Chapter 5: Learning – Practice Test




Classical Conditioning

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

Unconditioned Response (UCR)

Neutral Stimulus (NS)

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

Conditioned Response (CR)





Spontaneous Recovery

Operant Conditioning

Thorndike’s Law of Effect

“Skinner Box”

Positive Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement


Continuous Reinforcement

Partial Reinforcement


Observational Learning

Who was Pavlov and what experiment made him famous? What type of conditioning was it?

Who was Baby Albert and who experimented on him?

What are some other examples of classical conditioning?

How does conditioning become extinct?

What type of conditioning takes place in a Skinner Box?

What are some examples of positive reinforcement?

What are some examples of negative reinforcement?

What do positive and negative reinforcement have in common?

How is reinforcement used to shape behavior?

Which is more effective in creating a long lasting behavior – continuous reinforcement or partial reinforcement?

How does punishment differ from reinforcement?

What is an example of observational learning?

How does operant conditioning become extinct?

In psychology, the formal definition of 'learning' is:

1. knowledge that can be measured by an intelligence or achievement test.

2. any knowledge or skill that has been acquired in a school or in a formal training program.

3. behavior that is the result of genetic programming.

4. a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of past experience.

Pavlov taught a dog to salivate at the sound of a musical tone by repeatedly pairing the tone with food. In this example, the musical tone is the _____ before conditioning and the _____ after conditioning.

1. unconditioned response; conditioned response

2. unconditioned stimulus; conditioned stimulus

3. neutral stimulus; conditioned stimulus

4. unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

When Anna was 3 years old, her aunt's pet parakeet landed on her head and pecked at her scalp, hurting her. Following this incident, Anna was afraid of the parakeet. But over time, Anna has become afraid of anything that flies, including butterflies, large flying insects, and wild birds. This example illustrates the phenomenon of _____ in _____ conditioning.

1. observational learning; operant

2. stimulus discrimination; classical

3. biological preparedness; operant

4. stimulus generalization; classical

A television commercial for a new camera features a handsome man taking photographs of beautiful women in bikinis on a California beach. This commercial uses _____ conditioning techniques, following an approach to advertising that was pioneered by _____.

1. operant; B. F. Skinner

2. classical; John B. Watson

3. ecological; Edward L. Thorndike

4. cognitive; Edward Tolman

According to psychologist _____ and the _____ perspective, classical conditioning involves learning the relationship between events rather than simply associating two events.

1. B. F. Skinner; operant

2. John B. Watson; behavioral

3. Robert Rescorla; cognitive

4. Albert Bandura; observational

After two weeks of being screamed at by his drill sergeant at boot camp, a Marine recruit named Joe shudders every time he hears the footsteps of his drill sergeant coming down the hall. When the drill sergeant enters the room, Joe snaps to attention and salutes. In this example, shuddering is _____________ and saluting is a ________.

1. an operant response in the presence of a discriminative stimulus; a conditioned response

2. an unconditioned response; an example of latent learning

3. a conditioned response; an operant response

4. an example of punishment by application; a conditioned response

The manager of a large shopping mall was upset about the groups of rowdy teenagers who were hanging out by the mall entrance and scaring off his older customers. He discovered that if he played classical music over the loudspeakers by the door, the teenagers no longer gathered at the entrance. The mall manager's use of classical music is an example of the use of _____ to modify the teenagers' behavior.

1. classical conditioning

2. punishment by application

3. punishment by removal

4. negative reinforcement


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