Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests - Glencoe

[Pages:400]Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests

To The Teacher

Glencoe offers resources that accompany The American Vision: Modern Times to expand, enrich, review, and assess every lesson you teach and for every student you teach. Now Glencoe has organized its many resources for the way you teach.

HOW THIS BOOK IS ORGANIZED Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests offers assessment blackline masters at unit, chapter, and

section levels. We have organized this book so that all tests and quizzes appear at the point when you will most likely use them--unit pretests followed by section quizzes, followed by chapter tests, followed by unit posttests.

A COMPLETE ANSWER KEY A complete answer key appears at the back of this book. This answer key includes

answers for every test and quiz in this book, in the order in which they appear in the book.

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? Organize by category (all activities, all tests, etc.) ? Organize by category and chapter (all Chapter 1 activities, all Chapter 1 tests and

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Table of Contents

Unit 1 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 1 Pretest, Form A.................................................1 Unit 1 Pretest, Form B.................................................3 Section Quiz 1-1 ..........................................................5 Section Quiz 1-2 ..........................................................6 Section Quiz 1-3 ..........................................................7 Section Quiz 1-4 ..........................................................8 Chapter 1 Test, Form A................................................9 Chapter 1 Test, Form B ..............................................13 Section Quiz 2-1 ........................................................17 Section Quiz 2-2 ........................................................18 Section Quiz 2-3 ........................................................19 Section Quiz 2-4 ........................................................20 Chapter 2 Test, Form A..............................................21 Chapter 2 Test, Form B ..............................................25 Section Quiz 3-1 ........................................................29 Section Quiz 3-2 ........................................................30 Section Quiz 3-3 ........................................................31 Section Quiz 3-4 ........................................................32 Chapter 3 Test, Form A..............................................33 Chapter 3 Test, Form B ..............................................37 Unit 1 Posttest, Form A .............................................41 Unit 1 Posttest, Form B..............................................43

Unit 2 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 2 Pretest, Form A...............................................45 Unit 2 Pretest, Form B...............................................47 Section Quiz 4-1 ........................................................49 Section Quiz 4-2 ........................................................50 Section Quiz 4-3 ........................................................51 Chapter 4 Test, Form A..............................................53 Chapter 4 Test, Form B ..............................................57 Section Quiz 5-1 ........................................................61 Section Quiz 5-2 ........................................................62 Section Quiz 5-3 ........................................................63 Section Quiz 5-4 ........................................................64 Chapter 5 Test, Form A..............................................65 Chapter 5 Test, Form B ..............................................69 Section Quiz 6-1 ........................................................73 Section Quiz 6-2 ........................................................74 Section Quiz 6-3 ........................................................75 Section Quiz 6-4 ........................................................76 Section Quiz 6-5 ........................................................77 Chapter 6 Test, Form A..............................................79 Chapter 6 Test, Form B ..............................................83 Unit 2 Posttest, Form A .............................................87 Unit 2 Posttest, Form B..............................................89

Unit 3 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 3 Pretest, Form A...............................................91 Unit 3 Pretest, Form B...............................................93 Section Quiz 7-1 ........................................................95 Section Quiz 7-2 ........................................................96 Section Quiz 7-3 ........................................................97 Chapter 7 Test, Form A..............................................99 Chapter 7 Test, Form B ............................................103 Section Quiz 8-1 ......................................................107 Section Quiz 8-2 ......................................................108 Section Quiz 8-3 ......................................................109 Chapter 8 Test, Form A ............................................111 Chapter 8 Test, Form B ............................................115 Section Quiz 9-1 ......................................................119 Section Quiz 9-2 ......................................................120 Section Quiz 9-3 ......................................................121 Section Quiz 9-4 ......................................................122 Chapter 9 Test, Form A............................................123 Chapter 9 Test, Form B ............................................127 Unit 3 Posttest, Form A ...........................................131 Unit 3 Posttest, Form B............................................133

Unit 4 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 4 Pretest, Form A.............................................135 Unit 4 Pretest, Form B.............................................137 Section Quiz 10-1 ....................................................139 Section Quiz 10-2 ....................................................140 Section Quiz 10-3 ....................................................141 Section Quiz 10-4 ....................................................142 Section Quiz 10-5 ....................................................143 Chapter 10 Test, Form A ..........................................145 Chapter 10 Test, Form B ..........................................149 Section Quiz 11-1 ....................................................153 Section Quiz 11-2 ....................................................154 Section Quiz 11-3 ....................................................155 Chapter 11 Test, Form A ..........................................157 Chapter 11 Test, Form B ..........................................161 Section Quiz 12-1 ....................................................165 Section Quiz 12-2 ....................................................166 Section Quiz 12-3 ....................................................167 Chapter 12 Test, Form A ..........................................169 Chapter 12 Test, Form B ..........................................173 Unit 4 Posttest, Form A ...........................................177 Unit 4 Posttest, Form B............................................179


Unit 5 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 5 Pretest, Form A.............................................181 Unit 5 Pretest, Form B.............................................183 Section Quiz 13-1 ....................................................185 Section Quiz 13-2 ....................................................186 Section Quiz 13-3 ....................................................187 Section Quiz 13-4 ....................................................188 Chapter 13 Test, Form A ..........................................189 Chapter 13 Test, Form B ..........................................193 Section Quiz 14-1 ....................................................197 Section Quiz 14-2 ....................................................198 Section Quiz 14-3 ....................................................199 Section Quiz 14-4 ....................................................200 Section Quiz 14-5 ....................................................201 Chapter 14 Test, Form A ..........................................203 Chapter 14 Test, Form B ..........................................207 Section Quiz 15-1.....................................................211 Section Quiz 15-2 ....................................................212 Section Quiz 15-3 ....................................................213 Section Quiz 15-4 ....................................................214 Chapter 15 Test, Form A ..........................................215 Chapter 15 Test, Form B ..........................................219 Section Quiz 16-1 ....................................................223 Section Quiz 16-2 ....................................................224 Section Quiz 16-3 ....................................................225 Chapter 16 Test, Form A ..........................................227 Chapter 16 Test, Form B ..........................................231 Unit 5 Posttest, Form A ...........................................235 Unit 5 Posttest, Form B............................................237

Unit 6 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 6 Pretest, Form A.............................................239 Unit 6 Pretest, Form B.............................................241 Section Quiz 17-1.....................................................243 Section Quiz 17-2.....................................................244 Section Quiz 17-3.....................................................245 Chapter 17 Test, Form A ..........................................247 Chapter 17 Test, Form B ..........................................251 Section Quiz 18-1 ....................................................255 Section Quiz 18-2 ....................................................256 Section Quiz 18-3 ....................................................257 Chapter 18 Test, Form A ..........................................259 Chapter 18 Test, Form B ..........................................263 Section Quiz 19-1 ....................................................267 Section Quiz 19-2 ....................................................268 Section Quiz 19-3 ....................................................269 Chapter 19 Test, Form A ..........................................271 Chapter 19 Test, Form B ..........................................275 Section Quiz 20-1 ....................................................279 Section Quiz 20-2 ....................................................280 Section Quiz 20-3 ....................................................281 Chapter 20 Test, Form A ..........................................283 Chapter 20 Test, Form B ..........................................287 Unit 6 Posttest, Form A ...........................................291 Unit 6 Posttest, Form B............................................293

Unit 7 Tests and Quizzes

Unit 7 Pretest, Form A.............................................295 Unit 7 Pretest, Form B.............................................297 Section Quiz 21-1.....................................................299 Section Quiz 21-2.....................................................300 Section Quiz 21-3.....................................................301 Section Quiz 21-4.....................................................302 Section Quiz 21-5.....................................................303 Chapter 21 Test, Form A ..........................................305 Chapter 21 Test, Form B ..........................................309 Section Quiz 22-1 ....................................................313 Section Quiz 22-2 ....................................................314 Section Quiz 22-3 ....................................................315 Section Quiz 22-4 ....................................................316 Chapter 22 Test, Form A ..........................................317 Chapter 22 Test, Form B ..........................................321 Section Quiz 23-1 ....................................................325 Section Quiz 23-2 ....................................................326 Section Quiz 23-3 ....................................................327 Section Quiz 23-4 ....................................................328 Chapter 23 Test, Form A ..........................................329 Chapter 23 Test, Form B ..........................................333 Section Quiz 24-1 ....................................................337 Section Quiz 24-2 ....................................................338 Section Quiz 24-3 ....................................................339 Section Quiz 24-4 ....................................................340 Chapter 24 Test, Form A ..........................................341 Chapter 24 Test, Form B ..........................................345 Unit 7 Posttest, Form A ...........................................349 Unit 7 Posttest, Form B............................................351

Answer Key .............................................................353


Name Date Class

5 Unit 1 Pretest, Form A


A Nation Is Born

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match each item in Column A with the items in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (4 points each)

Column A

Column B

1. people who signed contracts agreeing to work in return for passage to America

2. American colonists who believed British law should be upheld during the Revolutionary War

3. inventor of the cotton gin

4. the power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws are constitutional

5. religious revival movement of the early 1800s

6. the act of withdrawing from the Union

7. Northerners who traveled to the South during Reconstruction

8. white Southerners who supported Reconstruction

9. period when philosophers suggested politics and human nature operate according to natural laws

A. loyalists B. judicial review C. scalawags D. sharecroppers E. carpetbaggers F. the Enlightenment G. Eli Whitney H. indentured

servants I. secession J. Second Great


10. tenant farmers who paid rent with crops instead of cash

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice Choose the item that best completes each sentence or answers each question. Write the letter in the blank. (4 points each)

11. The colony that offered Quakers religious freedom was

A. Plymouth.

C. Pennsylvania.

B. Georgia.

D. Maryland.

12. The Southern colonies developed an economy based on

A. fishing.

C. manufacturing.

B. agriculture.

D. shipbuilding.

13. The Constitution created a system of checks and balances that A. reserves additional powers for the federal government. B. prevents any branch of government from becoming too powerful. C. preserves the rights of states over the federal government. D. gives the chief executive the power to impeach elected officials.

Copyright ? Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The American Vision: Modern Times



Name Date Class

5 Unit 1 Pretest, Form A


14. In 1806, Congress began connecting distant regions of the country

together by funding

A. the National Road.

C. a modern canal system.

B. miles of toll roads.

D. the transcontinental railroad.

15. Supporters of Manifest Destiny believed that A. Native Americans should have their own territory to settle. B. the nation was meant to spread to the Pacific Ocean. C. Christianity was meant to spread across the country. D. U.S. borders should be closed to further immigration.

16. Thousands of "Forty-Niners" came to California looking for

A. gold.

C. religious freedom.

B. cheap land.

D. oil.

17. The Civil War began when A. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. B. the Confederacy attacked Washington, D.C. C. the Confederacy fired on Fort Sumter. D. John Brown raided Harpers Ferry.

18. Before Robert E. Lee agreed to lead Confederate troops, he was a(n)

A. Mississippi Senator.

C. teacher at a military college.

B. factory owner.

D. officer in the United States Army.

19. Before the Emancipation Proclamation, what was the main purpose of the Civil War to most Republicans?

A. to free enslaved people

C. to destroy the Southern way of life

B. to save the Union

D. to elect a Republican president

20. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated while

A. making a speech.

C. watching a play.

B. visiting the troops in Virginia.

D. strolling on the White House grounds.

DIRECTIONS: Essay Answer one of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. (20 points)

21. The new Constitution provided for the separation of powers among the branches of the federal government. Name each of the branches and describe their role in government.

22. What do you think were some of the results of the Civil War? What kinds of things would the national government have to resolve to put the nation back together again?

Copyright ? Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The American Vision: Modern Times

Name Date Class

5 Unit 1 Pretest, Form B


A Nation Is Born

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match each item in Column A with the items in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (4 points each)

Column A

Column B

1. developed earliest civilization in the Americas

A. Fort Sumter

2. system of exchanging goods among the colonies, England, Caribbean sugar planters, and Africa

3. first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

B. temperance

C. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

4. author of Common Sense

D. triangular trade

5. proposed women's movement focus on the right to vote

E. Antietam

6. moderation in the consumption of alcohol

7. fall of this Union military base began the Civil War

8. this crucial Northern victory convinced Lincoln that it was time to end slavery

F. Appomattox Courthouse

G. Olmec

H. John Marshall

9. location where Lee surrendered to Grant

10. informal network that helped enslaved persons to escape from the South

I. Underground Railroad

J. Thomas Paine

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice Choose the item that best completes each sentence or answers each question. Write the letter in the blank. (4 points each)

11. The Pilgrims drew up a plan for self-government called the

A. Massachusetts Bay Charter.

C. Mayflower Compact.

B. Virginia Company.

D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

12. Which two world powers struggled for dominance on the American

continent in the French and Indian War?

A. France and Spain

C. France and the Netherlands

B. France and Portugal

D. France and Great Britain

13. The process of amending the Constitution requires

A. impeachment and conviction.

C. the president's approval.

B. approval by Congress and the states. D. a Supreme Court decision.

14. In the Adams-On?s Treaty of 1819, the United States gained

A. Texas from Mexico.

C. Arizona from Mexico.

B. New Mexico from Spain.

D. Florida from Spain.

Copyright ? Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The American Vision: Modern Times



Name Date Class

5 Unit 1 Pretest, Form B


15. The presidential proclamation that declared that the American continents

were no longer to be colonized by European powers is known as the

A. Manifest Destiny.

C. Monroe Doctrine.

B. Marshall Plan.

D. Magna Carta.

16. Which popular president used the spoils system extensively, believing that ordinary citizens should play a more prominent role in government?

A. James Polk

C. James Madison

B. Thomas Jefferson

D. Andrew Jackson

17. The Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of an organized

A. women's movement.

C. abolitionist movement.

B. temperance movement.

D. nativist movement.

18. What divisive issue contributed to sectional divisions and eventually led to the Civil War? A. whether to expand slavery into the North B. whether to expand slavery into western territories C. whether enslaved persons could become citizens D. whether to continue importing enslaved Africans

19. Lincoln believed his re-election represented a mandate to

A. push for Reconstruction.

C. punish the South.

B. end slavery permanently.

D. elect only Republicans to office.

20. White Southerners who worked with the Republicans and supported

Reconstruction were known as

A. sharecroppers.

C. redeemers.

B. carpetbaggers.

D. scalawags.

DIRECTIONS: Essay Answer one of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. (20 points)

21. Describe the problem that arose when Missouri applied for statehood, and how the Missouri Compromise solved the problem.

22. What were some advantages that the North enjoyed over the South in the Civil War?

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The American Vision: Modern Times


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