Secondary Education SAS Lesson Plan FormatName: Jessica PringleText/Writer/Theorist: Peter Smagorinsky Teaching English by Design: How to Create and Carry Out Instructional UnitsRelationship to the lesson plan: For the review of the chapter reading, the students lead their small groups in what they talk about. They create their own individual discussion questions and then they talk about everyone’s top question in their small group and discuss that topic. These small groups lead their own conversations.There is exploratory talk and not final draft talk in this lesson. The students are free to explore the novel and share their thoughts and make connections and interpretations. The students can build on each other’s thoughts and comments. It is kind of like a snowball of a conversation that just keeps getting added to by different people and rolled around amongst each other. The overarching concepts are the ideas of propaganda, technological advances, control, and surveillance. SubjectSmall group chapter discussion review & Quote chartsGrade Level/Course12th grade EnglishTitle and Essential QuestionWhy is it important to analyze while we read?What are discussion questions? Why are quotes important to pull out and interpret when reading a text?Standards Pennsylvania Common Core Standards (and/or Learned SocietyStandards):Standard - CC.1.2.11-12.B Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on and related to an author’s implicit and explicit assumptions and beliefs.Standard - CC.1.2.11-12.C Analyze the interaction and development of a complex set of ideas, sequence of events, or specific individuals over the course of the text.Standard - CC.1.2.11-12.J Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.Standard - CC.1.3.11-12.A Determine and analyze the relationship between two or more themes or central ideas of a text, including the development and interaction of the themes; provide an objective summary of the text.Standard - CC.1.3.11-12.C Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.Standard - CC.1.3.11-12.K Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.Standard - CC.1.4.11-12.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.Standard - CC.1.5.11-12.A Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade-level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.Objective(s)(Use Bloom’s Verbs) The student will be able to:Students will be able to create discussion questions about book 2 chapters 4 and 5 from 1984. Students will be able to discuss their created discussion questions and thoughts in small groups. Students will be able to produce quotes from the recently read chapters and analyze their significance in their quote charts. Duration1:12 - 2:30 VocabularyAnalyze DiscussionTechnologySurveillance Big Brother Materials & ResourcesChromebooks1984 booksDiscussion chart Blank quote chart Full pdf text My whole class review quote chart Instructional Strategies andProceduresGo over/read the agenda (1-2 min) We will be using our discussion charts to review book 2 chapters 4 and 5.We will then work in small groups to share and review our questions and thoughts. We will have some time to work on our quote charts.HW book 2 ch. 6Independent discussion charts (20 min)The students will then work on completing their discussion charts independently. Small group discussion charts (15-20 min)I will then put the students into small groups and they will all share their top question they came up with to talk about with the group. As all the students share their ideas for someone’s question, that person who posed the question should be taking notes based on what their group mates answered.Whole class review (5-7 min)As students to share what stood out to them from their small group discussion. Quote charts (20-25 min)The students will then have time to work on their quote charts. Pulling quotes from book 2 ch. 4 and 5 (goal is 1 quote from each chapter) (10-12 min)I will parner the students up to share 1 quote they found. (5 min) I will then pull the whole class together. I will then ask for volunteers to share the quotes they selected. I will type them up on my quote chart as well. (5 min) Independent read (rest of class)The students can work on reading the night’s HW. Wrap up (1-2 min)Today we reviewed book 2 ch. 4 and 5 by sharing our discussion questions in small groups.We got to work on our quote charts.HW book 2 ch. 6 for tomorrow DifferentiationIf students are hard of hearing or have struggle reading at a fast pace, there is an audiobook version available on Schoology. I am assigning students to their small groups to work in for the discussion sheet. This is beneficial for students who are shyer in class and don’t have to stress about finding people to work with. AssessmentFormative and/or SummativeFormative While the students are working independently on completing their discussion questions sheet, I will be walking around and checking in with students. While they are in small groups, I will sit in with 1 of the groups to ensure they fully understood the reading and completed in-depth discussion questions. While they are completing their quote sheets, I will be walking around and making sure they are pulling out important quotes. We will also be reviewing this as a whole class. Summative Towards the end of the overall 1984 unit, the student will then be reading “Harrison Bergeron” and watching the film Equilibrium, which are all mediums that fall into the genre of dystopian. The students will be writing an essay analyzing all 3 mediums and comparing/contrasting the mediums amongst each other. AssignmentsDiscussion question sheet → Create 3 discussion questions based on the reading of chapters 1 and 2 from book 2 of 1984. Write 1 clarifying question. Find 3 quotes that relate to these theme options: Restrictions to personal freedom, Infringements on privacy, Control of resources (goods, services, time, etc.), Use of propaganda, or Manipulation through fearShare discussion questions in small groups and provide insight on each other’s questions. Complete quote chart RationaleI had the students create their own discussion questions and share in small groups to review the chapter reading so then the students could lead the discussion in their own small groups. I think any time the students can talk and interact with each other and share their thoughts about class materials, that it leads to a great environment for learning. I also like the fact that every group discussion will be different because they are talking about different questions. I had the students work on their quote charts because it’s important that they add to these charts because they will be using them for their summative essay. Also, it’s important that students are able to interpret and analyze quotes from a text. Self-Reflection Things I think I did wellI did well with working in my small group for the discussion question of asking them my own questions and getting them to elaborate more. They had some really great questions and thoughts to share on each other’s and my own questions. I did good at having quotes to share with the students really quickly to further elaborate the content of the chapters of 4 and 5. I had some students agree with some of my quotes I picked saying they also picked similar quotes. I had one student share the quote he picked out and I typed it up on the board so they all could see it too. Good pacing Things I could have done differentlyWhen pulling the class back together, I could have let someone from my group share what our main topic of conversation was instead of me saying it for the rest of the class. I should have only shared 2 of my own quotes instead of 4. It felt like too much of me talking about quotes and not enough of them. ................

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