8th Grade Integrated ScienceMs. Uddo & Mrs. Ferrara - Home

Earth ScienceChapter 10, lesson 2 and 3 guided notesThe loose, weathered material on Earth’s surface in which plants can grow is ____________________How does soil form? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________The solid layer of rock beneath the soil is called ___________________List three types of weathered rock particles found in soil __________________, __________________ and _______________The decayed organic material in soil is called _______________________Circle the letter choice that lists soil particles from largest to smallestSand, gravel, clay, siltGravel, sand, silt, clayGravel, silt, sand, clayGravel, sand, clay, siltSoil that is made up of about equal parts of clay, sand, and silt is called __________________The three characteristics used to describe soil _______________, _____________________, __________________Define the following terms:Fertility - _________________________________________________________________________________Loam - ___________________________________________________________________________________pH- ______________________________________________________________________________________A substance with a pH of ___________ is acidic, which a pH of _____________ is neutral and a pH greater than 10 is extremely basicMatch the soil horizon with its make upLabel each of the soil horizons shown in the three drawings as A, B or C horizon and include the words topsoil, rock particles, subsoilCircle the letter of each sentence that is true about the rate of soil formationIt is faster in areas that are coldIt is slower in areas that are dryIt is faster with limestone than graniteIt is unaffected by the type of rock being weatheredHow do soil organisms improve soil? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________True or False Animals contribute most of the organic remains that form humusSoil organisms that turn dead organic matter into humus are called ____________________List the main soil decomposers _______________, __________________, ___________________, ________________Circle the letter of each choice that is an example of fungiMoldsb. mushrooms c. bacteriad. earthwormsTrue or False Earthworms do most of the work of mixing humus with other materials in soilHow can burrowing mammals improve soil? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________Circle the letter of each factor that scientists use to classify the different types of soil into groupsClimateb. plant typesc. soil compositiond. size of animal populationsTrue or FalseThe soil type of northeastern United States and Canada is southern forest soil.Chapter 9, lesson 2- Soil ConservationWhy is soil one of Earth’s most valuable resources?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________How much land has soil that is suitable for farming? ________________________________________________________________Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about soilSoil is a nonrenewable resourceSoil formation takes a long timeFertile soil is plentifulHalf of Earth has soils good for farmingHow can soil become damaged? _________________________________________________________________________________________________How can soil be lost? _______________________________________________________________________________The management of soil to prevent its destruction is referred to as ____________________________Match the farming practice with the way it helps conserve soil._____ 30.) contour plowinga. leaves previous crop in the ground to hold soil in place_____ 31.) conservation plowingb. varies crops in order to use fewer nutrients or to restore nutrients to soil_____32.) crop rotationc. helps slow runoff of excess rainfall and prevents it from washing away soil_____33.) planting windbreaksd. blocks the wind and traps eroding soil34.) True or False It is generally more difficult and expensive to protect soil and land from damage than to restore damaged land to soil.36.) Parts of Oklahoma and surrounding states that lost soil in the 1930’s were called the _________________________.37.) Why did the dust bowl occur? __________________________________________________________________________________________________38.) The thick mass of tough roots at the surface of soil is called ________________________________.39.) 1.??_____________________ up of prairie grasses exposed the soil of the Great Plains.A(n)??2.??_____________________, or lack of rain, turned the topsoil to dust. Without plant roots to hold soil in place, 3.??_____________________ erosion occurred. This contributed to the formation of an area called the 4.??_____________________. ................

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