Name: _____KEY

Name: _____KEY The Pearl/ELA 8

Chapter One

|Who are the three important |1. Kino |

|characters? | |

| |2. Juana |

| | |

| |3. Coyotito |

|Describe each character. |1. Kino = protective, appreciative, strong, easy going, father, husband, has a mustache, poor, and wears a hat |

| | |

| |2. Juana = respectful, patient, determined, religious, & spiritual |

| | |

| |3. Coyotito = baby, stung by scorpion, innocent (children represent innocence in stories) |

|What kind of lifestyle do they have? |Simple, modest lifestyle, and very routine |

|What evidence of belief in |Juana chants prayers and ancient magics when Coyotito is stung by the scorpion. |

|superstition can you find? | |

|Copy three examples from the novel |1. (answers vary per student) |

|that show the author’s use of | |

|description. |2. |

| | |

| |3. |

|With what event in this chapter does |When the scorpion stings Coyotito. |

|the real action of the story begin? | |

|Show how Kino’s life is symbolized in|“Song of Family” = when he is happy, hears waves crashing on beach, Juana taking care of Coyotito. “Evil Song” = |

|“songs”. |scorpion moving down the rope. |

| | |

| |The songs symbolize the culture of Kino’s people and his own individual life. |

|What is different about the city of |City of grass huts = where the poor native indians live |

|grass huts and the city of stone? How| |

|are you made aware of the difference?|City of stone = where the rich live, Doctor lives here, the Spanish Conquistadors. |

| | |

| |Difference: city of grass huts is described as being warm, whereas the city of stone is being described a cold |

|In chapter one we meet the Doctor. |The Dr. as seen by the beggars: ignorant, greedy, clumsy, fat, and lazy |

|Describe how he is seen by the | |

|beggars, Kino, and finally by |The Dr. as seen by Kino: wise, smart, respect him |

|himself. | |

| |The Dr. as seen by himself: a giver, feels very sorry for himself |

Name: _______________________ The Pearl/ELA 8

Chapter Two

|10. Use at least three details |1. Neighborly |

|about the town to make inferences | |

|about the lifestyle of the |2. poor |

|villagers. | |

| |3. hardworking |

|11. What object of great value had |The canoe. If you are able to fish than you can provide for your family. |

|Kino’s grandfather brought from | |

|Nayarit, and why was it so | |

|valuable? | |

|12. How are pearls created by |A grain of sand gets into the folds of the muscle and irritates the flesh. The oyster coats the grain with a smooth layer |

|oysters? |of cement over and over until it grows into a pearl. |

|13. Describe how Kino searched for |He tied a rock to his foot, went to the bottom, collected oysters in a basket for 2 minutes, swam back up and opened them in|

|pearls. |the canoe |

|14. Why do Kino’s people sing |People sang songs to pass down traditions and stories of their culture and family. |

|songs? Give an example of Kino’s | |

|songs, and tell why it was sung. | |

|15. Why does Kino want to save one |He believed the oyster had a special pearl in it, he thought he saw it when the pearl opened for a minute under the water. |

|particular oyster to open last? | |

|16. After Kino finds the great |The poison was receding from his body. |

|pearl, what happens to Coyotito? | |

Prediction Strategy: One Word

Think about what has happened in the story so far. Select a word that you think will appear in the next chapter. Be sure to include WHY you think YOUR word will be there!

|Your word | |Reason |

|Pearl |because |They just found a huge pearl, so I bet they are going to tell |

| | |everyone about it! |

| |because | |

| |because | |

Name: _______________________ The Pearl/ELA 8

Chapter Three & Four

|17. Kino and Juana thought everyone |Everyone was thinking about how the giant pearl would affect their life. People were becoming jealous. |

|shared their joy- but what was really | |

|happening? | |

|18. To what evils does Steinbeck compare|He compares it to a scorpion, the poison sacks were growing as the greed and the desire for the pearl grew in the town.|

|the evil growing in the town? |Also “hunger in smell of food” or “loneliness when love is with held” |

|19. What was so important about Coyotito|Coyotito will gain knowledge and knowledge will help his people (family & neighbors). He can improve his life and the |

|going to school? |lives of his family members. |

|20. How did the Doctor trick Kino and |He made Jaunna doubt herself as a mother and look into Coyotito’s eye, which they had never done before. He gave the |

|Juana? |baby something to make him sick. Then he returned and “saved” Coyotito. |

|21. What happened in the middle of the |Someone came and tried to take the pearl from the ground where it was buried. |

|night? | |

Chapter Four:

|22. In selling the pearl, what |Advantages: Kino believed he had a pearl of great value and would not compromise on the price. |

|disadvantages and advantages did Kino | |

|have? |Disadvantages: Pearl buyers worked together to set the prices; Kino does not know the actual price of the pearl; The |

| |belief that Kino should not leave his station in life & question the pearl buyers |

|23. Can you explain the attitude the |The dealers believed that Kino would not know any better & would believe the lies they were telling them about the |

|dealers had toward Kino and his “Pearl |pearl (pg51); Their job is to get the pearl at the lowest price possible; They thought he was uneducated and he would |

|of the World”? |take any price offered to him, he would not challenge them because he knew his place in society. |

|24. How did the townspeople react to |Some people felt the pearl buyers know more about pearls then they do & to think differently means they have been |

|what happened? |cheated all of their lives. Some felt he should accept the money offered. Some felt pride in him and how he stood up |

| |for himself. |

|25. By the end of Chapter 4, what |Kino decided to go to the capital to sell the pearl after he was attacked at night outside his brush house. |

|decision had Kino reached? What helped | |

|him to make this decision? | |

|Do you feel Kino was right? Why? |Opinion, just be able to back it up. |

Name: _______________________ The Pearl/ELA 8

Chapter Five & Six

|26. With what important incident did |Juana is beaten by Kino when she tries to throw the pearl back into the ocean. Juana believes she is protecting her |

|this chapter begin? |family. |

|27. What incident in this chapter put |Kino killed a man who is trying to steal the pearl. |

|peace behind Kino and Juana forever? | |

|28. What additional events made it |Kino’s canoe was damaged and his house was searched and then set on fire. Kino and his family were no longer safe. |

|impossible for Kino and Juana to | |

|remain in the village? | |

|29. How did Kino and Juana spend their|They hid in Juan Tomas’ house. |

|last day in the village? | |

|30. By the end of this chapter, the |(pg.67) “The pearl has become my soul.” Kino feels the pearl is now part of his life and he can not get rid of it. |

|Pearl has become a moral issue to | |

|Kino. How does he express it? How do | |

|you explain it? | |

Chapter Six

|31. How does the author describe Kino |Kino is described as having some animal characteristic and an ancient thing has awakened in him. |

|at the beginning of this chapter? | |

|32. This chapter might be subtitled |(1)Kino and family leave to try and reach the city; (2) trackers come after Kino to try and steal the pearl; (3) Kino |

|“The Flight”. Trace it through the |retreats into the mountains to hide his family; (4) Coyotito is killed; (5) Kino and Juana return to the village |

|important incidents that happened. | |

|33. Describe the return of the family |Kino and Juana walked side by side with Coyotito’s dead body, wrapped in Juanna’s shawl, and a rifle. They walked |

|to the village. |through the city not looking at anyone. |

|34. Can you explain Kino’s final |He threw the pearl away. The pearl led to the loss and death of Coyotito. |

|action? | |

|35. Now that you have finished the |There is a moral or a lesson to be learned from the story. |

|book, can you explain why the forward | |

|says this story might be a parable? | |


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