Chaney-Monge School District 88


400 Elsie Ave, Crest Hill, IL 60403

Telephone: 815-722-6673

Fax: 815-722-7814


Andy Siegfried, Superintendent Jacelynn Hall, Principal

January 2016 Newsletter

From the Superintendent:


Welcome back and happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season spending time with family and friends.


Your school district is taking a cautious and common sense approach to what health officials are predicting will be a very active flu season.

COVER – your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing

CLEAN – wash your hand frequently during the day

CONTAIN – stay home if sick.

If there is ever a need to close school or to deliver important health information, you will be contacted directly by our Parent Emergency Notification and Information System. Make sure our school secretaries have your current phone numbers and other additional contact information. I would suggest having your personal cell phone as your main number if possible. You may also choose to visit our school district website at, or or for more on-line information at any time.



January and February traditionally brings some of the coldest weather of the year. Just a reminder to send students to school properly dressed each day. In 2015 we experienced snowy weather so dress warmly.

Is School Closed?

It’s freezing cold, the snow’s blowing, wind’s howling and my homework isn’t done: what a great time to find out that there is no school! If possible, the decision to close school is made the night before or very early in the morning (before 7:00 AM) of the day classes will be canceled.

By Phone: Principal Jackie Hall will send a recorded phone message directly to the phone numbers listed in your child’s registration forms. Messages are sent immediately after the decision is made to close school for the day. Please do not call the school to verify that school has been closed. Make sure your answering machines or message systems are in working order.

Emergency School Closings

Unless you receive a ‘school closed’ call from our school district parent emergency notification and information system, hear a notice that school is closed on any of the media outlets below or see a notice on our school district website, SCHOOL IS OPEN! Do not call the school district numbers since there will probably be no one available to answer your call. Instead, tune in or type in any of the media outlets listed below:

Radio WJOL 1340 AM

Radio WSSR 96.7 FM

Radio WRXQ 100.7 FM

Radio WCCQ 98.3 FM

Radio WGN 720 AM

Radio WBBM 780 AM

Radio WONU 89.7 FM

Radio WERV 95.9 FM

TV WGN Channel 9

TV WLS Channel 7

TV WFLD Channel 32

TV WBBM Channel 2

TV WNBQ Channel 5

Web Site:

Web Site:

Web Site:


Parking regulations, traffic laws, bright orange cones, tickets and school rules will not prevent an accident from happening. However, as adult drivers, we all must remind ourselves that there is no excuse for compromising the safety of any child because we are in a hurry, late for an appointment, angry at a family member, or angry at a driver in the vehicle ahead.

So, for the sake of all children, drive safely and extremely carefully during your trips to, from and around school at all times. Discuss basic pedestrian safety with your kids. Our staff members, administrators and Crest Hill Police Department are committed to making sure your kids remain safe – and I am sure you are too.

Remember to go over weather safety procedures at home this spring. It is not uncommon to see March tornados especially with this ever changing weather pattern.


A big thank you to Ms. Berger and the staff at Chaney Monge for a successful winter concert December 16, 2015. It was nice to see all the parents and families come out to support and watch their children perform.


The Chaney Monge Board of Education meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month starting at 7 pm. We generally meet in the library during the school year.

From the Principal – Jackie Hall

Bus Stop Safety

Please be on time, arriving at the bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the pick-up time. This on time arrival ensures that all stops are on schedule and prevents students from running to the bus stop in front of oncoming traffic or in the path of the bus. Also, please do not bring dogs to the bus stop.

Database Offerings

The White Oak Library District offers a wealth of online resources that are available any time of the day or night to all district residents! These websites, called DATABASES, are subscription based resources that you can access using your library card number. Visit their homepage at and choose ‘databases’ from the selections along the top of the page to see all of their 32 databases.

The Learning Express offers comprehensive courses in a variety of subjects and practice tests based on the ACT, SAT, GED, ASVAB, and others. It also offers computer tutorials, job searching resources, and skill-builders for students from elementary school through college. Be sure to ask their Adult Services librarians for a hands-on demonstration of these powerful tools. Check out the many databases and resources at your fingertips.

Graduation Pictures, Group Photos for Yearbook and Absentee Photos

All yearbook pictures for clubs and groups will be held on Wednesday, January 20th. All 8th grade cap and gown along with absentee/re-take pictures will be taken on Thursday, January 21st.

If your group would like to be included, please call Mr. Kit Crawford at school. He will be organizing the yearbook.

Character Counts –


To start the New Year we will focus on the character trait Citizenship. Please talk to your student about how they can do their share to make the school and community a better place. This month character counts color is purple, so don’t forget to wear purple on Wednesdays throughout the month of January.

“Music” News

Please check out our website! There is a Google Calendar for the year on the site. There are instructions for joining the band/choir text announcement system. This system is very helpful for making sure announcements get directly to you!

Music parents, we hope you will join the CMMPA in our efforts of supporting the music program. We are always in need of help, and welcome your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please consider attending our next meeting on Monday, January 11 at 6:30 p.m. You can also reach us via email at cmmpaboard@.

Ms. Berger would really like to thank all the staff, students, and parents of Chaney-Monge for all of their support and hard work for the Holiday Programs. Good support is necessary for the Chaney-Monge Music Program to thrive and all help has been much appreciated!

Students of the Month

Mrs. Short reports that November Lion’s Club Students of the Month were: 5th grader: Miguel Colunga; 6th grader: Lizbeth Tirado; 7th Grader: Blanca Hernandez; and 8th grader: Alyssa Shannon.

Congratulations on your award!

Box Tops and Labels

Ms. Pavnica reminds you to send in your General Mills Box Tops and Campbell’s Labels. Your label and box top donations help provide supplies and activities to our students and school.


The fifth grade celebrated the culmination of D.A.R.E. with a graduation ceremony on December 9, 2015. The 5th grade students completed the 11 week program with the instruction from Crest Hill Police Officer Heidi Outlaw. As a culminating activity the fifth graders created a poster showing what they learned in D.A.R.E. The winners in each class presented their posters.

Winners in Ms. Serritella’s class were:

(3rd place) Adriana Villa

(2nd place) Caden Schoolcraft

(1st place) Vanessa Ortega

In Ms. Gulas’s class the winners were:

(3rd place) Kimberly Alcala

(2nd place) Gavin Legner

(1st Place) Yessenia Aviles

Mayor Soliman was the guest speaker.

Thank you to the Crest Hill Police Department for coordinating such a worthwhile program. Thank you also to Mayor Ray Soliman and his wife Vicki for providing the refreshments.


Thank you to the PTO for funding and to Ms. Pavnica for arranging the wonderfully inspiring assembly on December 18, 2015. Mr. David Fisher, president of The Rope Warrior, Inc.™, and the originator of Ropenastics™, performed an exciting program that incorporates rope jumping, rhythmic gymnastics, dance, martial arts and aerobics into a fun, creative and beneficial cardiovascular activity.


Volleyball tryouts for boys will be on Saturday, January 9th from 12 to 1 pm. All the 7th and 8th grade boys interested should come try out.

The Girls Volleyball season is underway. Come check out a game and support our Braves!


There will be an 8th grade parents meeting on January 26th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Parents will meet in the library to discuss and organize the 8th grade dinner dance coming up in May. Please plan to attend and submit your ideas and help with the fundraising needed to give our 8th grade students a night to remember.


The 2nd quarter awards assembly will be held on January 25th. Grades AMK through 5th grade will start at 8:55 a.m. Grades 6-8 will start at 2:10 p.m. All are welcome to attend and students will be recognized for Reading, Effort and the character traits of Fairness and Caring. Students are also recognized for Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll and High Honor Roll.

Important Dates:

January 19th – February 5th

• Music Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

January 13th

• LTHS Band Step-Up Day 9 am – 12 pm

January 15th

• 11:30 Dismissal (No K Classes)

• School Improvement Meeting

January 18th

• No School – Martin Luther King’s Birthday

January 19th

• LTHS Band Parent Meeting for upcoming freshmen

January 20th

• Yearbook Pictures for Clubs and Groups

January 21st

• Fall Picture Retakes and 8th Grade Graduation Pictures

January 25th

• 2nd Quarter Awards Assembly

AMK -5th Grade - 9:00 am to 9:40

Grades 6th – 8th - 2:10 to 2:40 pm

January 26th

• 8th Grade Dance Parent/Student Meeting 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

January 30th

• Concert Band Field Trip to Symphony Center




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