EGov 2nd Ed Answer Key

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Exploring Government

Quiz and Exam Book Answer Key

Ray Notgrass

Notgrass Company

975 Roaring River Road

Gainesboro, TN 38562


Copyright ? 2009 Notgrass Company and its licensors.

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced

without permission from the publisher.

Published in the United States by The Notgrass Company.

Unit 1

Lesson 1¡ªGod Is the Author of Government

1. Because of a disturbance in the Jewish district over ¡°Chrestus¡± (probably the preaching of


2. A conflict between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians

3. Servants of God

4. Christians are to be in subjection to the governing authorities.

5. To preserve order and to provide physical security

6. When he had to choose whether to obey man or God

7. We are still to respect government authority and government leaders, we can give our

opinions respectfully, and we should work respectfully to help good people be elected.

8. Government is part of religion since God instituted governments because of mankind¡¯s sins.

9. Governments depend on men.

10. Good men

Lesson 2¡ªThe Influence of the Law of Moses

1. God

2. Special or set apart

3. Family relationships

4. Truthfulness

5. As sacred

6. With respect, not coveting it or stealing it

7. Imprisonment

Lesson 3¡ªBiblical Principles of Government

1. Personal government, the governing of oneself

2. To do good

3. It was to ¡°roll down like waters.¡±

4. They not only failed to rebuke sin, but they participated in it.

5. The worth of the individual

6. Trying to secularize society

7. Our society is filled with moral and spiritual problems.

Lesson 4¡ªThe Bible on Leadership

1. ¡°Able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain¡±

2. By making his own personal copy of the Law and reading it every day

3. David

4. His mouth should not err in judgment, and he should not have lying lips.

5. Each can set a pattern of evil for the other.

Exploring Government Quiz and Exam Book Answer Key



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