A More Perfect Union Chapter 7 Lesson 1

A More Perfect Union

Chapter 7 Lesson 1

The Articles of Confederation

1. Eleven of the thirteen states adopted state constitutions.

? Connecticut and Rhode Island kept its colonial charter as its


Limiting Power

? Because of their experience with British rule, Americans

were cautious about placing too much power in the hands of

ONE ruler. So states adopted constitutions that limited the

power of the government by adopting a bicameral or TWO

house legislature






2. Articles of Confederation - November 1777

America¡¯s 1st Constitution which created the Confederation of


Had to be approved by all THIRTEEN states

Congress had limited authority - it couldn¡¯t pass changes to

the articles required the approval of all 13 states

Provided for settling a governing new states in the west

Major weakness of the Confederation couldn¡¯t deal with

nation¡¯s finances.

3. Northwest Ordinance

? Created a single territory called Northwest Territory which

were lands north of the Ohio River & east of the

Mississippi River

? Helped stop the spread of slavery to the west

Chapter 7 Lesson 2

Convention & Compromise






1. Shays Rebellion

Movement of angry farmers led by Daniel Shay

Closed the courts in Western Massachusetts so judges could

not confiscate farmers¡¯ land.

2. Constitutional Convention

Meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 to reform the Articles of


George Washington was the presiding officer

Delegates voted to work toward a national government based

on Virginia Plan

3. The Great Compromise

? Suggested by ROger Sherman

? Proposed a two-House legislature

-House of Representatives # of seats per state would

vary according to population

- Senate - each state would have two members

Product of ¡°grand Committee¡±

4. Three- Fifths Compromise

? Delegates agreed to count each enslaved person as

three-fifths of a free person for both taxation &

representation meaning every five enslaved persons would

be equal to three free persons.


Chapter 7 Lesson 3

A New Plan of Government

1. John Locke

? English Philosopher

? Enlightenment thinker - believed all people have natural

rights - life, liberty, and property

? Enlightenment movement influenced the writers of the


2. Federal System

? Divided power between the national government & state


? Federalism - the sharing of power between federal and

state governments it is one of the distinctive features of

the US government

? Under this system the final authority is the Constitution

3. Branches

















Legislative Branch

Lawmaking branch

Made up of House of Representatives and Senate Congress

State Representation in the House is proportional to state


State Representation in Senate is equal - two senators per


Executive Branch

Headed by president

President and vice president serve a four-year term

President serves as commander in chief of the armed


Conducts relations with foreign countries

President & Vice president are elected indirectly by a

special group called Electoral College

Judicial Branch

Court System

Judicial power is in the ¡°one Supreme Court¡± and other

lower federal courts

4. System of Checks and Balances

System that keeps any one branch from gaining too much


President can check congress by vetoing

? Congress can check president by overriding or voting down


5. The Federalist Papers

? A series of essays explaining & defending the Constitution

? Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton & John Jay

6. Bill of Rights

? Amendment that would protect the rights of individuals










Constitution - plan of government

Bicameral - two house; the governor and the legislatures

Republic - a government in which citizens rule through

elected representatives.

Petition - apply to, Congress for statehood

Ordinance - law

Depreciate - fallen in value

Enlightenment - Movement during 1700¡¯s that spread the

idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve


Federalism -


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