Syllabus - World History 6th Grade - Mater Lakes

World History - 6th Grade Syllabus 2013-2014

Ms. Couso Mater Lakes Academy

Course Description The sixth grade social studies curriculum consists of the following content area strands: World History, Geography and Civics. The primary content for this course pertains to the world's earliest civilizations to the ancient and classical civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Students will be exposed to the multiple dynamics of world history including economics, geography, politics, and religion/philosophy. Students will study methods of historical inquiry and primary and secondary historical documents.

Instructional Philosophy A variety of instructional methods will be used in class: lecture, class discussion, text assessments, projects, and student-centered activities. It is expected and essential that students take comprehensible notes during lectures and class discussions. Students will work independently for creative thinking purposes and in groups to compare and discuss ideas.

Standards and Expectations Students are expected to arrive to class on time and to be prepared to actively engage in daily classroom activities. Disrespect of the teacher and/or classmates will not be tolerated. Assigned readings and written exercises are to be completed prior to class. Materials necessary for participation in class are needed at every class. Completing assignments on time is expected. It is imperative that the student inquire to all missed material due to an absence.

Student is expected to register through and have his parent/guardian register as well so as to keep appraised of homework assignments or notices.

Because we will be dealing with personal beliefs as well as facts, it is absolutely essential that students at all times demonstrate respect for the views and opinions of others in the class. Any disrespect for the opinions or statements of others will not be tolerated.

Grading Scale (4 point scale) A?4 | B?3 | C?2 | D?1 | F?0

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Course Work Tests

Quizzes Homework & Projects

Classwork Participation Total Grade

Grade Breakdown 30% 20% 20% 15% 15% 100%

Textbook: Discovering Our Past: A History of the World, Early Ages. By Jackson J. Spielvogel, Ph.D, McGraw-Hill Networks 2013

Assessments Tests will be administered on a chapter basis. They may consist of multiple choice, identification, comprehension question & answer, essay, or other.

Quizzes will be administered intermittently, they may be administered without warning. They may consist of multiple choice, identification, comprehension question & answer, essay, or other.

Materials and Supplies: Subject Notebook or Composition Book - designated only for this class Pens Pencils Highlighters Correction Tape (for pens)

Late Work will be penalized 1/2 point per day. If it is an excused absence, it must be turned in within 48 hours of excused absence after which 1/2 point per day will also be deducted. One (1) class equals one (1) point due to block scheduling. Extraordinary situations will be considered solely at teacher's discretion.

Absences and Tardiness: Some classwork will be part of a group / class activity and as such the student will not be able to make it up. Excessive unexcused absences are grounds for receiving No Credit for the course. Keep in mind that one (1) day of absence counts as two (2) due to block scheduling.

Student must arrive to class on time, tardiness will not be tolerated and corrective action will be taken.

Academic Dishonesty:

Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:

? Cheating: use or attempted uses of unauthorized materials, information or study aids

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? Fabrication: falsification or invention of any information ? Assisting: helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty ? Tampering: altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents ? Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another person as one's own.

Classroom Rules:

1. Respect your peers and teacher. 2. Come to class prepared. 3. Fulfill daily assigned obligations during class time 4. Additions and amendments to classroom rules may be made during the school year at the

teacher's discretion.

Corrective Actions:

Failure to comply with classroom rules or any other standard in this syllabus will result in the following consequences:

? Warning ? Teacher/Student Conference ? Parent Contact ? Teacher/Parent Conference ? Referral to counselor ? Administrative Referral

Course Content

Chapter 1: What Does a Historian Do? Lesson 1: What Is History? Lesson 2: How Does a Historian Work? Lesson: What Do You Think? Lesson 3: Researching History

Chapter 2: Studying Geography, Economics, and Citizenship Lesson 1: Studying Geography Lesson 2: Exploring Economics Lesson 3: Practicing Citizenship

Chapter 3: Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution Lesson 1: Hunter-Gatherers Lesson 2: Agricultural Revolution

Chapter 4: Mesopotamia Lesson 1: The Sumerians Lesson: The World's Literature Lesson 2: Mesopotamian Empires

Chapter 5: Ancient Egypt and Kush Lesson 1: The Nile River Lesson 2: Life in Ancient Egypt Lesson 3: Egypt's Empire Lesson 4: The Kingdom of Kush

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Chapter 6: The Israelites Lesson 1: Beginnings Lesson 2: The Israelite Kingdom Lesson 3: The Development of Judaism Lesson 4: The Jews in the Mediterranean World

Chapter 7: The Ancient Greeks Lesson 1: Rise of Greek Civilization Lesson 2: Sparta and Athens: City-State Rivals Lesson 3: Greece and Persia Lesson 4: Glory, War, and Decline

Chapter 8: Greek Civilization Lesson 1: Greek Culture Lesson 2: The Greek Mind Lesson: What Do You Think? Lesson 3: Alexander's Empire Lesson 4: Hellenistic Culture

Chapter 9: Ancient India Lesson 1: Early Civilizations Lesson 2: Religions of Ancient India Lesson 3: The Mauryan Empire

Chapter 10: Early China Lesson 1: The Birth of Chinese Civilization Lesson 2: Society and Culture in Ancient China Lesson 3: The Qin and Han Dynasties

Chapter 11: Rome: Republic to Empire Lesson 1: The Founding of Rome Lesson 2: Rome as a Republic Lesson 3: The End of the Republic Lesson 4: Rome Builds an Empire Chapter Wrap-up

Chapter 12: Roman Civilization Lesson 1: The Roman Way of Life Lesson: The World's Literature Lesson 2: Rome's Decline Lesson: What Do You Think? Chapter Wrap-up

Chapter 13: Rise of Christianity Lesson 1: Early Christianity Lesson 2: The Early Church

Chapter 14: The Americas Lesson 1: The First Americans Lesson 2: Life in the Americas

Chapter 15: Imperial China Lesson 1: China Reunites Lesson 2: Chinese Society Lesson 3: The Mongols in China Lesson: The World's Literature

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Ms. Couso Syllabus World History ? 6th Grade ***Please complete this page (page 5 only) and return it fully signed to Ms. Couso*** Student's name: _____________________________________________Period:_______ Student ID# ________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________ I have read the course syllabus with my child. I understand all that is required and expected of this course. Parent's Printed Name: _______________________________ Parent's Phone Contact #1:____________________________ Parent's Phone Contact #2:____________________________ Parent's Email Address:__________________________________________ Student Signature: ___________________________________ I have the reviewed the syllabus with my parent and understand all that is required and expected in this course.

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