Hamlet Character Analysis Assignment

Hamlet Character Analysis Assignment

We will be analyzing Hamlet’s character throughout our reading of the play. Your analysis will be written in “chunks” as we go, one or two robust paragraphs per week. It is imperative that you keep up with the writing schedule as these paragraphs plus the final revised product are worth 40% of your quarter grade. This is the type of writing you will be required to do on your own in college, so consider this your training.(

The “chunks” will consist of paragraphs on the topics listed below. You must upload EACH paragraph by the due date AND hand in a printed copy.

➢ Sarcasm (11/9)

➢ Madness/Insanity (11/16)

➢ Suicidal tendencies and self-deprecation (11/23)

➢ Comparison to Fortinbras/Laertes as foils and procrastination/indecision paragraphs BOTH due (12/ 1 & 2)

Conclusion including evaluation of Hamlet’s fatal flaw/hubris (due with ENTIRE FINAL PAPER on 12/8 & 9)

EACH PARAGRAPH must include:

➢ A clear topic sentence

➢ Statement/Proof/Commentary (refer to pink sheet for clarification)

➢ A minimum of TWO direct quotes

➢ Correct citation format

➢ NO personal pronouns (I, you, us, we, etc.)

➢ A variety of sentence structures

➢ In addition, remember that literary analysis must ALWAYS be written in PRESENT tense, and historical aspects in past tense. I.e., “Hamlet states” but, “Shakespeare wrote”


➢ Reference to the entire play can only be Hamlet or Hamlet (either italicizing or underlining is acceptable, but be consistent throughout your paper)

➢ Reference to the man himself is Hamlet.

The final revised paper is due on December 8 & 9

Hamlet Body Paragraph guidelines

For ALL body paragraphs, the following guidelines will help you both organize and successfully compose your essay.

Follow the S_P_C (statement-proof-commentary) format

First, compose a strong topic sentence highlighting the character trait to be discussed (sarcasm, madness, etc.)

Thoroughly discuss Hamlet’s reactions to other characters, by making observational statements SUPPORTED BY CITED QUOTES. Each section must include a minimum of TWO direct quotes—feel free to add more. For each quote, it is mandatory that you explain the context, explore the full meaning, and offer your OWN observational, evaluative commentary. Using the S_P_C format will assist you in maintaining intelligent organization and commentary.

Conclude each body paragraph by transitioning to the upcoming character trait to be discussed. For example, at the end of your paragraph discussing Hamlet’s feigned or real madness transition to his suicidal tendencies.

Guidelines Hamlet Concluding Paragraph

Your conclusion needs to be lengthy, reflective of all key character traits covered, along with probing, thoughtful discussion of whether or not Hamlet’s lack of action contributed to his downfall. Would you consider this his fatal flaw? Evaluate Hamlet as a man. Did he get what he deserved? Is Fortinbras a better choice for King? Feel free to include your own appraisal and commentary WITHOUT USING “I” OR “You.” This should be at least one page in length.

Introductory Paragraph

***We will be writing this LAST, so ignore this for now***

➢ It is advisable to begin with some type of interesting grabber (question, quote, short, thought-provoking statement).

➢ The name of the play, along with the author’s FULL NAME, must be included.

➢ When writing a college-level introductory paragraph, one must let go of the prescribed three-prong thesis statement and move toward a fully developed thesis, including numerous concepts to be addressed.


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