UNIV 1301: CRN: 11701: Greek Mythology in Art250888565151000This class is a learning community class with RWS 1301. You must remain registered for both sections through census day, Sept 12. UNIV 1301: 11701Instructor: Kathleen Keykhkey@utep.edu575-915-4965Office hours: Friday 12-5 p.m.EDUC lobby/coffee areaTTR 3-4:20 p.m. UGLC 334Peer Leader: Michael Rodelamarodela@miners.utep.eduUGLC 212 747-6144 Advisor: Natalie Millernngrijalva@utep.eduAAC 747- 8700Librarian: Joy Urbinajubina@utep.eduLIB 212 747-5066Theme: Greek Mythology in ArtDescription: This class will examine works of art that derive from Greek mythology, specifically Hesiod’s Theogony and Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. The works of art studied in this class will be examined for the myths and stories connected to ancient writings as well as their aesthetic and stylistic components, historical, political and social content. A primary objective of this class is to examine works of art for their connections to Greek mythology, specifically Hesiod’s Theogony and Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.By the end of this course, students will be able toCommunicate their thoughts about how the works of art studied in class connect to the myths and stories of ancient Greek writers, specifically, Hesiod and municate basic information about works of art studied in class such as name of work of art, name of artist (if discussed in class) and background information such as time period, medium and subject of work of artDevelop the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to integrate and apply a variety of informationWork with others and apply self-assessment and self-regulatory skills.Conduct basic research using the UTEP library and know how to put together a research paper for any class.METHODS FOR ADDRESSING GOALS:Goal 1. Students will develop and apply elements of leadership through effective individual participation and meaningful team collaboration to empower them to be agents of change.Students will assess and reflect on their strengths and leadership skill development. Students will engage in active learning through individual, team, and class activities that develop their leadership skills.Students will learn more about collaboration, roles, and facilitation skills through faculty instruction and student practice.Students will develop effective interpersonal communication skills to include listening, sharing diverse perspectives, and soliciting others’ viewpoints.Students will improve their interpersonal conflict management strategies.Students will:Write multiple journal entries assessing and reflecting on personal assets, strengths and leadership skill development as well as abilities, interests, goals and values. Complete journal assignment on leadership in the past, their definition of leadership, personal assets and strengths. Complete at least four journal assignments reflecting on course progress, leadership, group participation.Be part of an assigned peer team to evaluate paper drafts, collaborate on research, practice study skills, and participate in classroom discussion. Students will also evaluate their performance in these groups at least two times during the semester with journal assignments.Participate in a “Mystery Who Done It” exercise at the beginning of the semester to practice and model proper group collaboration behavior. Follow-up discussion on who took leadership role and what was effective ways of communication. Complete an in-class writing assignment on exercise.Write several short papers during the semester. These papers give the students an opportunity to assess their knowledge as well as their progress in terms of groups and class participation.Work with others and apply self- assessment and self-regulatory plete an in-class exercise on conflict resolution with journal assignment.Work with others in class in teams and changing their roles so they can experience various roles. Complete an in-class writing plete an in-class exercise on team building with journal plete the reading on team building from Borders and complete a journal assignment.Research and write three typed four page papers on gods and goddesses, heroes or heroines, mythological creatures/monsters from the writings of Hesiod and Homer.Create a garment from recycled materials representing their chosen Greek god, goddess or mythological creature/monster and participate in a major class project, a fashion show, on Nov 1st. Work and participate with entire class, peer leader and instructor on this major class project. Create three PowerPoint presentations on their god, goddess, hero, heroine and mythological creature/monster and present in class with ten examples of works of art on their chosen plete a journal assignment in LC classes on how they are doing in both classes. Work in groups in LC classes combining ideas from different courses when completing assignments. Complete a journal entry on this subject.Connect ideas from LC courses to their prior experiences and knowledge. Write a reflective journal entry on this subject. .Write a typed two page paper in LC classes on how a lesson or class in History 1301 changed the way they understand a work of art studied in class.Write at least three typed one page papers in LC classes on how a lesson or class on a work of art changed the way they understand a topic from RWS 1301.Goal 2. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities crucial for their success in college and beyond. 2.1 Students will examine personal and social transition issues affecting college success. 2.2 Students will become familiar with the importance of participating in high-impact practices identified in the UTEP Edge. 2.3 Students will engage in a goal-setting exercise first day of class setting at least one academic goal and at least one professional goal. Last week of class there will be an in-class reflective essay on their first day goals. 2.4 Students will develop a plan of study by participating in appropriate academic advising.2.5 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the rules of academic integrity and will practice acceptable academic behavior. 2.6 Students will become familiar with major UTEP academic policies and requirements in order to remain in good academic standing and graduate in a timely manner.2.7 Students will demonstrate regular use of university communication systems, such as email, bulletin broadcasts, websites, and Mobile Campus.Students will:Become familiar with high-impact practices through readings in Borders, guest speakers, in class writing exercises and journal assignments.Become familiar with MineTracker leadership dimensions co-curriculum and reports.Examine transition issues using Borders and reflect on those issues through multiple journal assignments assessing and reflecting on personal and social transition issues affecting college plete in-class exercises and writing activities with guest speakers from Academic Advising, UTEP Counseling and UTEP Career Counseling. Complete journal assignments based on in-class presentations and plete an in-class activity with Choices 360 and turn in exercise.Participate in class group activity and discussion covering what constitutes academic integrity and the penalties for breaking UTEP rules regarding same.Engage in one academic and one professional goal-setting activity or exercise and complete a journal assignment on goal-setting.Learn about advising procedures from an AAC advisor during a class session with an in-class exercise such as how to calculate GPA, how to access and interpret their specific degree plan, prepare a list of possible course options for the upcoming semester; and learn how to look up, interpret and print transcripts.Be required to meet with their Academic Advisor to develop a plan of study and write a one page journal entry.Be required to use the UTEP email system, the library website/databases and plete an in-class writing assignment covering instruction on the UTEP library conducted by UTEP librarian and instructor. Complete library modules before meeting with UTEP library and instructor.Participate in electronic and face-to-face communication with their peers and with the instructor and peer leader.Respond to discussion questions on municate by email if they need to be absent.Attend UTEP Job Fair and complete writing assignment for extra creditTake an in-class plagiarism quiz during presentation from Office of Student Conduct and Conflict resolution..Share contact information with members of their in-class groups.Goal 3. Students will identify, assess, and build on their strengths and experiences to develop academic and transitional strategies necessary for success in their academic, career, and life goals.3.1 Students will reflect on their responsibility for and contribution to their own learning.3.2 Students will work to improve their oral, written, and electronic communication skills. 3.3 Students will work to improve their academic success strategies such as note-taking, annotation, active reading, test taking, time management, and stress management. 3.4 Students will become familiar with learning management systems such as Blackboard.3.5 Students will examine their academic, career, and life goals by participating in at least one self-assessment activity about their interests, abilities, and values.3.6Students will participate in at least one activity, exercise, or information session to become familiar with the steps, including post-graduate education, required to prepare for a career. Students will:Use Choices 360 to clarify career goals and write journal entry reflecting on career goals.Discuss and analyze strategies for time management, motivation, critical thinking, note-taking, active reading, test-taking, research and writing, working in groups through in-class exercises, group and class discussions. Complete journal reflections, and exercises in plete in-class activity and exercise on time-management conducted by guest speaker from UTEP Counseling. Complete journal assignment on time-management.Be required to use Blackboard throughout the semester and turn in several assignments using plete an in-class priority exercise for what is due within two weeks in the LC classes at least two times during the plete two post-test and post-paper reflection sheets to judge effort, expected grade and concrete plan of improving effort/plete a reflection paper on their university experience at mid-term.Learn study skills such as note-taking in exercises based on lectures, readings, discussions, and presentations. Complete several in class exercises on this and complete journal assignment.Take quizzes on learning skills and on class content and self-assess those skills.Present their research to the class at the end of semester in a PowerPoint presentation.Have their research paper reviewed by the UTEP Writing Center.Conduct a peer review of their papers in both LC municate their thoughts about the works of art studied in class and their social content orally and in writing.Submit questions for quizzes, mid-term exams and final exams.Submit discussion questions for the readings in LC RWS 1301 classes.Create a Job Mine plete a journal assignment on University Career Center plete a mock interview with University Career Center for extra credit. Goal 4. Students will engage in research and critical thinking activities that demonstrate their ability to effectively integrate their learning within, across, and beyond academic settings. 4.1 Students will engage in critical thinking and problem-solving through individual, team, and class activities. 4.2 Students will demonstrate the ability to develop an effective research strategy based on the specifications of the research assignment. 4.3 Students will engage in library and database research.4.4 Students will locate and critically evaluate the reliability, validity, and accuracy of sources.4.5 Students will develop a project that involves critical evaluation and effective integration of sources. 4.6 Students will demonstrate the ethical use of sources such as accurate paraphrasing, quotations, and citations.4.7 Students will reflect on how the research process applies to their learning within, across, and beyond academic settings with a written assignment describing their experience.Students will:Develop the critical thinking and analytical skills as well as information literacy skills (need, find, evaluate and incorporate, use and use correctly) necessary to integrate and apply a variety of information. Complete multiple assignments combining critical reading, critical thinking, and critical writing in order to learn the skills necessary to perform satisfactorily in any college level course.Learn basic library skills and use those skills to complete at least three research assignments on an historical plete three research papers of four typed pages with at least five proper citations on works of art on their chosen god, goddess, hero, heroine, mythological creature/monster from Greek plete several reflection journal assignments on their research and how it applies to their learning within, across and beyond academic settings.Attend two library based research session conducted by class librarian, complete a library activity exercise and have “show and tell” where they bring a book and article on their topic to class for review by the instructor and peer leader. Complete library modules assigned on Blackboard. Complete an in-class library scavenger plete a paraphrase/summarize/quotation worksheet which includes bibliographic plete an exercise or activity with the UTEP Writing center.Develop a project that involves critical evaluation and effective integration of sources, such as a written research paper, PowerPoint presentation, documentary, website creation, electronic portfolio, podcast, poster presentation, and an example of creative writing (at least five to six typed pages) such as short story or play.Volunteer to help another student with course material for extra credit.Work with other students in study groups in preparing for exams for both LC classes.Goal 5. Students will engage in campus and community activities to increase their sense of academic and social belonging.5.1 Students will begin to build networks of faculty, staff, and peers to create a supportive and positive learning environment. 5.2 Students will attend/participate in a minimum of two social, cultural, and intellectual events at UTEP. 5.3 Students will become aware of and use selected academic and student support resources.5.4 Students will meet one-on-one in person or virtually at least twice with the instructional team to discuss and receive feedback about their academic progress and transition to UTEP.5.5 Students will meet in person or virtually with at least two other faculty or staff members important to their academic progress such as their academic advisor, their other professors, teaching assistants and/or tutors. 5.6 Students will become familiar with the university’s student organizations through at least two presentations from UTEP Organizations, Student Leadership Institute and Honors.Students will:Meet at least twice with the instructional team (instructor and peer leader) to discuss academic progress and transition to UTEP and to explore options for improvement. Students will begin scheduling with Peer Leader their conferences with instructor first day of class. Conferences will be Fridays from 12-5 p.m. beginning September 28, 2018. If students are unable to meet on the scheduled days, another day and time will be available.Meet with the peer leader once within the first six weeks of the semester to discuss transitions to UTEP and success strategies including time-management. Students will begin scheduling their meetings the first week of class. If students are unable to meet during Peer Leader’s office hours, another day and time will be available.Meet with their Academic Advisor and develop a plan of study and complete a journal entry on the meeting.Meet at least once with the instructor to discuss individual municate through email and personally with the Peer Leader and Instructor to discuss progress in the course, progress on assignments and transition into college municate with their peers, the peer leader and the instructor in a variety of electronic formats during the semester. Engage in routine small group/team work in the classroom.Be encouraged to become involved with at least one UTEP organization or resource.Attend two UTEP events (cultural, sports or academic) and write a short summary of the event including relevance of the event to the student for extra credit.Visit the Rubin Center of Art and the Centennial Museum and write a review of their visit for final journal.Attend presentations by representatives of various UTEP resources and organizations including academic, advocacy, service, honor societies, professional, religious, recreational, international, government and special interest groups and complete a short summary of the event. In LC classes students are encouraged to attend events with other students.Take an end of semester on-line survey to evaluate their integration into the UTEP community.Attend ESP Showcase Dec 8, 2018.Class policies:1. Feedback: We want to hear from you about how you are doing in this class as well as your other classes. PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS!!! Let me know if you don’t understand something or need help. Email is the best way to reach us, but please do call or make an appointment for a meeting at any time. Problems generally can be solved to everyone’s satisfaction when addressed early, so, please communicate with us! 2. Attendance and Participation: Your attendance and participation in class are required. Students may be absent two (2) times without penalty. At three (3) absences students will have to schedule a meeting with the instructor. At four absences students will be dropped; before the drop date the student will receive a W, after the drop date the grade will be an F. Unavoidable absences that are properly documented may be excused at the discretion of the Instructor, not by the Peer Leader. Documented absences for school related activities, such as traveling with a team, will be excused.3. Student Conferences: Students must meet with instructor and Peer Leader at least once during the semester. This is part of your total grade. Students will meet with instructor on Fridays from 12-5 p.m. Peer Leader will begin scheduling students for their meeting first week of class on Aug 28 and Aug 30. If students are not able to meet on a Friday, another day will be available. Students must schedule to meet with Peer Leader during Peer leader’s office hours. If a student is not able to meet during Peer Leader’s office hours, another day and time will be available. Peer Leader will begin scheduling meetings with students the first week of class, Aug 28 and Aug 30.4. Student Conduct:[from the Handbook of Operating Procedures] Each student is responsible for notice of and compliance with the provisions of the Regents Rules and Regulations, which are available for inspection electronically at All students are expected to behave as courteous, responsible adults. We will have frequent discussions and students are expected to tolerate and respect the opinion of others. 5. Punctuality: You are expected to arrive on time. Two tardies equal one absence. 6. Please remove your earbuds when class begins. It is rude and distracting to other students. 7. Silence your cell phone and no text messaging during class. If a student has an emergency, please leave the classroom and handle it outside of the class. Students are NOT allowed to use any type of portable computers in class. It is a distraction for other students. 8. Dropping the class: Students may drop the class and receive a W prior to Nov 2. You will need to consult the Instructor prior to dropping. Due to the six-drop rule dropping the course may not be in your best interest, so we will need to discuss this option. After Nov 2, 2018 a drop will result in an F. 9. Academic Integrity: Students are encouraged to work together on our class assignments. However, all written assignments must be entirely the work of the individual student. Plagiarism: [From the Handbook of Operating Procedures] “Plagiarism” means the appropriation, buying, receiving as a gift or obtaining by any means another’s work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one’s own academic work offered for credit. Using work in a paper or assignment for which the student had received credit in another course without the direct permission of all involved instructors is not allowed. Plagiarism is a serious violation of university policy and will not be tolerated. All cases of plagiarism will be reported to the Dean of Students for further review. There will be a workshop from the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution explaining and discussing UTEP official policies. Students may ask all questions pertaining to “Plagiarism” during workshop. If you have further questions or concerns, please email me if you have questions or need help..10. Format of Written Work: All written assignments may be typed using black ink, 12 pt. font 1 inch margins, double-spaced, on white paper or handwritten legibly. 11. Deadlines: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on due date. Work handed in after that time is considered late. Assignments will have points deducted for every day late. Email me if your work is going to be past the due date. Any assignment may be handed in early. 12. Email: You must provide the teaching team with a UTEP email address and check your UTEP email daily. 13. We will notify you by email and Blackboard about changes in the syllabus, due dates, or class cancellations. 14. Final exam policy: Exemption from final examination may not be given. Final examinations are scheduled to be two hours, forty—five minutes in length and take place during the final examination period. It is the policy of the university not to administer a second final examination in the course. It also the University policy that students not have more than two final examinations on a single day. In the unlikely event that the examination schedule results in a student having three final examinations on a single day, the faculty member upon the request of the student shall reschedule the second of that student’s three examinations. Peer Leader and instructor will review in class the Fall 2018 final exam schedule. If you have any questions, please email me or your Peer Leader. According to UTEP policy, it is the student’s responsibility to check the schedule carefully. Confusion as to the exam time will not be accepted as a valid reason for missing an examination.Please note: if you have or suspect you might have a disability and need an accommodation you should contact the Center for Accommodations and Services (CASS) at 747-5148 or at go to Room 106 Union East Building. Required textbook:Borders: Crossing Into Your Future, seventh edition.*** Please note there is a copy of Borders, seventh edition on “Reserve” in the UTEP library under UNIV1301: CRN 11701 and is available for students to use on a first come, first served basis.Grading Scale:Written assignments, in-class and outside of class, class participationAnd discussion 15 pointsEnd-of-semester online survey 5 pointsMid-term project on the art from the writings of Hesiod and Homer 15 points Three research papers on god, goddess, hero, heroine, and mythological creature 20 points Recycled re-purposed costume, mask, and participation performance day 11/1 15 points Annotated bibliography from all your research papers 10 points In-class final essay 5 pointsResume worksheet and resume with start statements 5 points Borders’ assignments journal due last day of class _-10 points 100 pointsClass schedule: week and date: WHAT WE WILL COVER IN CLASS: Assignments and due datesPlease make note. Save ALL graded assignments, papers, quizzes and exams, including in-class writing exercises for final journal due on the last day of class. Your final journal is a major grade so save everything. Please note you have a written assignment (that must be typed) due almost every class. Instructions are posted on Blackboard. Go to Blackboard every day to check for changes or updates. Blackboard will always have the up-to-date information. Please email me or your Peer Leader if you are unsure of an assignment! We are here to help you.Week 1 8/28 intro to class, syllabus, ice breaker, in-class activity on personal assets, groups and in-class activity on leadership and goal-setting, (academic and professional) turn into Peer Leader at the end of class; students choose god or goddess, hero or heroine and one mythological creature to begin researching before class 2; go over the two assignment for class 2.Please note there are two assignments for 8/30.8/30 writing assignments due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; discussion of in-class writing exercise on leadership, review assignments for the semester including fashion show, groups on “mystery who done it,” with in-class discussion and in-class writing activity, discussion of personal assets papers, discussion on team building and assignment #3, begin lecture on art of Zeus; students may sign up with Peer Leader on their god or goddess topic for first research paper.Writing assignment due 9/4. Read Borders, pages 2-13. We will discuss in class 9/6.Week 2 9/4 writing assignment due today to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; in-class exercise on reading from Borders; presentation on developing strategies for effective intercommunication skills with in-class activity; presentation on university class decorum and etiquette with in-class writing activity, lecture on art of AthenaWriting assignment due 9/6 Assignment on library modules to be completed online and emailed to Peer Leader before class on 9/6.9/6 Class Meet in UTEP Library Lobby—look for me and for Peer Leader! Assignment is to be turned in to Peer Leader before class; UTEP librarian Joy Urbina will conduct tour of library, and begin instruction on how to conduct research. Students will begin research for first research papers. Students will complete a library scavenger hunt during class visit. There will be an in-class writing activity to be turned into Peer Leader at the end of class.Writing assignment due 9/11Week 39/11 writing assignment due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; discussion of team building and conflict resolution papers with in-class writing activities; presentation on major class project fashion show; lecture on Poseidon and HadesWriting assignment due 9/139/13 Meet in UTEP Library lobby. Look for me and your Peer Leader; writing assignment due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; UTEP librarian Joy Urbina will conduct class on research and resources with in-class writing activity. Students will begin research on god or goddess papers. Writing assignment due 9/18Week 49/18 writing assignment is due to the Peer Leader at the beginning of class; lecture on Apollo, Artemis, Hera and Demeter; peer review of research papers with in-class writing activity.9/20 presentation from UTEP Counseling on time-management and stress with in-class writing activities.Writing assignment due 9/25Week 59/25 writing assignment due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; students present in class their five minute PowerPoint presentations on their god or goddess, hero or heroine. 9/27 students present five minute PowerPoint presentation on their mythological creature or hero or heroine. Writing assignment due 10/2Week 610/2 writing assignment is due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; lecture on Dionysius, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hera, Demeter and PersephoneWriting assignment due 10/410/4 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; presentation from UTEP Academic Advising with in-class writing activities, presentation on voter registration from Border Network for Human Rights. Writing assignment due 10/9Week 710/9 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; student presentations on mythological creatures, monsters, god, goddess, hero or heroine; review of slides for mid-term exam on Oct.18; mid-term slides will be posted on Blackboard for review, discuss mid-term project on Hesiod and Homer.Writing assignment due 10/1110/11 writing assignment is due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; finish student presentations; review slides for mid-term examWriting assignment due 10/16.Week 810/16 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; presentation on resume worksheet and resume with star statements; presentation on preparing an annotated bibliography that will be due at the end of the semester; any questions on mid-term project Hesiod and Homer?; quick review of mid-term slidesHesiod and Homer paper due 10/1810/18 In-class mid-term exam; students turn in paper on Hesiod and HomerWriting assignment due 10/23Week 910/23 Go to UTEP library room 336 for a project on careers called Choices 360. There will also be an assignment from this activity to be turned in your final journal; writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader.Writing assignment due 10/2510/25 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; lecture on the art from the Iliad and notable heroes of Greek mythology. Writing assignment due 10/30Week 1010/30 writing assignment is due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; presentation from Study Abroad with in-class writing activities; any questions about recycled garment or Wed Fashion show 11/1?11/1 You are to make and wear a costume of recycled materials of an Ancient Greek god, goddess, hero, heroine, or mythological creature/monster on 11/1. Please bring your costume and mask and dress in the first 20 minutes of class; be prepared to explain to the class your creativity and effort in making your costume. This project is worth 15% of your total grade. Students must attend and participate on this day or may lose 15% of their total grade. Writing assignment due 11/6Week 1111/6 writing assignment is due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; presentation from UTEP Career Counseling department with in-class writing activities.Writing assignment due 11/8. 11/8 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; lecture on Twelve Labors of Herakles; lecture on heroes in Greek mythology.Writing assignment due 11/13.Week 1211/13 writing assignment is due to Peer Leader beginning of class; presentation from Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution with in-class writing activities. Writing assignment due 11/15.11/15 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; lecture on art from the Odyssey; lecture on heroines in Greek mythology. Writing assignment due 11/20Week 1311/20 writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; visit to UTEP Rubin Center of art and Centennial Museum; in-class writing activity about the Rubin Center and UTEP Centennial Museum.Writing assignment due 11/2711/22 NO CLASS TODAY-- Thanksgiving Holiday Week 1411/27 writing assignment is due to Peer Leader at the beginning of class; in-class online end-of-semester survey monitored by Peer Leader; presentation from Undergraduate Research Dr Laura Diaz MartinezWriting assignment due 11/29.11/29 Writing assignment is due at the beginning of class to Peer Leader; student presentations on research papers. Writing assignment due 12/6 in final journal.Week 1512/4 in-class reflection essay on first year experience including review of first day academic and professional goals12/6 hand in final journal…last day of class! Party! refreshments!Saturday 12/8 ESP showcase1922145-17653000The following are your assignments which are to be typed and brought to class unless otherwise instructed. All of these are posted on Blackboard. Any changes to these assignments or due dates will be posted on Blackboard so make sure before you begin the assignment you check Blackboard first. Please email me or your Peer Leader if you are not sure or need more information! We are here to help you. Assignment due 8/30Type or handwrite neatly two pages. Answer this question: What are your personal assets that you bring with you to UTEP today? What are your skills, talents, capacities and strengths as a student and as a person? Talents can be artistic, athletic, cultural, linguistic, academic, social, technical, etc. What do you bring today to UTEP and what do you plan to work on and or improve during your years here? Print out and turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class. Assignment due 8/30 Type or handwrite neatly two pages. You discussed in the first class the topic of leadership. Now you are to write what your definition of leadership is and what you think leadership has to do with being a beginning student. Include in your answer examples of your leadership skills before you came to UTEP. Bring your paper to class and turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class. Assignment due 9/4Research and find an article online on “team building.” Summarize this article and answer the question “how does this help a UTEP student now?” and “how can this information help you or another student in the future?” Two typed pages. Please provide full citation for your article. Email your paper to Peer Leader before class on 9/4 but bring a copy to class as well. Yes, email your Peer Leader and bring one to class. Assignment due 9/6Find a quotation you like on “leadership” that represents your beliefs or philosophy. Why did you choose this quotation? How does it represent your beliefs or philosophy? Your answer is to be two typed pages. Email to Peer Leader before class starts on 9/6. Make sure you include the quotation and who said it!Assignment due 9/11Research and find an article on “conflict resolution.” Your answer is to be two typed pages. First summarize article. How can this information help UTEP students? How can this information help the students in our class? Please print out article and include with your assignment. Turn into Peer Leader before class starts on 9/11.Assignment due 9/13How are you doing in your Learning Community classes? Answer must be two typed pages. What is going well, either your performance or the class and is there an area that you can improve or you would like your instructor to address? Email to Peer Leader before class starts on 9/13.Assignment due 9/18You are to choose an Ancient Greek god or goddess to research and write a paper. Instructions for this paper are posted on Blackboard. Assignment due 9/25You are to choose a hero or heroine from Greek mythology. Instructions for this paper are posted on Blackboard. Assignment due 10/2You are to choose a mythological creature or monster from Greek mythology. Instructions for this paper are posted on Blackboard.Assignment due 10/4Go to Blackboard and complete the two writing assignments from textbook Borders, Chapter 1 Turn into Peer Leader on 10/4.Assignment due 10/9Go to Blackboard and complete the assignments from Borders, Chapter 2. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class on 10/9.Assignment due 10/11Go to Blackboard and complete the assignments from Borders, Chapter 3. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class on 10/11.Assignment due 10/16Go to Blackboard and complete the assignment from Borders, Chapter 4. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 10/16.Assignment due 10/18Go to Blackboard for the instructions on Hesiod and Homer project. This is the take-home portion of you mid-term exam. Bring to class on 10/18.Assignment due 10/23Complete the resume worksheet and bring to class on 10/23.Go to Blackboard and complete the assignments from Borders, Chapter 5. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 10/23.Assignment due 10/25Go to Blackboard and complete the assignment from Borders, Chapter 6. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 10/25.Assignment due 10/30Go to Blackboard and complete the assignment from Borders, Chapter 7. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 10/30.Assignment due 11/1Bring your costume and mask of your Greek god, goddess, hero, heroine, or mythological creature/monster and get dressed in the first 20 minutes of class. Be prepared to explain to the class your creativity and your effort. Students who do not participate or attend this class lose 20 points—two letter grades from their total grade. Assignment due 11/6 Go to Blackboard and complete the instructions for your resume with star statements. Bring to class and turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class. Assignment due 11/8Go to Blackboard and complete the assignments from Borders, Chapter 8. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class on 11/8.Assignment due 11/13Go to Blackboard and complete the assignments from Borders, Chapter 9. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 11/13.Assignment due 11/15Go to Blackboard and complete the assignments from Borders, Chapter 10. Turn into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 11/15.Assignment due 11/27Write a two page typed paper on how your research for various classes can apply to your learning within, across and beyond academic settings. Please include specific examples in your answer. This assignment is to be turned into Peer Leader at the beginning of class 11/27.Assignment due 12/6Visit the UTEP Rubin Center of Art and the Centennial Museum. Go to Blackboard for instructions on your review of these museums. This assignment is to be turned in your final journal on 12/6. Assignment due 12/6Write a two page typed summary on your experience with Choices 360. Turn this in with your final journal on 12/6Assignment due 12/6Go to Blackboard for instructions on doing your annotated bibliography. Turn your annotated bibliography in your final journal.Assignment 12/6Take all of your assignments and turn in one folder. You are to turn in one strong Manila envelope that will contain all of your papers labeled with your name, name of class, days and times of class Here is an example: Sofia Vergara, UNIV 1301: 11701:TTR 3-4:20 p.m. ................

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