Chapter 5 – The Era of Thomas Jefferson

Chapter 5 – The Era of Thomas Jefferson

8th Grade Social Studies

Q and A

5-1 p. 184-187

1. Why was the 12th Amendment added to the Constitution?

2. How did Jefferson reduce the size and power of the federal government?

3. How did Jefferson’s reduction of the federal government help the U.S.?

4. How did Thomas Jefferson respond to the Sedition Act?

5. What case did Chief Justice John Marshall use to establish judicial review?

5-2 p. 188-193

1. Explain the importance of the Mississippi River to farmers.

2. What did the Pinckney Treaty establish?

3. Why was France owning Louisiana a threat to the United States?

4. Why did Napoleon want to sell the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.?

5. Who sold Louisiana to the United States?

6. What did the Louisiana Purchase provide the U.S.?

7. Why was Thomas Jefferson concerned about purchasing Louisiana?

8. What were three goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

9. Who was Sacagawea, how was she important to the Lewis and Clark expedition?

10. What obstacles did Lewis and Clark’s expedition encounter?

11. What did the Lewis and Clark expedition accomplish?

12. Why was Zebulon Pike taken into captivity?

5-3 p. 196-200

1. Which countries made up the Barbary States?

2. Why did the U.S. and Europe pay tribute to the Barbary States?

3. Why were Britain and France seizing American ships?

4. What was the Embargo Act of 1807?

5. What is a negative result of the Embargo Act?

6. Why were Americans in New England upset with the Embargo Act?

7. Name three downfalls to Native Americans caused by American settlement.

8. What actions did Tecumseh and the Prophet urge on their followers?

*5-4 on Back*

5-4 p. 201-205

1. Why were Americans considering going to war with Britain?

2. What was a war hawk?

3. How did Jefferson’s spending cuts end up hurting the United States?

4. How did the USS Constitution get its nickname, “Old Ironsides?”

5. What is the connection between the Battle of Lake Erie and the Battle of the Thames?

6. What inspired the “Star Spangled Banner?”

7. Who wrote the “Star Spangled Banner?”

8. What officially ended the War of 1812?

9. What was the result of the War of 1812?


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