Character Analysis Essay Assignment - Quia

Controversy Research/Critique Essay Assignment

Write a 2-3 page essay analyzing one of the three main controversies surrounding Huck Finn. Your essay should be five paragraphs long. Each paragraph should begin with a topic statement and be followed by evidence (quotes and details from the novel or outside sources) that support your topic statement.

DUE MONDAY, APRIL 6 – you will lose 25% off of your essay’s grade for each day it is late. Your essay MUST be typed, or it will NOT be accepted.

First, choose which of the controversies about Huck Finn you want to write about:

1) When the book was first published, it was banned by some libraries and criticized by some people because its characters spoke with bad grammar and used foul language. Those who defend the book celebrate that the characters speak the way people like them really spoke.

2) Others condemned the book, saying that Huck is a bad role model for young people. Defenders of the book might argue that Huck is a good role model, because he becomes friends with Jim and follows what his heart says is right by helping Jim get his freedom, rather than what society says is right.

3) Many have called the book racist, because of the use of the “n”-word and the portrayal of Jim, which they call stereotypical, especially in how much he talks about witches and superstition. Those who defend the book argue that Jim is one of the most admirable characters in the novel and acts as a real father for Huck; they say that Twain uses the “n”-word because that’s how people talked back then.

Whichever controversy you choose, you must explain what the controversy is about, use evidence to support your position on the controversy, and draw a conclusion about whether the book should still be read or taught in schools. (Look at your “What Do We Need to Know About Huck Finn” worksheet for more info about the controversies.)

Your 5-paragraph essay should be structured like this:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Introduce which controversy you are going to analyze, briefly explain what both sides of the controversy argue (see summaries above), and then state your position on the controversy – explain whether you agree with those who defend the novel, or those who condemn it, and why.

Paragraph 2: Argument/Example #1

Present your first argument or example that supports your position on the controversy you’ve chosen. (Example: Twain’s portrayal of Jim shows that the book isn’t racist. Though he is shown to be an uneducated slave, he proves to be one of the noblest characters in the novel … then I would cite specific quotes and examples from the book that illustrate this argument.)

Paragraph 3: Argument/Example #2

Present your second argument or example that supports your position on the controversy you’ve chosen. Be sure to use quotes and details from the novel to support your argument.

Paragraph 4: Argument/Example #3

Present your third argument or example that supports your position on the controversy you’ve chosen. Be sure to use quotes and specific details from the novel to support your argument.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Wrap up your argument by summarizing your arguments and stating, based on the evidence you’ve provided, whether or not the book should still be read and taught in schools. (Remember, DON’T USE “I,” because it makes your argument less persuasive.)



Your final draft must be typed, double-spaced, in 12pt Times Roman font. Your margins should be no larger than 1.25”. There should be no extra spaces between paragraphs.

Points will be taken off if your essay is not formatted correctly. Ask Ms. Chenelle if you have questions about how to format it correctly.

Essays MUST be printed or emailed in a Word document; essays typed directly in an email will NOT be accepted. If you don’t have a computer at home, plan ahead so that you will have time to use the computers in the classroom to type up your essay.


You must cite sources for all quotes and evidence you use from the novel or any other source, even if you paraphrase them. You must provide citations within the body of the essay and also include a “Works Cited” list at the end of the essay.

Within the body of your essay, you should provide citations for quotes and paraphrased details from the novel like this: (Twain #) -- Replace “#” with whatever page your quote is on.

In your “Works Cited” list, cite the novel like this:

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Bantam Dell, 2003.

If you use any sources other than the novel, you must cite them as well (both in the body of the essay and in the Works Cited list). Be sure to follow the citation format listed in the citation guide, which you can find on the class website:


I am only requiring that you write a final draft for this essay, which is due Monday, April 6. If you would like feedback on a draft before turning in your final draft on April 6, I will be happy to look at it. You will receive 10 extra credit points for showing me a complete draft by Thursday, April 2.


People engage in controversies and arguments about a lot of things, but they often don’t back up what they say very well. For this essay, you will choose a controversy involving Huck Finn and evaluate whether or not the arguments people have made about the book are solid or not, based on the evidence they provide and what you know from reading the book yourself.

For the controversy you have chosen for your essay, find and describe three examples from the novel that support your position on the controversy. Be sure to introduce and explain your quotes and examples, so that the reader understands what they mean, and how they are relevant to your argument. Write at least 4-5 complete sentences about each example. Please see Ms. Chenelle BEFORE MONDAY if you are having trouble finding examples for the controversy you want to write about.

Your examples are due MONDAY, MARCH 30, and will serve as a draft of the body paragraphs of your essay. I will give you feedback on them and return them to you on Wednesday, April 1, so that you can use them to help you write your essay.





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