Chapter 7 Study Guide and Review - Quia

Chapter 7 Study Guide and Review for Test Form 2A and 2B

Chapter 7, Lesson 1: "Circumference and Area of Circles" (problems 1 ? 3 & 6)

- Write the formula for the Circumference of a circle:

Write the formula for the Area of a circle:

When calculating circumference, what would you do if When calculating the area of a circle, what would

only the radius was given?

you do if the diameter was given?

- What is the decimal value for Pi?

What is the fractional value of Pi?

Chapter 7, Lesson 2: "Solve a Simpler Problem" (problem 7)

- What is a Tip:

What is a Tax:

- Describe how to calculate the tip or tax percent of an amount:

Chapter 7, Lesson 3: "Area of Complex Figures" (problems 4- 5)

- Write the formula for the Area of a Triangle:

Write the formula for the Area of a Rectangle:

- Write the formula for the Area of a Trapezoid:

Write the formula for the Area of a Semi-Circle:

Chapter 7, Lesson 4: "Three-Dimensional Figures" (problems 8 - 9) - What defines the name of any Three-Dimensional Figure?

- What is the difference between a prism and a pyramid?

- What part of a three-dimensional figure is considered as it's face?

- What part of a three-dimensional figure is considered as it's edge?

- What part of a three-dimensional figure is considered as it's vertex?

Chapter 7, Lesson 5: "Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders" (problems 10 - 11) - Write the formula for the Volume of a Rectangular Prism: Write the formula for the Volume of a Cylinder:

- Write the formula for the Volume of a Triangular Prism: How do you find what the height of a prism?

Chapter 7, Lesson 6: "Volumes of Pyramids and Cones" (problems 12 - 13) - Write the formula for the Volume of a Rectangular Pyramid: Write the formula for the Volume of a Cone:

How do you find what the height of a pyramid or cone?


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