Using the Club Website

Using the Club Website

Revision 2

March 2016

A. General

1. Our web address is . The current website editor is Ed Miller (dsmcssp@). Other website administrators, with full site editing access, are Mike Hack (rollinsmth@) and Aaron Stein (aarons12@).

2. We use a web service called Clubrunner, a membership management and communications platform for Rotary clubs and districts. Clubrunner is also used by Rotary District 7255 and by several other clubs within the district. The platform is very flexible and contains a myriad of features, many of which we have not yet used. As the membership becomes more familiar with using the website as an important communications tool, we expect to make greater use of all it has to offer.

B. Home Page

1. Anyone (including non-members) who views our home page can access its entire content, including that in all of the links listed thereon.

2. The main body of the page contains “Stories” — generally, summaries of recent guest speaker talks or club events, but may include Rotary, district, club and other news items, announcements, volunteer calls, or whatever we want to communicate to our members or to website visitors.

3. The sections on the left side of the page are self-explanatory, providing information about our club, upcoming events, speakers, and committee meetings. The Rotary links bring up pages from the Rotary International website. The Club link connects to the District 7255 website, from which you can access the websites of all clubs in the district. An e-mail link is also provided so that website visitors can send inquiries and comments to the club secretary.

4. Note that clicking on an event in the Upcoming Events section, or on a speaker’s name in the Speakers section brings up pages with more detailed information (if available) about the event or speaker.

5. The right side of the home page lists club officers and directors, provides photo albums of our most recent club events, and download files of special reports and items of general interest.

6. Nav Menu – Located just below the home page banner, the Navigation Menu provides information to enlighten new website visitors about Rotary and our club, a calendar highlighting club events and speakers, the latest issue of our Channel newsletter, and another e-mail link to the club secretary. The Nav Menu appears on many of the pages accessed from the home page; click on “Home” to return to the home page.

7. The Welcome/Club Information block, located just below the Nav Menu, provides info for new website visitors as well as clickable icons that allow you to access the Rotary District 7255 website as well as back issues of our newsletter (Clubrunner calls them “Bulletins”).

C. Member Login

1. Only members can access features of the website beyond those on the home page. You will receive your Login Name and temporary password when you become a member of the Babylon Rotary Club.

2. From top of the home page, click on “Member Login”. Enter your login name and password; be sure to click on the “Keep me logged in” box so that you don’t have to repeat the login process each time you visit the website.

3. If your password doesn’t work, click on “Forgot password” and follow the instructions to establish a new password. If you can’t log in, please contact one of the website administrators.

4. Following successful login, clicking on “Member Area” at the top of the home page will bring you to the Administration page.

5. Members can access all of the features listed under My Clubrunner on the Administration page. Access to other functions listed on the page depends on the member’s access code — the lower the code number, the greater the site editing access. Currently, all club officers and standing committee heads have access code 50, the club president code 40, and the website administrators code 30. All other members are assigned code 70. If you require greater editing access to site features, please contact the club president with your request.

D. My Clubrunner

1. The first thing all members should do is to make sure that your member profile is correct. Click on “Edit My Profile” and enter all of the information you’d like to include. Be sure to click “Save” at the bottom of the page when you’re finished entering your data. Be sure that your e-mail address is correct so that you can receive the weekly Channel newsletter and other member e-mail correspondence. It’s also important that your profile contain as much contact data as possible since this is what we use to update our Member Directory.

2. Most features in My Clubrunner are self-explanatory. The Club Directories list both active and honorary members and, unlike the hardcopy Member Directory, the contact data contained therein is generally the most current.

3. The E-mail Message Center is a valuable club communication feature of the website. You can send messages to any member, all members, or anyone on an e-mail distribution list using this service. This is generally better than using other e-mail services to contact Rotarians since all custom address lists are centralized on Clubrunner data bases, and everyone uses the same accurate and complete list. The only exception is where you want to include large attachments (Clubrunner limits attachment size to 6Mb).

E. Email Message Center

1. Clicking on “E-mail Message Center” in My Clubrunner will bring you to the Club Communication page. Click on “Compose a new message” to go to the Create Email page. Follow the straightforward 5-step instructions on that page to send your e-mail.

2. Note that in Step 1, you can send your e-mail to selected members by expanding the member list after clicking on “Active and Honorary Members”, or send it to all members by clicking on the box next to it.

3. Note the 6 Mb restriction on attachments in Step 3. If your attachment exceeds the limit, you may have to send it via the mail service of your Internet provider.

4. If you want to send another e-mail, click on “Go Back” at the top right of the page and repeat the process.

F. Getting Help, Etc.

1. If you have problems using any of the website features, contact one of the website administrators. If you’re really ambitious, and want to learn much more about using Clubrunner, you can wade through mountains of information on the Clubrunner Support site: clubrunner.

2. Please contact the website editor with:

a. Recommendations for content and/or format changes to the website.

b. Rotary news, photos, download files, or other items of importance or of general interest to the club membership that should be posted on the website.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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