Study Guide for Chapter 12 and 13 Biology Test

Study Guide for Chapter 12 and 13 Biology Test

1. You need to be able to classify a plant in terms of its phylum ( bryophyte, pterophyta, coniferophyta, anthophyta), if it is an anthophyta you need to determine if it’s dicot or monocot, if it’s vascular with seeds determine if it’s gymnosperm or angiosperm

2. Both Pterophyta and Bryophyta have alteration of generations, what are the dominant generations that we identify each by:

a. Pterophyta –

b. Bryophyta -

3. List the functions of a leaf’s stomata, cuticle, guard cells and know their functions. (There will not be a drawing to label, just questions). Where is the chlorophyll stored, what does a leaf do during a drought,


5. What type venation do the following have?

a. Oak leaf –

b. Corn plant leaf-

c. Maple leaf-

6. What’s the greatest growing portion of a root?

7. Draw each type of root and be able to give some examples of each.

a. Modified roots: tap, prop, climbing, aerial,

b. Underground modified roots: rhizome, bulb, corm, tuber

8. What is columnar verses deliquescent branching in terms of tree shapes? Name some examples.

9. Draw, label and list the function of heartwood, sapwood, cork cambium and cork.

10. What is the difference between hardwoods verses herbaceous wood?

11. What are all the functions of water in a plant in terms of turgor pressure and wilting?

12. What is “wilting”?

13. What is a neutral day light plant verses a long day light plant?

14. What is fruit in terms of a plant?

15. What is an embryonic plant?

16. Draw and label the parts and function of the seed: hilum, seed coat, radicle, and cotyledon.

17. Draw and properly label the parts of a flower drawing.

18. What are the major functions of a stem.

19. What is the major component of most fertilizers? What would the other two nutrients be? In other words, what does the 10-10-10 fertilizer offer in terms of these three nutrients?

20. What is phototropism?

21. How does a neutral-day plant differ from a short-day plant?

22. How does a vegetative reproduced plant differ from a sexually reproduced plant?

23. What is a plant auxin?

24. Is the uptake of minerals into a plant done with( active transport) or without (passive transport) energy?

25. What is the transpiration cohesion theory and how what does it explain?

26. What is the water content of herbaceous plants?

27. What classification of water is available to plants?


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