KSS Psychology 12AP

KSS Psychology 12AP Chapter 1 and 2 Open Book Practice Test

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Chapter 1 and 2 Practice test - Do your best without checking your text book. Then go back and check or answer all the questions.

|1. |Which of the following is most likely to inhibit critical thinking? |

|A) |operational definitions |

|B) |overconfidence |

|C) |random assignment |

|D) |naturalistic observation |

|E) |the double-blind procedure |

|2. |Severing a cat's reticular formation from higher brain regions causes the cat to: |

|A) |become violently aggressive. |

|B) |cower in fear. |

|C) |experience convulsive seizures. |

|D) |lapse into a coma. |

|E) |become sexually preoccupied. |

|3. |Slender women are considered especially beautiful in one country; in another country, stout women are seen as particularly |

| |attractive. In both countries, however, women perceived as very beautiful receive preferential treatment. This best illustrates |

| |that ________ often underlie cultural differences. |

|A) |negative correlations |

|B) |common psychological processes |

|C) |gender differences |

|D) |unconscious preferences |

|E) |genetic dissimilarities |

|4. |The American Psychological Association and British Psychological Society have developed ethical principles urging investigators |

| |to: |

|A) |avoid the use of monetary incentives in recruiting people to participate in research. |

|B) |forewarn potential research participants of the exact hypotheses that the research will test. |

|C) |avoid the manipulation of independent variables in research involving human participants. |

|D) |explain the research to the participants after the study has been completed. |

|E) |increase the difficulty level of research endeavors while maintaining validity. |

|5. |Which region of your brainstem plays a role in arousing you to a state of alertness when someone nearby mentions your name? |

|A) |reticular formation |

|B) |cerebellum |

|C) |hypothalamus |

|D) |amygdala |

|E) |medulla |

|6. |Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex? |

|A) |thalamus |

|B) |amygdala |

|C) |medulla |

|D) |hippocampus |

|E) |cerebellum |

|7. |When Stoyka was a child, a brain disease required the surgical removal of her left cerebral hemisphere. Stoyka is now a |

| |successful college student who lives a normal life. Her success best illustrates the importance of: |

|A) |aphasia. |

|B) |reuptake. |

|C) |phrenology. |

|D) |tomography. |

|E) |plasticity. |

|8. |If a professor accused you of cheating on a test, your adrenal glands would probably release ________ into your bloodstream. |

|A) |endorphins |

|B) |acetylcholine |

|C) |seratonin |

|D) |epinephrine |

|E) |insulin |

|9. |Your ability to experience the physical pleasure of a hot shower is most likely to be disrupted by damage to your: |

|A) |corpus callosum. |

|B) |angular gyrus. |

|C) |hippocampus. |

|D) |amygdala. |

|E) |thalamus. |

|10. |The brain structure that provides a major link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is the: |

|A) |cerebellum. |

|B) |amygdala. |

|C) |reticular formation. |

|D) |hypothalamus. |

|E) |medulla. |

|11. |Hypotheses are best described as: |

|A) |assumptions. |

|B) |replications. |

|C) |explanations. |

|D) |confirmations. |

|E) |predictions. |

|12. |In order to learn about the TV viewing habits of all the children attending Oakbridge School, Professor DeVries randomly |

| |selected and interviewed 50 of the school's students. In this instance, all the children attending the school are considered to |

| |be a(n): |

|A) |population. |

|B) |representative sample. |

|C) |independent variable. |

|D) |control condition. |

|E) |dependent variable. |

|13. |Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into: |

|A) |synaptic gaps. |

|B) |the bloodstream. |

|C) |the limbic system. |

|D) |sensory neurons. |

|E) |interneurons. |

|14. |Motor neurons are an important part of the: |

|A) |limbic system. |

|B) |reticular formation. |

|C) |peripheral nervous system. |

|D) |brainstem. |

|E) |motor cortex. |

|15. |To assess the effect of televised violence on aggression, researchers plan to expose one group of children to violent movie |

| |scenes and another group to nonviolent scenes. In order to reduce the chance that the children in one group have more aggressive|

| |personalities than those in the other group, the researchers should make use of: |

|A) |random assignment. |

|B) |the double-blind procedure. |

|C) |naturalistic observations. |

|D) |operational definitions. |

|E) |replication. |

|16. |In order for you to be able to run, ________ must relay messages from your central nervous system to your leg muscles. |

|A) |interneurons |

|B) |the cerebellum |

|C) |motor neurons |

|D) |the reticular formation |

|E) |the autonomic nervous system |

|17. |When Mr. Valdez thought his 1-year-old daughter had fallen down the stairs, his heartbeat accelerated, his blood pressure rose, |

| |and he began to perspire heavily. Mr. Valdez's state of arousal was activated by his ________ nervous system. |

|A) |parasympathetic |

|B) |sympathetic |

|C) |somatic |

|D) |sensorimotor |

|E) |central |

|18. |The process of replication is most likely to be facilitated by: |

|A) |the hindsight bias. |

|B) |the false consensus effect. |

|C) |illusory correlation. |

|D) |operational definitions. |

|E) |the placebo effect. |

|19. |In a test of the effects of sleep deprivation on problem-solving skills, research participants are allowed to sleep either 4 or |

| |8 hours on each of three consecutive nights. This research is an example of: |

|A) |naturalistic observation. |

|B) |survey research. |

|C) |a case study. |

|D) |an experiment. |

|E) |a correlational study. |

|20. |Neural networks |

|A) |the branching extensions of a neuron. |

|B) |interconnected clusters of neurons in the central nervous system. |

|C) |neural cables containing many axons. |

|D) |junctions between sending and receiving neurons. |

|E) |neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body. |

|21. |Research on left-handedness suggests that: |

|A) |genes or prenatal factors play a role in handedness. |

|B) |a greater proportion of women than men are left-handed. |

|C) |left-handers generally demonstrate less artistic competence than right-handers. |

|D) |most left-handers process language primarily in their right hemisphere. |

|E) |left-handers live longer than right-handers. |

|22. |In an experiment designed to study the effectiveness of a new drug, research participants who receive a placebo are |

| |participating in the ________ condition. |

|A) |dependent variable |

|B) |correlational |

|C) |experimental |

|D) |replication |

|E) |control |

|23. |Professor Seif conducts research on the relationship between the limbic system and sexual motivation. Her research interests |

| |best represent the psychological specialty known as: |

|A) |behaviorism. |

|B) |biological psychology. |

|C) |psychoanalysis. |

|D) |cognitive psychology. |

|E) |behavior genetics. |

|24. |The cortical regions that are not directly involved in sensory or motor functions are known as: |

|A) |interneurons. |

|B) |Broca's area. |

|C) |frontal lobes. |

|D) |association areas. |

|E) |parietal lobes. |

|25. |When you question whether anecdotal evidence can be generalized to all people, you are applying: |

|A) |overconfidence. |

|B) |the placebo effect. |

|C) |the hindsight bias. |

|D) |random assignment. |

|E) |critical thinking. |

|26. |Evelyn wants to know how consistent her bowling scores have been during the past season. Which of the following measures would |

| |be most relevant to this specific concern? |

|A) |mean |

|B) |median |

|C) |scatterplot |

|D) |standard deviation |

|E) |correlation coefficient |

|27. |In a distribution of test scores, which measure of central tendency would likely be the most affected by a couple of extremely |

| |high scores? |

|A) |median |

|B) |range |

|C) |mode |

|D) |standard deviation |

|E) |mean |

|28. |Faustin, a member of his college's golf team, has an opportunity to play against a nationally acclaimed professional golfer. How|

| |many holes of golf should Faustin choose to play with the professional in order to maximize his own slim chances of winning? |

|A) |9 |

|B) |18 |

|C) |27 |

|D) |36 |

|E) |72 |

|29. |The part of the cerebral cortex that directs the muscle movements involved in speech is known as: |

|A) |Wernicke's area. |

|B) |Broca's area. |

|C) |the amygdala. |

|D) |the angular gyrus. |

|E) |the reticular formation. |

|30. |Mr. and Mrs. Klostreich have six children aged 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, and 16. The mean age of the Klostreich children is: |

|A) |5. |

|B) |6. |

|C) |6½. |

|D) |7. |

|E) |8. |

|31. |The ovaries in females and the testes in males are part of the: |

|A) |limbic system. |

|B) |endocrine system. |

|C) |sympathetic nervous system. |

|D) |reticular formation. |

|E) |central nervous system. |

|32. |Megan was certain that she would never live far away from her family. However, in order to further her career, she decided to |

| |move. Megan's experience best illustrates: |

|A) |the hindsight bias. |

|B) |illusory correlation. |

|C) |random assignment. |

|D) |the false consensus effect. |

|E) |overconfidence. |

|33. |Olds and Milner located reward centers in the brain structure known as the: |

|A) |sensory cortex. |

|B) |hypothalamus. |

|C) |cerebellum. |

|D) |medulla. |

|E) |amygdala. |

|34. |Your life would be most immediately threatened if you suffered destruction of the: |

|A) |amygdala. |

|B) |hippocampus. |

|C) |angular gyrus. |

|D) |corpus callosum. |

|E) |medulla. |

|35. |During the past year, Zara and Ivan each read 2 books, but George read 9, Ali read 12, and Marsha read 25. The median number of |

| |books read by these individuals was: |

|A) |2. |

|B) |50. |

|C) |10. |

|D) |12. |

|E) |9. |

|36. |In order to learn about the political attitudes of all students enrolled at Arizona State University, Professor Marlow randomly |

| |selected 800 of these students to complete a questionnaire. In this instance, all the students enrolled at Arizona State |

| |University are considered to be a(n): |

|A) |independent variable. |

|B) |representative sample. |

|C) |control. |

|D) |dependent variable. |

|E) |population. |

|37. |Neurosurgeons have severed the corpus callosum in human patients in order to reduce: |

|A) |aphasia. |

|B) |epileptic seizures. |

|C) |depression. |

|D) |neural plasticity. |

|E) |reward deficiency syndrome. |

|38. |Which of the following correlations between self-esteem and body weight would enable you to most accurately predict body weight |

| |from knowledge of level of self-esteem? |

|A) |+0.60 |

|B) |+0.01 |

|C) |–0.10 |

|D) |–0.06 |

|E) |0.00 |

|39. |On a 10-item test, three students in Professor Hsin's advanced chemistry seminar received scores of 2, 5, and 8, respectively. |

| |For this distribution of test scores, the standard deviation is equal to the square root of: |

|A) |3. |

|B) |4. |

|C) |5. |

|D) |6. |

|E) |9 |

|40. |The healing power of positive expectations is best illustrated by: |

|A) |overconfidence. |

|B) |illusory correlation. |

|C) |the placebo effect. |

|D) |hindsight bias. |

|E) |replication. |

|41. |The slowdown of neural communication in multiple sclerosis involves a degeneration of the: |

|A) |amygdala. |

|B) |dendrites. |

|C) |corpus callosum. |

|D) |myelin sheath. |

|E) |pituitary gland. |

|42. |Addictive drug cravings are likely to be associated with reward centers in the: |

|A) |thalamus. |

|B) |cerebellum. |

|C) |reticular formation. |

|D) |limbic system. |

|E) |angular gyrus. |

|43. |Which of the following correlation coefficients expresses the weakest degree of relationship between two variables? |

|A) |–0.12 |

|B) |+1.00 |

|C) |–0.99 |

|D) |+0.25 |

|E) |–0.50 |

|44. |Which of the following correlation coefficients expresses the strongest degree of relationship between two variables? |

|A) |+0.10 |

|B) |–0.67 |

|C) |0.00 |

|D) |–0.10 |

|E) |+0.59 |

|45. |Opiate drugs occupy the same receptor sites as: |

|A) |acetylcholine. |

|B) |serotonin. |

|C) |endorphins. |

|D) |dopamine. |

|E) |epinephrine. |

|46. |In order to trigger a person's hand to make a fist, José Delgado stimulated the individual's: |

|A) |motor cortex. |

|B) |hypothalamus. |

|C) |sensory cortex. |

|D) |reticular formation. |

|E) |limbic system. |

|47. |After Terry lost a finger in an industrial accident, the area of his sensory cortex devoted to receiving input from that finger |

| |gradually became very responsive to sensory input from his adjacent fingers. This best illustrates: |

|A) |phrenology. |

|B) |aphasia. |

|C) |hemispherectomy. |

|D) |plasticity. |

|E) |tomography. |

|48. |Because she had a serious traffic accident on Friday the 13th of last month, Felicia is convinced that all Friday the 13ths will|

| |bring bad luck. Felicia's belief best illustrates: |

|A) |the illusion of control. |

|B) |illusory correlation. |

|C) |the hindsight bias. |

|D) |the false consensus effect. |

|E) |random sampling. |

|49. |In order to provide a baseline against which they can evaluate the effects of a specific treatment, experimenters make use of |

| |a(n): |

|A) |dependent variable. |

|B) |random sample. |

|C) |independent variable. |

|D) |control condition. |

|E) |experimental condition. |

|50. |The somatic nervous system is a component of the ________ nervous system. |

|A) |peripheral |

|B) |autonomic |

|C) |central |

|D) |sympathetic |

|E) |parasympathetic |

|51. |The belief that weather conditions signal the onset of arthritis pain best illustrates: |

|A) |an illusory correlation. |

|B) |an illusion of control. |

|C) |the hindsight bias. |

|D) |the false consensus effect. |

|E) |random sampling. |

KSS Psychology 12AP Chapter 1 and 2 Open Book Practice Test

Answer Key

|1. |B |

|2. |D |

|3. |B |

|4. |D |

|5. |A |

|6. |A |

|7. |E |

|8. |D |

|9. |E |

|10. |D |

|11. |E |

|12. |A |

|13. |B |

|14. |C |

|15. |A |

|16. |C |

|17. |B |

|18. |D |

|19. |D |

|20. |B |

|21. |A |

|22. |E |

|23. |B |

|24. |D |

|25. |E |

|26. |D |

|27. |E |

|28. |A |

|29. |B |

|30. |E |

|31. |B |

|32. |E |

|33. |B |

|34. |E |

|35. |E |

|36. |E |

|37. |B |

|38. |A |

|39. |D |

|40. |C |

|41. |D |

|42. |D |

|43. |A |

|44. |B |

|45. |C |

|46. |A |

|47. |D |

|48. |B |

|49. |D |

|50. |A |

|51. |A |


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