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Medical Terminology

Integrated Instruction 1/4/2012

TOPIC: Chapter 8 Cardiovascular Systems


• Define, pronounce, and spell medical terms.

• Recognize relationships among illness, diagnostic, and procedural terms.

• Read, interpret and discuss medical and clinical scenarios.

• Decode medical documents by identifying, pronouncing, breaking down and defining prefixes, suffixes, anatomical terms, pathological terms, procedural terms, lab tests, and abbreviations.

• Use medical dictionary and medical abbreviation books to locate, define and pronounce medical terms and abbreviations.

• Demonstrate appropriate communication skills, orally and in writing, including:

o Actively listening and participating in classroom discussions.

o Summarizing and paraphrasing assigned texts

• Apply a variety of reading strategies as applied to academic texts and related course materials.

• Practice effective test-taking strategies.

|Teacher 1 |Teacher 2 |Model |

|15 min | |Monitoring |

|Handout and go over directions for PreQuiz Chapter 8 |Monitor understanding. Make sure everyone gets down to task quickly. | |

| |Take Attendance. | |

|10 min |Announcements: Out-of-class quiz will include Chapter 8 – due in one week from today | |

| |by 1:00. | |

|15 min |Handout and give directions for |Traditional |

|Point out visuals in text |Chapter 8 Preview with a Partner Activity | |

|Check in with partner sets as they work through this process |Find a partner and 1) describe the cardiovascular system and processes; 2) list some | |

| |combining forms related to the cardiovascular system; 3) list some examples of | |

|Report out # 1 and 3 |cardiovascular disorders. | |

| |Report out #2 | |

|20 min | |Monitoring |

|Cardiovascular System Lecture with Lecture Guide |Circulate to monitor use of lecture guide. If necessary, use the lecture guide | |

|Ss take notes on lecture guide |overhead to model the process. | |

|10 min | |Differentiated Split |

|(Split class into two groups. Take learners who have trouble with dictation.) |(Split class into two groups. Take learners who excel at dictation.) | |

|Orchestrate Simplified Medical Record Dictation |Orchestrate Complex Medical Record Dictation | |

|T reads dictation of medical record. |T reads dictation of medical record. | |

|(Con’t.) |(Con’t.) | |

|Ss follow Dictation process – First: listen for content; Second: write key terms; |Ss follow Dictation process – First: listen for content; Second: write key terms; | |

|Three: fill in anything missed. |Three: fill in anything missed. | |

|Ss compare notes with partner |Ss compare notes with partner | |

|30 min | |Complementary |

|Cardiovascular System Procedures/Disorders – Jigsaw Activity – | | |

| | | |

|Give Directions: | | |

|In groups of four, create a description of a cardiovascular system procedure that you | | |

|would relate to a patient. You will need to use the medical terminology as well as any| | |

|layman’s terms to describe this procedure. | | |

| |As Disorder/Procedure Groups are listed, do a check in for comprehension from Ss. | |

|Jigsaw: Disorder/Procedure Groups |Elicit key terms, ask for definition of four procedure types. | |

|1) EKG and Echo (Echocardiogram) (diagnostics) | | |

|2) Angioplasty and CABG (cabbage) – Coronary Arterial Bypass Graft (treatment) | | |

|3) angiography, aortagraphy, venography (diagnostics) |Monitor production. | |

|4) cardiac enzyme studies and lipid panel (lab tests) | | |

| | | |

|Monitor production. | | |

|5 min | |Parallel |

|(Split learners randomly into two groups. Work with one group to ensure understanding|(Split learners randomly into two groups. Work with one group to ensure understanding | |

|of activity and content.) |of activity and content.) | |

|Orchestrate Ch. 8 Learning Activities |Orchestrate Ch. 8 Learning Activities | |

|In pairs, Ss compare answers to Medical Records 8-1, 8-2 |In pairs, Ss compare answers to Medical Records 8-1, 8-2 | |

|Learning Activity 8-2 |Learning Activity 8-2 | |

|Learning Activity 8-3 |Learning Activity 8-3 | |

|5 min | |Collaborative |

|Engage other teacher in conversation about how the blood, lymph and immune systems are|Engage other teacher in conversation about key difference of the blood, lymph and | |

|related. |immune systems. | |

|5 mins | |Supportive |

|Review homework assignment for next week | | |

|Read Introduction to Chapter 9 using study guide– Blood, Lymph and Immune Systems. |Model taking down notes for homework on class schedule. | |

Lesson Plan adapted from work by Carlynn Miller-Gore (St Paul ABE) December, 2011


INSTRUCTIONS: Examine the lesson plan below. Note that the different tasks that each teacher performs. Note the model that defines the tasks and interaction.


Do you agree with the model examples?

What do you like about this lesson? What could be improved?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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