CCD Schedule for 2000/2001



August 25 - family meeting/1st class

Sept. 1 – NO CLASS – Labor Day

Sept. 8 – 2nd class

Sept. 15 – 3rd class

Sept. 22 – 4th class

Sept. 29 - 5th class

Oct. 6 – 6th class


Oct. 20 – 7th class

Oct. 27 – 8th class

Nov. 3 – 9th class

Nov. 10 – 10th class

Nov. 17 – 11th class

Nov. 24 –12th class

Dec. 1 – NO CLASS

Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 8 – 13th class

Dec 15 – 14th class

Dec. 22 – NO CLASS

Dec. 29 – NO CLASS

Christmas Break

Jan. 5 - 15th class

Jan. 12 – 16th class - ACRE – 5th grade

Jan. 19 – 17th class - ACRE – 5th and 8th grades

Jan. 26 – NO CLASS –


Feb. 2 – 18th class

Feb. 9 – 19th class

Feb. 16 – 20th class

Feb. 23 – 21st class


March 1 – 22nd class

March 8 – 23rd class

March 15 – NO CLASS


March 22 - 24th class

March 29 - 25th class

April 5 – 26th class

April 12 – NO CLASS - EASTER

April 19 – 27th class

April 26 – 28th class

First Communion Day

No Class 2nd grade

May 3 – 29th class

Last class for the year

Our Lady of Good Hope

CCD/Faith Formation

For Children

Parent Handbook

Grades Pre-K – 8

2019 - 2020


Welcome to Our Lady of Good Hope’s

Parish Religious Education Program

We hope that your child[ren] will profit spiritually through the religion classes that we offer on Sunday mornings. This handbook contains information concerning details of our parish religious education program for those children who attend public schools [and those from Catholic schools who would like to join us] from Pre-Kindergarten through the 8th grade.

Classes are held each Sunday morning during the school year from 9:45 – 10:45. [refer to the calendar in this booklet for holiday closings]

Please remember that attendance at religious education classes does not fulfill the obligation to worship the Lord at Holy Mass on Sundays. We teachers intend to help you as parents by formal classroom instruction, but keep in mind that you are the primary religious educators of your children.


Students have the responsibility to obey the following rules of behavior in their classroom:

1. Respect the catechist and classmates in speech and actions, keeping hands, feet and objects to yourself. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

2. Follow the directions and classroom rules of the catechist.

3. Actively participate in classroom activities.

4. Do not disturb anything in the classroom or in individual desks.

5. Assist the catechist in putting the classroom in order after class is over.

6. Ask permission of the catechist to leave the classroom.


Any student may be dismissed from the faith formation process for just cause, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Violation of the codes of conduct in this handbook.

2. Unacceptable and inappropriate conduct.

3. Incorrigibility.

4. Persistent, unexplainable, irregular attendance.

5. Menace to the morale of the faith formation process.


Parents are encouraged to review with their children the student’s code of conduct and the classroom code of conduct contained in this handbook. They are asked to reinforce with their children the importance of observing those rules.


Students have the responsibility to obey the following rules of behavior:

1. Respect others in speech and in action, keeping hands feet

and objects to yourself. Inappropriate behavior will not be


2. Respect school property and the private property of others.

3. Respect school projects on display in public areas by not touching them or disturbing them in any way.

4. Follow the directions of those in charge of monitoring students’ safety and conduct.

5. Donuts and drinks are to be consumed only in the Parish Center.

6. Observe the following safety rules:

a. No playing on the steps in or outside of the school building.

b. No running in the hallways.

7. Chewing of gum is not permitted on the school grounds or in the school building.

8. Cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, drugs [including simulated drugs], guns, knives, other weapons of any description and explosives are not to be on parish property.



Pre-kindergarten Sara Bickley

Kindergarten Kelly Branigan

First Grade Therese Steiner

Second Grade Dawn Jackson

Third Grade Christa Barlow

Fourth Grade Christa Barlow

Fifth Grade Mary Ann Johnson

Sixth Grade Chris Robinson

Seventh Grade Rich Dillow

Eighth Grade Martin McGinley


Charlotte McGinley


Mrs. Teresa Stanley 866-1432


Weekday office hours 9:00am-4:00pm

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday



Members of Our Lady of Good Hope Parish are a family united by our belief in the Blessed Trinity. We are guided by the Holy Catholic Church in Rome and inspired by Mary, our Patroness of Hope. All that we are and do comes from this faith and inspiration.

As a Catholic, Christian family we strive to nourish all our members through daily celebration of the Word and the Eucharist. We reach out to the community with warmth, selflessness, education and prayer so that all may experience new heights in spirituality, faith, truth and love. We warmly and openly welcome all who seek to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ.


Catechesis is necessary both for the maturation of the faith of Christians to “attain to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature personhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”; it is also aimed at making them prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls them to account for the hope that is in them. [John Paul II’s Catechesis in our Time]


To help people to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so that by believing they might have life in his name.

To educate and instruct people in the life of Christ.

To build up the body of Christ.


Children in grades Pre-K – 3 should be supervised at all times in the school and in the church parking lot. All students should not run in the church parking lot because of the danger of being hit by a vehicle.

Parents and students should abide by arrival/dismissal procedures at all times. Parents of 4th grade and up may drop off and pick up their child (children) by driving up to the Third Street side of the school building if they wish.

Students will not be left unattended whether in or outside the school building while waiting for the party responsible for them.

In the event of an accident, illness or emergency the Coordinator of Religious Education will make efforts to contact the parents or the person designated on the registration form. No injured or ill child will be left unattended. 911 will be called if the injury, illness or emergency warrants it.

The parish faith formation process will follow fire and tornado procedures in effect for the west campus of Bishop Leibold School. The catechists will explain these procedures semi-annually to the students.


An Archdiocesan medical release form must be turned in with each registration form and that information kept on file with the CRE.


Grades Pre-K – 8 Sunday mornings 9:45 – 10:45

in the Bishop Leibold School Building

Children are expected to be in their classroom and ready to begin class by 9:45am. Parents or the responsible party should not bring the children to the school building before 9:30am. The children should be picked up promptly after classes are over and no later than 11:00am.

Children in grades Pre-K – 3 must be accompanied to and from class by their parent, older sibling or other adult responsible for them. Catechists of those grades will be required to have the students remain in the classroom until the party responsible for them arrives. If someone other than the parent, grandparent or older sibling is picking up a child we need written permission from the parent.


Medical information contained on the registration form has been passed on to the child’s catechist. Changes in this information should be reported promptly.

The administration of any drug [prescription or over the counter] by the CRE or any staff person of the faith formation process, without the order of a physician and the permission of the parent, is prohibited by law.


To assist with the costs involved in our religious Education program, parents are asked to pay the following fee to the parish. You may submit your fee with the registration form or turn it in at the CCD desk any Sunday. If you are unable to pay the fee at this time please contact the pastor or CRE to make other arrangements.

For 1 child $30.00 / $40 after 8/11

For 2 children $50.00/ $60 after 8/11

For 3 or more children $70.00/ $80 after 8/11

Make checks payable to “Our Lady of Good Hope”.


If classes have to be canceled due to weather or for any other reason, notice will be given on TV channel 7 and on WHIO radio. An e-mail message will also be sent out to all families who have provided an updated e-mail address.


Parents are welcome at any time to visit the classroom and to observe a class.

A child may bring a friend to visit a class but it is advisable to let the catechist know in advance when that will occur.


Parents are encouraged to introduced themselves to their child’s

catechist. Parents should contact the catechist to discuss any matter of concern to them. The catechist will communicate the child’s progress to the parents during the year.

Parents should advise the Coordinator of Religious Education of any changes in the information provided on the registration form. They should also discuss attendance problems with the CRE.

The CRE needs to be informed by the custodial parent of the rights of the non-custodial parent.

Family communications [newsletters etc.] will be sent home with the youngest member of the family.


Catechists will communicate the time, place, mode of transportation and purpose of the field trip to parents prior to the trip.

Parents must sign a permission form which releases the parish and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati from liability before their child can participate in the field trip.


The Catechetical process is for registered parishioners of Our Lady of Good Hope. Please contact the parish office to register in the parish at 866-1432 or fill out a registration form found in the vestibule of church. There is no discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin or handicapping condition.


Regular attendance helps foster continued growth in the life of Christ. Parents should advise the Coordinator of Religious Education if there will be a prolonged absence of a child or if attendance will not be on a weekly basis.

Once a child misses three consecutive weeks or a pattern of irregular attendance has been detected, without the Coordinator of Religious Education being advised of the reasons for the absences, the CRE will contact the parents to discuss the situation.

Attendance at Religious Education classes does not fulfill the obligation of Sunday Mass attendance.

Attendance records will be kept by the classroom catechist and given to the CRE. Parents can request review of their child’s attendance records by contacting the CRE.



To comply with the Archdiocese Decree on Child Protection, All volunteers and employees of the Faith Formation program at Our Lady of Good Hope, have attended a VIRTUS Awareness Session and have had a criminal background check through .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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