
Name: Answers

Review: Chapter 1

1. List the five principles of the particle theory of matter

• Matter is made up of tiny particles

• All particles in one type of matter are the same. Different types of matter are made of different particles

• The particles in matter are in motions. Increasing the temperature increases the amount of motion.

• The particles in matter are separated by empty space.

• The particles in matter are attracted to each other. These attractions get stronger when particles get closer together

2. When you heat ice it first melts into a liquid and then evaporates into water vapour describe what happens to the following

a. The speed of the particles increases.

b. The attractive force between the particles gets weaker

c. The space between the particles gets larger

3. Explain the difference between the following sets of terms

a. Pure substance and Mixture

Pure substances contain one type of particle, while mixtures contain two or more types of particles.

b. Solution and Heterogeneous Mixture

These are both mixtures. In a heterogeneous mixture you can see the different parts, in a solution the mixture has a uniform appearance and you can’t see the different parts.

c. Element and Compound

An element is a pure substance containing one type of atom, while a compound contains two or more different types of atoms in a fixed proportion.

4. Classify the following substances by filling in the chart below

|Substance |Pure substance or mixture |Element, compound, solution or heterogeneous mixture|

|Helium gas |pure substance |element |

|Oxygen gas and hydrogen gas |mixture |solution |

|Carbon Dioxide gas |pure substance |compound |

|Hot chocolate with marshmallows |mixture |heterogeneous mixture |

|Salt |pure substance |compound |

|Bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) |mixture |solution |

|Coca-Cola |mixture |solution |

|Tea |mixture |solution |

|Lucky charms cereal |mixture |heterogeneous mixture |

5. Classify each of the following properties of a cake as a qualitative or quantitative.

a. It is circular in shape - qualitative

b. Its mass is 1.5 kg - quantitative

c. It tasted like chocolate - qualitative

d. It is 30 cm in diameter - quantitative

e. Its icing is melting - qualitative

6. What physical property is described by each of the following statements?

a. Copper metal can be bent into different shapes - malleable

b. A steel blade can scratch glass - hardness

c. Alcohol boils at 60ºC – boiling point

d. Aluminum foil is shiny - luster

e. Chalk is easily broken in smaller pieces – brittleness

f. Copper can be drawn out into thin wires - ductility

g. Corn syrup pours very slowly – viscosity

7. A piece of wood that measures 3.2 cm by 5.7 cm by 7.3cm has a mass of 100g. What is the density of the wood? Would it float on water?

|G |m = 100g |E |d = |m | |

| |v = 3.2 cm x 5.7cm x 7.3cm =133.152cm3 | | | | |

| | | | |v | |

| | | | | | |

|U |d = ? |S |d = |100g | |

| | | | |133.152cm3 | |

| | | | | | |

| | |S |d = |0.751g/ cm3 | |

| | | | | | |

The wood would float on water because its density is less than waters (1.00 g/cm3)

8. A plastic ball has a mass of 150 g. If the density of the ball is 0.80 g/cm3, what is its volume?

|G |m = 150g |E |v = |m | |

| |d = 0.80 g/cm3 | | | | |

| | | | |d | |

| | | | | | |

|U |v = ? |S |v = |150g | |

| | | | |0.80 g/cm3 | |

| | | | | | |

| | |S |v = |187.5 cm3 | |

| | | | | | |

9. Calculate the mass of a liquid with a density of 2.3 g/mL and a volume of 20 mL.

|G |v = 20 mL |E |m = v x d |

| |d = 2.3 g/mL | | |

| | |S |m = 20 mL x 2.3 g/mL |

|U |m = ? | | | |

| | |S |m = 46 g | |

| | | | | |

10. State the five clues that indicate a chemical changes has occurred.

• Change of colour

• A precipitate forms

• Heat or light

• Bubbles of gas are formed

• New Odour

11. Classify each of the following changes as physical or chemical. Give reasons for your answers

a. When molasses is warmed, it becomes less viscous – physical (change of state)

b. When sugar is stirred into hot water, it dissolves. – physical (mixing)

c. When egg whites are cooked, the become white and opaque – chemical (new colour)

d. When wood is sawed, some of it becomes sawdust – physical (new shape)

e. When wood is burned, ashes remain – physical (new colour)

f. When vinegar is added to baking soda bubbles are seen – chemical (bubbles)

g. When a sample of blue crystals is heated, a vapour is given off and a white powder remains. – chemical (new colour, gas is produced)

h. When an opaque beige solid is heated, a clear colourless liquid of formed. When this liquid is cooled, it returns to being an opaque beige solid. – physical (change of state)


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