Chapter 2 - Quiz

Abnormal PsychologyChapter 4 – Quiz[10 Points; 12 Questions]Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. The alarm reaction to danger that is triggered by anxiety primarily involves the ______________ nervous system.a. sympatheticb. parasympatheticc. peripherald. somatic2. According to the textbook, the experience of fear can be described as a(n)a. immediate alarm reaction to danger.b. type of claustrophobia.c. neurotic response.d. culturally specific phenomenon.3. Which of the following characterizes the mood state known as anxiety?a. Positive mood stateb. Reduced heart ratec. Apprehension about the futured. Muscle relaxation4. DSM-5 criteria of panic attacks include all of the following symptoms EXCEPTa. sweating.b. fear of losing control or going crazy.c. trembling or shakingd. migraine headaches5. Which of the following terms is most associated with generalized anxiety disorder?a. Fearb. Panicc. Worryd. Emotion6. A teenage girl had recently been having panic attacks while shopping at the mall. She was sitting in her room feeling very depressed. To cheer her up, a friend suggested that they both go to an exercise class. Shortly after the warm-up started, however, she had another panic attack. What is the best explanation for this occurrence?a. She was angry with the friend for insisting that she go out.b. The medication that had been prescribed for her was only treating the depression, not the anxiety.c. The physical sensations experienced during exercise had become an internal cue for panic to occur (i.e., interocpetive cues).d. The exercise class was un unconditioned stimulus that resulted in a panic attack.7. Agoraphobic avoidance behavior appears to be determined bya. how recently the last panic attack occurred.b. the extent to which the person expects another panic attack to occur.c. the number of panic attacks the person has had in the past.d. how severe the panic attacks have been.8. According to your textbook, there are at least three ways of developing a phobia. Which is NOT one of these ways?a. Experiencing a panic attack in a specific situation.b. Having a nightmare about a feared situation.c. Observing someone else experience severe fear.d. In certain conditions, being told about danger.9. Which of the following would NOT be considered an example of social phobia?a. A student who is reluctant to speak up in a classroom due to fear of embarrassing herself.b. A male who has difficulty urinating in a public restroom when others are present.c. A person who can only eat comfortably when she is alone.d. An individual who cannot travel on public transportation without a family member present.10. Although the “alarm reactions” experienced in both PTSD and panic disorder are very similar and result in conditioned responses, in panic disorder the alarm isa. false.b. real.c. stronger.d. weaker.11. A young child has thoughts about hating her younger brother and wishing he would die. She becomes very anxious about these thoughts because she has developed the idea that if anything really happened to him, it would be her fault. This pattern of thinking is calleda. neutralizing.b. thought-action-fusion.c. thought suppression.d. fundamental responsibility12. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is best described asa. Distress over the thought and fear that a body part might change into another body part.b. Distress over the thought and fear of losing a body part.c. A preoccupation and with some imagined defect in appearance, resulting in distress and anxiety.d. A preoccupation with the fantasy have having a defect in appearance in order to get attention from others. ................

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