Chapter 10 Lesson 2: Kings, Prophets, and Priests (Page 308)

Chapter 10 Lesson 3: Rome and Judea (Page 343)

Define the following words:




Ruled by Foreigners

(1). Over the years, many different groups, including the ____________, ____________, and _______________ controlled the __________________.

(2). Syrian rulers admired _____________ culture. They introduced Greek __________ and ______________ to the Jewish people.

(3). Did Judah's first Syrian rulers allow the Jews to practice their religion? YES or NO

(4). Later on, when the Jews refused to make offerings to the Greek gods, a Syrian king outlawed their _______________ and placed _______________ of Greek _________ in the ______________ in Jerusalem. The Syrian ruler made it a ____________ to observe Jewish laws or ____________ the ______________. Some Jews fled to the _________, where they prepared to ______________ ______________.

(5). In 164 B.C., a rebel forced known as the ________________________ had regained control of _______________________.

Roman Control

(6). Under Roman rule, the Jews were allowed to have _____________ kings and religious _________________, but these kings and leaders were appointed by ______________.

(7). The people of Judea disagreed about how to deal with the Romans. Some wanted to ______________. Others favored _________________ to free _____________.

(8). What was the name of the groups of Jews who lead a rebellion in Judea against Roman authority? _____________________

(9). The destruction of the 2nd temple and of Jerusalem by the Romans created what is known as the Diaspora, which means "__________________." The Romans sent many ________ to Rome as ____________. Some Jews remained in _____________________.

Judaism --An Ongoing Faith

(10). Although the Jews were scattered throughout the ____________ _______________, many stayed _________________ to their religious beliefs. Despite their scattering, they continued to try to _______________ the biblical concepts of __________________________ and _____________________.

(11). After the Romans destroyed the second temple, religious leaders called ______________ tried to make sure that the Jews did not lose their _____________ as a people.

(12). At synagogues, people gathered to hear the ____________ read the ___________ and interpretations, or _______________________, on the Torah.

(13). How did the Jews hold on to their faith during Roman rule?








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