Huckleberry Finn Chapter 6, 7, 8 Summary Questions

Huckleberry Finn Chapter 6, 7, 8 Summary Questions

1. Who sued Judge Thatcher for Huck’s fortune?

2. Who continued to threaten Huck about attending school?

3. Who continues to attend school, partly to spite his father?

4. Pap goes on what kind of binge after another?

5. Eventually, __________finds an old 6. ___________, makes a hole in the wall, and

resolves to 7.______________ from both Pap and the Widow Douglas, but Pap returns as

Huck is about to break 8.___________.

9. Pap complains that who has delayed the trial to prevent him from getting Huck’s wealth?

10. What does Huck hold and points at his sleeping father?

11. Huck smashes the cabin door with an __________.

12. Huck goes to the _____________ and waits for the 13_____________ to rise, planning

to 14________________ to Jackson’s Island out in the river. Huck falls asleep and

15____________ to see Pap 16_____________ by. Once Pap has passed, Huck

17_____________ sets out downriver. He pulls into 18_____________ Island, careful not

to be seen.19. The next morning, a ________________ passes Jackson Island, carrying Pap,

Judge Thatcher and his 20_________________ Bessie (known as Becky Thatcher in Tom Sawyer), Tom Sawyer, 21._____________ aunt Polly, some of Huck’s young friends, and “plenty more” on board, all 22.____________________ Huck’s apparent murder.

23. Who spends three peaceful, lonely days on the island, living on plentiful berries and fish and

able to smoke whenever he wishes?

24. Huck spends his ___________ counting ferryboats and stars on the tranquil river.

25. Who is not too disappointed by his failures, since he still has his hairy arms and chest, which, according to his superstitions, are a sign of future wealth?


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