboating, as the dispatch conveying the sad news of his death shows.

He leaves a widow and eight children to mourn his loss.

FRAB Apr. 2, 1892 - Large Cargo -

The steamer Falls City landed the largest cargo of freight upon the wharf in this city yesterday morning which has been brought up the river in a long time. Business along the river is booming and both the Clarksville and Falls City come and go heavily loaded. The company operating the boats is composed of clever accommodating gentlemen, who deserve liberal patronage, and wqe are glad to see that they are doing well.

FRAB - Apr. 2, 1892 - The First In Years

Two boats of Kentucky river cannel coal arrived here yesterday morning, from Owsley county, the first in many years. Along in the 50’s Frankfort drew her principle supply of coal from the headwaters of the Kentucky, and it was the best to be had. It is safe to say that there is now enough coal lying in the bottom of the river – the boats having been lost in transit to supply this city for years to come. In those days the boats were built upon the river banks, loaded with coal, and brought out, as saw-logs now are, when a tide came. So dangerous was the trip down that many boats went to the bottom long before they reached the head of slack water. Those which did reach here were knocked to pieces when emptied of the coal, and the lumber of which they were built was sold for a good price, and there are many houses standing to-day which were built of the same.

The coal which arrived here yesterday was bought by one of our local dealers, and it is likely to go off like hot cakes. When slack water is carried a little further up the river coal will be brought to this city out of the Kentucky Mountains at all seasons of the year and will doubtless again control the market.

FRAB May 7, 1892 - New Boat.

The Florence Shanks, a small steamer, has entered the Kentucky river trade, making a round trip each day between this city and Carrollton, and connecting at the latter place with both the Louisville and Cincinnati packets. She can get up a speed of fifteen miles per hour, and will be quite convenient to those having business on the river.

FRAB May 7, 1892 - The Clarksville Sunk.

The City of Clarksville, which some time ago broke her shaft while here, and was compelled to lay up for several weeks at our wharf, made her first trip to Louisville last week, and on the return Sunday afternoon sprung a leak and sank in 30 feet of water just above Lock No. 3. She had a large cargo on board, destined for this city, and about twenty passengers. It is thought that the boat cannot be raised and that the cargo will be a total loss owing to the depth of the water. The passengers and crew were brought to this city by the little Sandy Sunday night. We are sorry the Messrs. Abraham are having such hard luck, as they are two of the cleverest fellows in the world. They had $7000 insurance upon the boat.


FRAB Feb. 25, 1893 - The River News. - The cold wave, fortunately, arrived in time to check the advance of the threatening river, and on Monday the water began to recede, and is now back again to its average elevation. The Falls City was expected here yesterday, to be followed Monday by the City of Clarksville, and a general resumption of the river trade will take place at once. The Ada V., a small tow and freight packet from Beattyville, arrived Thursday, and departed for Louisville, where she will remain until sold.

FRAB Mar. 25, 1893 - A New Steamboat. - The Carrolton Democrat of last Saturday, says: “Capt. Peter E. Told bought the Ida Smith and will run her from Hickman to Carrollton, making two round trips a week. This adds another boat to the white collar line of the Kentucky river. Capt. Told is developing a business in this river that will be of great value to the people who live along the river, to say nothing of the men to whom he has given employment. The Captain virtually established the fact that the Kentucky could be made use of, other than for which it was intended; that is, take coal up if you can’t bring it down.

FRAB Apr. 1, 1893 - The Kentucky River. - A Beautiful Stream With Many Packets Offering Inducements for Excursions.

The Kentucky river packets appear to be doing a splendid business. There is a boat almost every day at this wharf, and all come and go heavily laden with freight. As soon as the weather is warmer, and the leaves begin to show, there will be no more delightful trip to be made in this part of the country than to go up on the river packets to Shaker Ferry and the Cincinnati Southern High Bridge or down to Louisville and return. The boats are clean, officered by attentive and accommodating gentlemen and provide a good and wholesome fare as usually found on the tables of most hotels. They make a speed of about twelve miles an hour and, on the trip of 55 miles to Shaker Ferry, wind along and around hills that rise perpendicularly to the height of more than 300 feet, pass through two locks and under two magnificent structures spanning the river at an elevation of 335 feet, and afford, in all, an opportunity to see some of the most beautiful and picturesque scenery in the State. The trip to Carrollton, a distance of 80 miles is almost as enjoyable. The boat passes along the same character of scenery, and through four locks, but makes frequent landings, which, to some is the more interesting in the novelty of the experiences in these days of almost exclusive railroad travel, but somewhat tiresome to the restless voyagers who, like women in reading a work of fiction, are impatient to reach the end. After the delays in this river, however, it is a delightful sensation to glide out into the broad Ohio, and make the run of about 62 miles from Carrollton to Louisville, with but one stop at Madison, in less than five hours.

FRAB May 27, 1893 - Upper Kentucky Trade. - A New Boat Owned by Frankfort to Ply Between this City and Shaker Ferry.

At last a boat has been secured for the upper Kentucky river trade, which will be run directly in the interest of Frankfort.

Messrs. Shaw & Sheets are the owners of the boat, a sternwheeler named W. L. Norton, which formerly belonged to the Mason & Foard Company for their use at the Eddyville prison.

Mr. George Shaw, the well-known merchant of this city, will have command and give personal attention to everything relating to the business that will insure the success of the enterprise. He proposes to make three trips a week to Shaker Ferry and also have a large pleasure barge provided with all necessary equipments for excursion parties.

The boat is now undergoing an overhauling and if finished in time for the opening of the base ball season next Tuesday will make regular trips that afternoon between the wharf and the grounds at Lake Park. It is designed by the owners, however, to enter the Shaker Ferry trade at the earliest possible date not later than June 10th, and in order that closer business relations may be established between the merchants of this city and the people along this important territory, should be favored by a liberal patronage.

FRAB June 17, 1893 - Excursion By Falls City. - This afternoon at 4 o’clock the steamer Falls City will leave the Custom House wharf for Shaker Ferry and return to the city about three o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Excursion rates for the round trip, including all accommodations, have been placed at two dollars.

FRAB June 17, 1893 - Excursion To Clifton. - The steamer W. L. Norton and Barge Annie, belonging to Messrs. Shaw & Sheets, will run the first of a series of excursions of the season to Clifton on Sunday afternoon, leaving the wharf at the United States building at two o’clock. Fare for the round trip will be fifty cents.


FRAB Nov. 3, 1894 - Bought a Steamboat. - Capt. Henry Wilson has purchased from Messrs. Shaw and Sheets the little steamer W. L. Norton and will refit and run her in the Kentucky and Ohio river trade.

FRAB Nov. 3, 1894 - Refitted and Repaired. - The steamer Falls City, which has been running between this city [Frankfort] and Louisville for several years, has been thoroughly refitted, overhauled and repaired until she is virtually a new steamer. She will resume her regular trips about the 10th of this month, looking as bright and new as when first built.


FRAB Dec. 19, 1903 - STEAMER AL MARTIN SUNK. - At 5:30 a.m. on Saturday the towboat Al Martin, the property of the Elevator Coal Co., of this city, struck a snag at Sand Riffle, in the Kentucky river below this city, and sunk in some 16 feet of water.

Capt. Elisha Woods, Engineer John L. Jones (of this city) and Mate Will Peevler (also of this city), stood to their posts until everything was done that could be to save her, when the men took to the water and all of the crew were saved.

The boat was valued at $10,000 and was insured for some $6,000. The boilers went overboard, the cabin was partially wrecked and the boat is a total loss. She was a very good towboat and was kept busy all the time.


TEN (Tacoma, Wa.) May 26, 1904 - Boiler of a Boat Explodes. - Thirteen Are Killed and Three Fatally Injured, While Five Others Are Hurt.

Second Engineer Blown Through Side of Craft and Body Lands Twenty-Five Feet Distant.

Louisville, Ky., May 26 - Thirteen persons were killed, three fatally injured and five hurt by an explosion of boilers which totally demolished the towboat Fred Wilson of Riverview park today.

The Dead.

Captain Joseph Price, Pittsburg.

Unknown white man, believed to be a Pittsburg insurance agent, traveling with Captain Price.

William Quinn, steward, Pittsburg.

Albert Miller, pilot, Pittsburg.

Herman Chiveley, second engineer, Pittsburg.

First Cook, name unknown.

Joseph Warren, colored, Middlesport, O.

William Thornton, colored, Middlesport, O.

------ Patrick, portion of body found on coal boat.

Four white deckhands, names unknown.

Fatally Injured.

Emma Williamson, chambermaid, burned.

J. Letter Couth, deckhand, Wellsburg, W. Va., scalded.

Cliff Johnson, Tyrone, Pa., burned.

Others Injured.

William Timmons, watchman, hand scalded, serious.

John Miller, deckhand, Pittsburg, nose broken.

----- Codley, kitchen helper, burned.

Charles R. Nadal, pilot, injured about head.

William Miller, Allegheny, Pa., bruised about head.

The Wilson was the property of the Monongahela Coal & Coke company and left Pittsburg last Friday with six barges, twelve coal boats and four flats, bound for Louisville. She arrived here about midnight and proceeded down the river and was about to tie up when the explosion occurred.

No Explanation Possible.

Henry Sykes, first mate, could give no explanation of the cause of the accident. He and Chief Engineer Walker were the only men on the boat who escaped injury.

Herman Shiveley, second engineer, was blown through the side of the Wilson and landed 25 feet away.

Father Cunningham was one of the first to arrive at the scene and gave extreme unction to several dying men.

The police and hospital ambulance and the automobiles of the morning newspapers carried physicians and nurses to the scene, which is four miles from the heart of the city.

The injured were taken to the residence of Colonel John H. Whalen temporarily. Mr. Whalen’s house, which is about 150 yards from the river, was badly damaged by the explosion, but none of the family were injured.

Thirteen members of the crew were saved. All of them with the exception of two were more or less injured.

The Wilson was literally blown to pieces and her hull sank in 18 feet of water. Two heavy pieces of her boilers were found almost 500 yards from the bank and her flag floats from the top of a tree, where it was blown with a piece of wreckage. The Wilson was valued at $25,000.

Fully Identified.

Pittsburg, May 26. - The unknown man killed in the explosion was William Holland, a business man of Braddock, Pa., and a neighbor of Captain Price. mr. Holland was on a pleasure trip as a guest of Captain Price.

Captain Price has been a river man all his life and was considered one of the best masters in the employ of the company. He was Worthy Captain of the American Association of Masters and Pilots.

FRAB June 25, 1904 - Big Excursion Party. - The Falls City was crowded, on Tuesday, with two big excursion parties for up the river points. One composed of about 100 people, was from Indianapolis, Ind. The other, composed of some 25 people, was from Benton Harbor, Mich. They were having a grand time.

The several write-ups of up-Kentucky river scenery has called the attention of people all over the country to this section and excursions are following one another.

FRAB July 16, 1904 - A Nice Outing. - The good steamer, Falls City, will run one of her delightful excursions from this city to Tyrone, this (Saturday) afternoon, leaving the Customhouse wharf at 8 o’clock p.m.

The fare for the round trip will be only 50 cents.

Good music will be furnished, and there is a fine dancing floor.

Those who enjoy these trips should go on this one.

FRAB July 16, 1904 - Big Excursion Party. - The Falls City had a big excursion party from Indianapolis, Ind., on board when she went up the river on Tuesday afternoon. Quite a number of them came up in the city to visit points of interest both as they went up and when the boat returned on Wednesday evening.

Besides the big crowd of passengers, the boat had a heavy load of wheat and other freight.

FRAB July 23, 1904 - DELIGHTFUL. - The Falls City Excursion, run from this city to Tyrone, on Saturday night, was a great success. There was a big crowd on board, who enjoyed every moment of the trip. The boat pulled out at 8 o’clock and returned at about 11:30. There was good music and delightful dancing was indulged in by the young folks.

FRAB Aug. 13, 1904 - Another Big Excursion Party. - The good steamer Falls City brought to this city, on Tuesday, another big excursion party bound up the river. The steamer was here some time unloading and the excursionists, many of them, came up in the city to view points of interest. Afterwards they went on up the river.

The Falls City is a nice boat for such purposes and will run her regular Saturday night excursion from here to-night.

FRAB Aug. 27, 1904 - Big Excursion. - The good steamer Falls City had one of the biggest excursion parties on board when she went up the river on Tuesday afternoon. There were little people, big people, old people, young people - people of all sizes, ages, &c. Among the number was the pretty daughter of our ante-bellum and old friend, Mr. W. L. H. Owens, now of Louisville, but then known as “Sandy Owens,” of the old Yeoman office force. Miss Owens is a stylish and handsome girl. She could not be any cleverer than her good old father.

Laurence Halstead, III is a Julian descendant through the marriage of Capt.

John Wilcox Russell to Anna Marie Julian in 1840.

Dunno why it didn't occur to me pull the piece below out of my genealogy

before and send it to you. Anyway, here it is:

"CAPT. JOHN W. RUSSELL, a native of Rockbridge County, Va., was born in

1794 and was a son of James and Margaret (Wilson) Russell, natives of

Pennsylvania, and of Welsh and Scotch descent. John W. Russell, when a

child, was brought to Kentucky by his father and educated in the night

schools of Louisville and in the common schools. Before he was sixteen

years of age he went into the war of 1812; was at the battle of Fort Meigs,

under Capt. Peter Dudley, of Frankfort, and after the war ran a steamboat

on the Ohio and Mississippi, continuing on the river about twenty-five

years. During one trip, in 1832, on the way to New Orleans, he lost

sixty-three passengers by cholera. His father, James, was a man of

considerable means, but lost it all by giving security. This threw John W.

upon his own resources, and he went to Louisville and learned the art of

engineering. He was appointed by President Harrison to clear the snags

from the Western rivers and reappointed by Tyler to this position, which he

kept for eight years. In 1846 Capt. Russell was prevailed upon to become a

candidate for the State Senate from the district then composed of Franklin

and Shelby, and was elected, his term of service being marked by the strong

sense and practical judgment which characterized him through life. He then

retired to his farm three miles from Frankfort, where he had 1,000 acres of

land, and owned fifty slaves when the war broke out. He married, December

17, 1840, Miss Ann Maria Julian, of Franklin County, daughter of Charles

Jane (Moore) Julian, natives of Virginia. Charles Julian was of French

Huguenot origin; his wife of Irish descent and a cousin of the poet Moore.

The children born to Capt. and Mrs. Russell are Mrs. Cordelia Gaines, of

Louisville; Miss Maggie; Mrs. Mary B. Day; John Crittenden Russell, lawyer

of Louisville, and Ann M. Maus, whose husband is in the United States Army.

Mr. Russell's death occurred August 17, 1869. His life was so full of

thrilling adventure, and by his philanthropy and prompt action he was able

to rescue so many lives, that his life history would seem more like a

romance than a biography."

Source: Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 5th

ed., 1887,

Franklin Co.


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