Chapter Reinforcement and Study Guide Principles of Ecology Section 2.1 ...





Reinforcement and Study Guide

2 Principles of Ecology Section 2.1 Organisms and Their Environment

In your textbook, read about what ecology is and about aspects of ecological study. Use each of the terms below just once to complete the passage.

ecology humans

biotic factors organisms

nonliving soil

environments biosphere

atmosphere abiotic factors

Living organisms in our world are connected to other (1) ___________________________ in a

variety of ways. The branch of biology called (2) ___________________________ is the scientific study of

interactions between organisms and their (3) ___________________________ , including relationships

between living and (4) ___________________________ things.

All living things on Earth can be found in the (5) ___________________________ , the portion of Earth that supports life. It extends from high in the (6) ___________________________ to the bottom of the oceans. Many different environments can be found in the biosphere. All living organisms found in an environment are called (7) ___________________________ . Nonliving parts of an environment are called (8) __________________________ . For example, whales, trees, and (9) _______________________ are biotic factors. Ocean currents, temperature, and (10) _________________________ are abiotic factors.

In your textbook, read about levels of organization in ecology.

For each item in Column A, write the letter of the matching item in Column B.

Column A

Column B

____________ 11. A group of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time

a. community b. competition

____________ 12. A collection of interacting populations

____________ 13. Interacting populations and abiotic factors in a community

c. forest d. population

____________ 14. Increases when resources are scarce ____________ 15. A terrestrial ecosystem

e. ecosystem

Copyright ? Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


CHAPTER 2 Principles of Ecology 9

Living Environment (Ecology Worksheet # 2) Name ________________________________ Symbiotic Relationships Correctly complete the following statements.

1. The place an organism lives is called its ___________________.

2. This is a symbiotic relationship between organisms where both are helped (+,+) This relationship is called ________________.

3. This is a symbiotic relationship between organisms where one organism is helped, while the other is harmed. (+,-) This relationship is called ________________.

4. This is a symbiotic relationship between organisms where one organism is helped, while the other it is associated with is basically unaffected. (+, 0) This relationship is called __________________.

In questions 6 through 8, select the term from the list below that is most closely associated with the following statement.

List of terms : (1.) parasitism (2.) commensalism (3.) mutualism (4.) decomposers (5.) competition

6. The roots of a mistletoe plant absorb nutrients from living oak trees, causing some damage to the tissues of the trees.

7. Protozoans living in the intestine of a termite secrete enzymes that digest cellulose, providing digestive end products of value to both organisms.

8. Certain fungi use dead organic matter for food.

9.. The relationship between fleas and a dog is most similar to the relationship between (1.) honeybees and flower (2.) orchids and a tree (3.) nitrogen-fixing bacteria and a legume (4.) athlete's food fungus and a human

10. The American dogwood, a flowering tree of New York State's woodlands, has been attacked by a fungal disease specific to this tree species. Many dogwoods have died because fungicides have not proven effective in fighting the spread of this disease. Which term best describes the relationship between the dogwood trees and the fungus? (1.) parasitism (2.) mutualism (3.) commensalism (4.) saprophytism

11 A symbiotic relationship exists between two organisms of different species. If only one organism benefits from the relationship and the other is not harmed, the relationship is known as (1.) mutualism (2.) commensalism (3.) parasitism (4.) saprophytism


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