Lesson Quiz 2-1 - Influences on American Colonial Government

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.1.?In a direct democracy, people vote on issues themselves, rather than electing representatives to decide for them.?a.?True?b.?False2.?The ancient Greek city-state of Athens created the world’s first republic.?a.?True?b.?False3.?The Magna Carta had little effect on the monarchs that ruled after King John.?a.?True?b.?False4.?In Thomas Hobbes’s idea of a social contract, people agree to give up all freedoms in exchange for the order provided by government rule.?a.?True?b.?False5.?The Mayflower Compact established a direct democracy, meaning the colony of Plymouth directly elected representatives who would govern them.?a.?True?b.?FalseIndicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.6.?In a representative democracy?a.?all free men over 18 are considered citizens.?b.?monarchs have absolute rule over the people.?c.?a monarch represents the people.?d.?people choose leaders to govern for them.7.?A legislature is?a.?an agreement among the people in a society.?b.?an assembly of judges.?c.?a lawmaking body.?d.?the principle that a ruler or government is not all powerful.8.?The Magna Carta is important for establishing which of the following??a.?an agreement for governing the colony of Plymouth?b.?the principle of limited government?c.?the scientific discoveries of the Enlightenment?d.?the Virginia Company9.?The colony of Jamestown chose an assembly of representatives known as?a.?the House of Burgesses.?b.?the Magna Carta.?c.?the Mayflower Compact.?d.?Parliament.10.?What are natural rights??a.?agreements among people relating to their government?b.?freedoms people possess relating to life, liberty, and property?c.?ideas about freedom that were first discussed in the American colonies?d.?rights reserved only for monarchs ................

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