Animal Farm

Animal Farm

Study Guide

Chapter 1

1. What is the name of the farm on which the animals live?

2. How would you describe Mr. Jones as a caretaker of the farm?

3. Why do the animals have a meeting?

4. What are the reasons Old Major gives for why the animals must rebel against man?

5. What is the name Old Major gives to the animals during his speech?

6. What are the rules Old Major establishes for good animal behavior post rebellion?

Chapter 2

1. What happens three nights after the animals have their meeting?

2. Why does the work of organizing the animals naturally fall on the pigs? What are the names of the two prominent pigs? Compare them as leaders.

3. What is the name given to Old Major’s “complete system of thought” ?

4. How do most of the animals respond to the idea of rebellion (this differs for various animals)? Who are the most faithful? Why?

5. Who is Moses?

6. According to the description of Mr. Jones in this chapter, how had he been taking care of the farm?

7. Describe the rebellion.

8. What is the farmhouse going to be preserved as?

9. How do the Seven Commandments of the new Animal Farm compare to Old Major’s rules?

10. What disappears at the end of the chapter 2?

Chapter 3

1. What is the pigs’ role in the harvest?

2. How does harvesting on Animal Farm compare to harvesting on Manor Farm?

3. Describe Boxer’s attitude toward work/labor.

4. Describe the relationship between Snowball and Napoleon.

5. How do the reading levels of the different animal groups differ?

6. What is the significance of some animal groups not being able to fully memorize Animal Farm’s Seven Commandments?

7. Who is Squealer? What is his role on the farm?

Chapter 4

1. By late summer what do Napoleon and Snowball instruct the pigeons to do? Why do they do this?

2. Who are Frederick and Pilkington? How do they respond to the new Animal Farm? (Who might they represent as countries post Russian Revolution?)

3. What is happening to Beasts of England?

4. What do the humans attempt to do in this chapter? Why do they do this? What is the end result?

Chapter 5

1. Who is Mollie? What happens to her? And why?

2. What gets in the way of the animals’ meetings running smoothly?

3. Why does Snowball develop the idea of the windmill?

4. What does Napoleon do to Snowball’s windmill plans? Why?

5. How does the entire farm respond to the windmill plans?

6. What is the difference between Snowball and Napoleon’s belief about defending themselves?

7. What does Snowball do to convince the animals to adopt the windmill idea? What happens to him as a result?

8. How does Napoleon keep other animals from challenging him? (Think about who/what this represents from the Russian Revolution)

Chapter 6

1. Note the opening lines of this chapter – “All that year the animals worked like slaves.” What is significant about these lines? And why do the animals seem content with this?

2. What do you notice about the comparison between life on Animal Farm vs. life on Manor Farm?

3. What do the animals begin working on during this chapter?

4. Why do the animals become “uneasy” about life on Animal Farm? (hint: what is the first “rule” Napoleon breaks?)

5. How do Napoleon and Squealer keep the animals devoted to Animal Farm?

6. How is the Fourth Commandment altered? Generally, how do the animals respond to this? How does Squealer respond to the animals’ response?

7. Who do Napoleon and Squealer blame for the fall of the windmill?

Chapter 7

1. How is the weather described at the beginning of this chapter? What is the significance of this description?

2. How does Boxer respond to the challenges Animal Farm faces?

3. Describe the animals’ current living conditions.

4. Where does Napoleon spend most of time? Why do you think he does this?

5. Why do the hens get upset/angry? What action do they take? What happens to them as a result?

6. Note the discussion of Snowball in this chapter. How is he presented to the animals?

7. What happens to the animals who confess their crimes?

8. Why does Napoleon get rid of Beast of England ? What is sung instead? What is the difference in its message?

Chapter 8

1. How does the sixth amendment change? How does Napoleon get away with changing it?

2. Again, compare the current state of Animal Farm with that of Manor Farm.

3. What is Comrade Napoleon? What is ironic about its content?

4. How is the relationship between Napoleon and Pilkington described?

5. What rumors are spread about Frederick and his farm?

6. What is the new, completed windmill called? Significance?

7. How does Frederick trick Napoleon? How does Napoleon respond?

8. What do Frederick and his men do once they’re on Animal Farm? How do the animals respond? How does Squealer respond to the animals’ response?

9. What do all the pigs do at the end of this chapter? How is the fifth Commandment changed?

Chapter 9

1. What is Boxer’s one wish before retirement?

2. What are born in autumn?

3. Identify the new privileges the pigs have in this chapter?

4. How does Animal Farm’s government systematically change?

5. What do the animals believe to be Snowball’s role in the Battle of the Cowshed?

6. What animal returns in this chapter? What does he discuss with the animals? How do the other animals respond?

7. How do the pigs respond to Moses’ discussions?

8. What happens to Boxer when he was dragging stones down to the windmill?

9. Where is Boxer taken? Which animal is the only one who knows the reality of where Boxer is taken?

10. How do you think the pigs acquired themselves enough money to buy another crate of whiskey?

Chapter 10

1. Describe the new horses’ intelligence levels? How does this impact their understanding of Animal Farm’s reality?

2. According to Napoleon, where is true happiness found?

3. What two animals grow richer on animal farm?

4. Even though the animals’ hopes are not fulfilled, what makes them feel content?

5. What shocking event does Clover see?

6. What is final change to the Seven Commandments?

7. Why does Mr. Pilkington commend the pigs?

8. What is Animal Farm’s new name?

9. What do the animals find impossible to differentiate at the end of the fable?


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