Animal Farm Chapter Questions.docx

Animal FarmChapter QuestionsChapter 11. Give the chapter a title.2. What are some human characteristics the animals possess? Write something more than, "they talk."3. What events or characters in this chapter might be symbolic? What do they represent? 4. In your opinion, was there anything in Old Major's speech that was true for humans too? Explain your answer.Chapter 21. Give the chapter a title.2. Take notes on the attributes of the Snowball and Napoleon. What do these attributes say about the people that the animals symbolize? 3. The character Squealer does not represent a person from history. What does he represent? How does he do this?4. The pigs posted the Seven Commandments of Animal Farm. Which do you think is the most important commandment for the animals to follow and why?Chapter 31. In what ways are the animals of Animal Farm building a new society?2. Boxer is highly admired on the farm. Why? What do you think he thinks about himself?3. Describe the flag that Snowball designs for the farm. What is the significance of the color of the flag and the symbols on it?4. What maxim does Snowball use to simplify the seven commandments? Why is this Maxim a good propaganda technique?Chapter 41. Give the chapter a title.2. What reactions are the animals of England having to the news of Animal Farm? Why are they reacting in these ways?3. Is Boxer prepared to be a soldier? Why or why not? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.4. Make a prediction based on the contents of the last paragraph of Chapter 4.Chapter 51. Contrast Snowball and Napoleon as leaders. Use examples from the text.2. How does Napoleon resolve the struggle for power over Snowball? Is this effective? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.3. What is Squealer’s job on the farm? Why is he important?4. What can you infer about Mollie because of her actions? Use examples from the text to support your answer.Chapter 61. “Once again, the animals were conscious of a vague uneasiness” (63). What has caused this uneasiness? Find examples in the text.2. How do humans feel about Animal Farm at this point in the novel?3. Explain the justification given for the pigs moving in to the farmhouse. Do you think the other animals believe the reasons given? Why or why not?4. What is to blame for the destruction of the windmill? Where does Napoleon place the blame?Chapter 71. It was reported that an “alarming thing” was discovered—“Snowball was secretly frequenting the farm by night” (77). Is this true or false? Discuss and defend your answer. 2. Napoleon instructed the animals to fill the nearly empty grain bins with sand and then place the meager supply of grain and meal on top of it (75). What is the significance of this action as it applies to the humans and to the farm animals? 3. The animals sang Beasts of England numerous times. However, Squealer said it was no longer necessary because the Rebellion is completed. Instead, the animals are now instructed to sing a new song (88). Discuss the digression of the singing of the Beasts of England as we see it in this chapter and what that digression signifies. What does the new song signify? Use textual support with your answer. 4. What can readers logically infer (or assume) about each of the following at this point in the novel? Back up your answers with textual support. Napoleon – The pigs – The dogs – Snowball –Clover - Chapter 81.Give the chapter a title2. Which of the 7 Commandments are changed? How do these changes alter the original intention of the commandments?3. How does Squealer’s constant praise/propaganda affect the other animals? How does their repeating of these phrases help the propaganda?4. After the Battle of the Windmill, Squealer calls the battle a “Victory” for Animal Farm. Do the other animals share his feelings? Why?Chapter 91. Why does Squealer call the reduction of rations a “readjustment”? How does word choice impact the way a message is received? Why is this an important propaganda tool?2. What advantages/privileges have the pigs given themselves that the other animals don’t have. How does this separate the pigs from the other animals?3. Why do the pigs support Moses’ return to the farm? Why is his presence important?4. Boxer has worked harder than any other animal on the farm. How does he die? Why do you think Napoleon made that decision? Do you think it was right?Chapter 101. Which animals are still there who were present for the rebellion? In what ways does the way the newer animals are told about the rebellion differ from the memories of the older animals? 2. What commandment is left on the wall? What does it mean? 3. In what ways do the pigs emulate men? Why doesn’t it “seem strange” to the other animals?4. After overhearing the pigs talking with the farmers, do you think the animals are still proud of being the “only farm… owned and operated by animals”? What would make them feel that way? Do they still work for themselves and not a Master? ................

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