Section A: MCQChoose the most appropriate answer.munication is the vehicle through which people:Clarify their expectations and coordinate workCoordinate between organisational objectivesImprove knowledgeNone of the options listed here is correct2.The communication model suggests that communication effectiveness depends on:The motivation to communicateThe decoding processThe situationThe ability of the sender and the receiver3.One of the effects of emotions on non-verbal communication is the phenomenon called: Emotional intelligenceEmotional contagionEmotional displayEmotional involvement4.Channels with high media richness tend to involve more:Direct social interactionsFace-to-face communicationDiverting attentionSelf-representation5.In the communication process model, 'decoding the message' occurs immediately:?Before the sender forms the messageAfter the sender receives the messageAfter the sender forms feedback regarding the original messageAfter the sender transmits the message6.Which of these forms of communication is the poorest for communicating emotionalmeaning and providing social support in the workplace?Face-to-face small group sessionsEmailCorporate video programsTelephone calls7.Emotional contagion has what effect in the communication process??It has no effect on the communication processIt provides feedback to the sender that the receiver understands and empathises with the messageIt reduces the amount of communication among colleaguesIt makes it more difficult for the receiver to receive emotional meaning about the sender's experience8.Media richness refers to:Total profits of newspapers, television networks and radio broadcasting companies within a societyThe data-carrying capacity of a communication mediumThe financial and emotional cost of transmitting a message from one person to another person within the same organisationThe extent to which a message is conveyed through information technology rather than human munication methods that are high in 'media richness' are most valuable:?Where the sender holds a higher position in the organisation than the receiverDuring emergencies where the sender and receiver have little common experienceWhere the sender and receiver have a lot of time to transmit and receive the messageIn routine situations where the sender and receiver have common past experiences10.What do we mean by the phrase 'the medium is the message'???a.?Effective communication occurs when people are neither too quiet nor too loudb.?Effective listeners should look for non-verbal cues to decipher the sender's true meaningc.?Effective communicators use several channels to transmit the intended meaningd.?The communication channel selected transmits meaning beyond the message content11.Metaphors and other types of ambiguous language are useful when:??a.?The sender wants to communicate to people experiencing information overloadb.?The message is sent through the grapevine rather than formal communication channelsc.?The sender wants to minimise the risk that the receiver would misinterpret the message sentd.?The issue or concept that the sender is trying to communicate is ill-defined or complex12.Buffering, summarising and omitting are ways to:??a.?Reduce information overloadb.?Avoid active listeningc.?Avoid the risk of flamingd.?Improve communication between men and women13.In a business meeting where both men and women are present, women are more ikely than men to:?a.?Misunderstand non-verbal cues sent by others in the meetingb.?Assert their power by giving advice to others in the meetingc.?Focus on exchanging information rather than using the conversation to build relationshipsd.?None of the options listed here is correct14.Which of the following is NOT a feature of effective listening???a.?Develop an opinion about the sender's message as soon as possible to guide you through the rest of the sender's messageb.?Show interest by maintaining eye contact and giving verbal acknowledgmentsc.?Empathise with the sender's background and point of view when interpreting the sender's messaged.?Provide feedback by rephrasing the sender's main points at appropriate conversational breaks15.The most obvious cross-cultural communication challenge is:??a.?Silenceb.?Shaking handsc.?Languaged.?Smiling16.To improve communication and make more efficient use of space, many companies are:??a.?Moving executives into separate buildingsb.?Building taller office towersc.?Tearing down walls and introducing open office designsd.?Removing parking spaces so that employees must commute to work17.The organisational grapevine is useful because it:??a.?Is an effective way for management to inform employees about future organisational changesb.?Provides detailed information that more formal communication channels tend to ignorec.?Reduces information overloadd.?Fulfils employees' drive to rmation technologies such as email and instant messaging have had what effect on the corporate grapevine??a.?These communication media have made it more difficult for the grapevine to operate without the assistance of managementb.?These communication media have dramatically changed the topics of interest communicated through the corporate grapevinec.?Information technologies have expanded grapevine communication and networks around the company's global operations, not just around the next cubicled.?These communication media have done all of these19.Active listeners improve their evaluating activities by:??a.?Organising informationb.?Showing interestc.?Clarifying the messaged.?Interrupting when they disagree with the speaker20.How do men and women generally differ in their communication styles in organisational settings???a.?Men are more likely than women to communicate to strengthen relationshipsb.?Women are more likely than men to give advice quickly and frequentlyc.?Women are usually more sensitive than men to the listener's non-verbal cuesd.?Men and women differ in all these ways21.Which of the following reduces information overload by increasing the person's information-processing capacity???a.?Using a filtering algorithm to screen out incoming emailb.?Speed-reading and scanning to read more pages per hourc.?Reading summaries of long documentsd.?Using an assistant to screen out unwanted mail22.Which of the following is potentially 'noise' in the communication process???a.?Perceptual differences between sender and receiverb.?Receiving more information than the person can processc.?Jargon that the receiver does not understandd.?All of the options listed here are pared with verbal communication, non-verbal communication:??a.?Has more formal rules to guide its correct useb.?Is less susceptible to misinterpretationc.?Is more consciously transmitted from sender to receiverd.?Has none of these characteristics24.Which of the following communication media tends to be best for transmitting emotions and persuading the receiver???a.?Newsletterb.?Email messagec.?Telephone conversationd.?Face-to-face meeting25.Responding, the third component of listening, is feedback to the sender which:??a.?Promotes active listeningb.?Creates ideasc.?Motivates and directs the speaker's communicationd.?Clarifies the message??????Section B: EssaysQuestion 1Should companies try to eliminate grapevine communication? Explain your answer.??Grapevine communication has both benefits and limitations. It can be a relied upon source of information for employees where they are unable to get information through formal channels. It is the main conduit through which organisational stories and other symbols of the organisation's culture are communicated. Grapevine communication can lead to distortion and therefore elevate employee anxiety or it can help to alleviate anxiety and encourage staff bonding. Rather than eliminating the grapevine, companies should treat the grapevine as a signal of employee anxiety and act on the causes of that anxiety. Companies should also use the grapevine as a benchmark of the effectiveness of formal communication. They should try to reduce the need for grapevine communication by providing more effective formal methods of organisational communication.Question 2You have just been promoted to a job in which you have many employees and clients vying for your attention. In particular, these people expect you to review a considerable amount of information to make decisions for them. It isn't possible to spend much time with any individual, nor is it possible to delegate any of these decisions to other people. Identify two distinct strategies that you could use to minimise information overload by increasing information processing and two strategies to reduce information overload in this situation.??The textbook describes three main strategies to reduce information overload. Students may choose any two of these.Buffering. You might have assistants screen your calls and messages so that you receive only those considered essential reading. This would reduce the amount of information by removing redundancies and sources that need to be redirected to other people.Summarising. You might request executive summaries for any proposals or other lengthy documents that come to you. This would reduce the amount of information that you need to read and would quickly identify documents for which entire reading is necessary.Omitting. You might deliberately ignore information from certain sources that are not critical to your job. However, omitting is typically viable only as a short-term strategy. Eventually, you need to respond to most sources of information that come to you.The textbook briefly describes a few strategies to increase information-processing capacity. Students may choose any two of these.Read faster. Speed reading or learning how to scan documents faster will allow you to process more written information in the same amount of time.Time management. This strategy ensures that all of your time is used efficiently, such as by maintaining time-based goals and organising materials for quick access (so you don't waste time looking for things).Remove distractions. This is perhaps an element of time management, but it stands alone as an important way to increase information-processing capacity. By removing distractions, you do not waste time switching back and forth between diverse work activities.Question 3A few organisations have recently tried to minimise employee use of email when communicating with colleagues. Specifically, these companies have banned the use of email (except for special circumstances) on Fridays. Discuss two reasons why companies might want to minimise the use of email.??The textbook describes four problems with email in organisational settings. All of these are relevant to this email ban situation, so students may discuss any two of rmation overload. Many email users are overwhelmed by hundreds of messages each week, many of which are either unnecessary or irrelevant to the receiver. This occurs because emails can be easily created and copied to thousands of people through group mailbox systems.Ineffective for communicating emotions. Some organisational communication requires the transmission of emotion and email does not send this emotional meaning very well. Even the use of emoticons is insufficient for some messages, which should be communicated in person.Risk of flaming. A third problem is that email seems to reduce our politeness and respect for others. This is mostly evident through the increased frequency of flaming. Flaming is the act of sending an emotionally charged message to others.Lacks warmth of human interaction. Email allows employees to cocoon themselves in their workspaces, so they lose the social support of human contact that potentially keeps their stress in check. ................

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