Adobe Captivate - Oracle

Slide 3 - Oracle Sales Cloud Release 12


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In this session we will talk about what’s coming in Oracle Sales Cloud Release 12 for Oracle Sales Cloud Analytics


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them.

Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration.

Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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As part of R12, we are introducing the following new features

In Analytics Sales Pages -> The ability to configure new Analytics Sales Pages on to the Oracle Sales Cloud Home page. Once configured the analytics pages will appear as additional white dots at top of the sales cloud home page.

Also New BI Subject Areas to help with the reporting around Partner objects like MDF, Business Plans etc. and around Service subject areas to help with reporting around Service Requests

For Prebuilt Reports for Channel Managers we have New prebuilt infolets and the detailed report for Partner Business Plan and MDF reporting. These infolets can be used by the Channel Sales Manager and the Channel Account Managers to get better insights into these areas, which will help better manager Partners and subordinates in case of CSM.

Prebuilt Service Requests Reports bring New prebuilt infolets and the detailed report for Sales users to obtain details on the Service Requests raised for their top Opportunities

And Hierarchy Support when joining Standard and Custom Subject Areas, another enhancement is in the area of BI extensibility. In previous releases, we had introduced support for joining reports on Custom Subject Area and OOTB SA. The Hierarchical support for objects is now available in R12.


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Slide 6 - Analytics Sales Pages


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As part of R12, we have introduced the ability to configure new Analytics Sales Pages onto the Oracle Sales Cloud Home page. Once configured, the analytics pages will appear as additional white dots at top of the sales cloud home page.

Many customers have requested the ability to add analytics content to the home page, and these new Analytics Sales Pages do just that. Sales Administrators can add analytics content as appropriate.

For those customers still using the old BI classic dashboards, these new analytics pages provide a mechanism to migrate from the BI classic dashboards to simplified UI.


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Slide 7 - Analytics Sales Pages


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In the screenshot to the right, we see how the new analytics sales pages can be configured to accommodate different dashboards.

Sales Administrators can add analytics content to the pages to meet the needs of a specific job role. The analytics content can be a single BI report, or entire BI dashboards.

With this feature, Sales users can simply slide or click to access the dashboard reports and can get a quick summary of ongoing business activities.

Sales users can thus track different Metrics without a lot of effort and can then take appropriate action.

Customers who had configured BI content on the Classic BI Dashboard pages can migrate that content to the new Analytics Sales Pages as supported by the Simplified UI.


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Slide 8 - New BI Subject Areas


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As part of R12, we’ve introduced a number of new and enhanced subject areas that enable customers to build out custom reports to meet their specific needs.

The new subject areas fall within two main fields: partner related, and service request related.

• The new partner related subject areas cover various aspects of MDF (Market Development Fund) reporting, partner business plan reporting, and reporting on details between Partner and Opportunity attributes.

• The new service request subject areas enable customers to report on service requests so organizations can evaluate and continuously improve their customer service operations.


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Slide 9 - New BI Subject Areas


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As mentioned on the previous slide, the new subject areas enable customers to build out custom reports to meet their specific needs.

The new partner related subject areas provide Channel Managers with greater visibility into their partners marketing efforts, such as how funds are being allocated and utilized. They also provide Channel Managers visibility into partners’ business plans and objectives as well as how well they are meeting those objectives. In addition they enable Channel Managers to understand which partners are involved with which opportunities

The new service request subject areas provide sales with more insight into their open opportunities by providing visibility into the Service Requests opened by their customers and prospects. This insight enables Sales to make better business decisions as to how to manage their open opportunities based on the issues customers are currently facing. The new subject areas also help sales understand how those issues may impact their ability to close various opportunities.


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Slide 10 - Prebuilt Reports for Channel Managers


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Oracle Sales Cloud provides a number of prebuilt infolets to allow our customers to leverage BI as soon as the deployment is complete.

As part of R12, we have added the new prebuilt infolets and the detailed report for Partner Business Plan and MDF reporting. These infolets can be used by the Channel Sales Manager and the Channel Account Managers to get better insights in these areas, and will help to better managee Partners and subordinates in case of CSM.

These infolets and the detailed reports provided can be used As-Is or can be customized per the customers needs.


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Slide 11 - Prebuilt Reports for Channel Managers


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So what are the business values for these infolets and various detailed reports?

• This infolets can be configured on the Sales Infolet page and provide quick access for the Channel Sales Manager and Channel Account Manager to track Partner MDF and Business Plan obectives details

• They also give a summary view of Partner hierarchy, as well as the Leads, Deals, and Opportunities they've helped to bring to the business

• In addition, they Highlight the Business plan objectives attainment details and help to focus attention where it is needed


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Slide 12 - Prebuilt Service Request Reports


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In addition to the Infolets created for Channel users, R12 provides the Infolets and Detailed reports for the Sales users.

These infolets are created to provide details on Service Requests.

Sales Reps can now get the information on SRs through this infolet and the detailed report can provide additional information. This can be easily embedded in the Sales Infolet Page or customized to show Customer needs in SRs.


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Slide 13 - Prebuilt Service Request Reports


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The details around the Service Requests provide a great deal of value to the Sales users.

• Sales users can quickly check the service requests raised for the Top opportunities account and take necessary action

• While pursuing new business with these customers, sales users can always check the technical issues that the customer is facing by accessing this report to see whether there are any critical SRs raised


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Slide 14 - Hierarchy Support when Joining Standard and Custom Subject Areas


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Another enhancement is in the area of BI extensibility.

In previous releases, we had introduced the support for joining reports on Custom Subject Area and OOTB SA. The Hierarchical support for objects was not possible, but it is now possible in R12. More specifically, a report can be created which is based on an out of the box subject area that has objects with multiple hierarchy that joins with a custom subject area using cross subject area join functionality in BI.

This will allow reports to leverage both the content of the custom subject area, as well as the out-of-the-box subject area.

The way this feature works is that when a Custom Subject Area is used along with an Out Of the Box Subject Area, The common object, if it is included in the report, will be automatically be used to join the subject areas together. If the common object has a hierarchy, it is also reportable with this enhancement

This feature works with all the main objects in Sales Cloud.

Customer – which in BI is comprised of:

• Organization or Account

• Sales Account

• and Household or Group

• and Resource – which in BI is comprised of:

• Resource

• Partner Resource

• Employee

• Sales Resource

• Partner

• and Territory


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Slide 15 - Slide 13Hierarchy Support when Joining Standard and Custom Subject Areas


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Subject area design is based on the need to be concise and focus on a specific object.

For instance, Sales Activity focuses on Activity reporting and allows Activities metrics to be analyzed by all aspects of the associated information related to the Activities.

Likewise, the Deal Registration subject area focuses on the Deal details submitted by our partners.

But there are times when you need to build a report to include both the Account Activities, as well as the Deal values that are related to those same Accounts.

Using Cross Subject Area join, you can generate a join report by dragging and dropping the fields from the Sales Activities and the Deal Registration subject areas.

With this enhancement, the Custom Subject area that you create with the Application Composer can also be used with an OOTB Subject area having objects with multiple hierarchies for Cross Subject Area join.


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Slide 31 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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As you can see, there are several new Analytics features available in R12.

To Summarize, we are introducing

Analytics Sales Pages – Which help to add additional Analytics pages on the home screen as dots and can be customized for a job role

New BI subject areas – Which help to build custom reports for Partner objects like MDF (market development fund), Business Plan etc., and also Service subject area to help reporting on the Service Requests raised for accounts

Prebuilt reports for Channel Managers – which aids the Channel users in obtaining quick KPI information on MDF Budgets, Business Plan, Partner hierarchy etc.

Prebuilt Service Request reports – which help the Sales users get quick information on the Open service requests for top opportunities account

And finally, Hierarchy Support when Joining standard and custom subject areas – which helps build a custom subject area that provides hierarchical support for the objects and which can be used to join the out of the box subject area of an object with multiple hierarchy


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Slide 32 - Implementation Advice


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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 33 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training.

All of the features except for the Sales Analytics Pages are available automatically, with no need for additional setup.

The Sales Analytics pages must be enabled explicitly for job roles from “Structure -> Set System Options”


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Slide 34 - Setup Detail : Enable Sales Analytics Page


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The Sales cloud Analytics pages can be enabled from the Navigator -> Set System Options page.

The screenshot above is the “Set System Options” window.

There are five check boxes corresponding to each of the five Sales Analytics pages, which can be enabled or disabled using the checkbox option.


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Slide 35 - Job Roles


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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training

As you can see, essentially all the Sales users have access to all the new features that are made available as part of the R12 release.

Channel users have access to all other features, except for the Analytics Sales Pages feature .

This concludes our presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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