Suggested Learning Targets for Common Core State Standards

Buncombe County Schools

Learning Targets for ELA Common Core Standards


Grade 7 Reading Literature

|Grade Specific Standard |Learning Targets |Activities/Strategies |Resources |Formative Assessment Suggestions |

| |(I can statements) |(What strategies/activities could we use to |(What text could we use to teach |(What are ways to formatively check |

| | |teach this learning target?) |this learning target?) |for understanding while teaching |

| | | | |this learning target?) |

|1. Cite several pieces of textual evidence to |--I can cite evidence from several |--Sticky Note annotations |Junior Great Books |--SSR Conferencing |

|support analysis of what the text says explicitly |pieces of text to support an analysis| | | |

|as well as inferences drawn from the text. |of the text. |--Multi-Flow Map (Think/Pair/Share) |Paideia seminar materials |--Quick Write |

| | | | | |

| | |--Group discourse/debate concerning character|Holt-McDougal textbook |--Turn and Talk |

| | |motivation with text cited | | |

| | | |Read Magazine |--Sticky Notes |

| | |--Given a different scenario, act out how a | | |

| | |given character would most likely react. | |--Visual image |

| | | | | |

| | |--Analysis of essays (poetry, character, etc)| |--Multi-Flow Map Partner Sharing |

| | | | | |

| | | | |--Self-Assessment rubric for |

| | | | |participation in discourse/debate |

| | | | | |

| | | | |--Seminar annotations focused on |

| | | | |text support |

| | | | | |

| | | | |--Peer and Self Assessment rubrics |

| | | | |for role play |

|2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and|--I can determine a theme or central |--Define/give examples of theme |--Fable |--SSR Conferencing |

|analyze its development over the course of the |idea. | | | |

|text, provide an objective summary of the text. | |--Novels, short stories, fables (stated |--The Adventures of Tom Sawyer |--Turn and Talk |

| |--I can analyze a theme’s development|themes) | | |

| |over the course of a text | |--”Thank you M’am” (Holt McDougal |--Journal entries |

| | |--”theme” plot structure |Literature) | |

| |--I can objectively summarize text. | | |--Exit Slips |

| | |--Sticky Notes |--Literature Book | |

| | | | |--Seminar annotations |

| | |-- Beginning – Middle – End (BME) (3 |--The Wednesday Wars | |

| | |sentences) | |--Seminar peer and self assessments |

| | | |--One Crazy Summer | |

| | |--Model | | |

| | | |--Ender’s Game & War Child by E. | |

| | |--Circle Maps |Jal | |

| | | | | |

| | | |-- “Strange Fruit & Someone who | |

| | | |Saw” (Junior Great Books) | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3. Analyze how particular elements of a story or |--I can analyze the significance of |--Partial Multi Flow map |--Tangerine |Predictions |

|drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the |the different elements of the story | |story with meaningful setting of |--Verbal |

|characters or plot). |and how they interact. |--cause/effect examples |elements |--journal entries |

| | | | |--Take Home Reading topic |

| | |--Predict an ending |--One Crazy Summer | |

| | | |setting |SSR conferencing |

| | |--Tree Map | | |

| | | |--Scary Mary vs. Mary Poppins |Exit tickets |

| | |--Mini Book Share | | |

| | | |Boy vs. girl main character | |

| | | |What if...... | |

|4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as |--I can determine the meaning behind |--Highlight figurative language |--“Thin books” (picture books) |--Openers/poetry |

|they are used in a text, including figurative and |figurative language. | | | |

|connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes| |--”Translate” figurative language into |--The Wednesday Wars |--Writing explain why metaphors or |

|and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., |--I can identify the author’s purpose|literal language | |simile is appropriate and explain |

|alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a |in using the figurative language. | |--Puns |the significance of the figurative |

|poem or section of a story or drama. | |--Draw idioms, similes and connotations | |language |

| |--I can analyze the impact of | |--Choose a poem | |

| |repetitious sounds in a section of |--Role-playing | |--seminar self/peer assessments |

| |text (prose, verse, drama) | |--Box of idiom cards | |

| | |--oral poetry performance | |--seminar annotations |

| | |(In the Poet’s Shoes WebQuest) |--Song lyrics | |

| | | | |--conferences |

| | |--Poetry analysis (essays, etc) |--Dark They Were, And Golden-Eyed | |

| | | | |--exit passes |

| | |--Seminar discussions |--“The Highwayman” | |

| | | | |--EOG practice passages |

| | |--Original poetry | | |

| | | | | |

| | |--Write similes, metaphors about self | | |

| | | | | |

| | |--Write figurative language about a visual | | |

| | |text | | |

|5. Analyze how a drama’s or poem’s form or |--I can analyze how a drama’s form or|--Poetry Analysis Form |--Love That Dog |--use samples group by style, |

|structure (e.g., soliloquy, sonnet) contributes to|structure contributes to its meaning.| | |characteristic of structure |

|its meaning. |--I can analyze how a poem’s form or |--Love That Dog discussion |--A Christmas Carol |--discuss each group- structure, |

| |structure contributes to its meaning.| | |stanza, rhyme, free verse etc |

| | |--3 acts of A Christmas Carol |--JR Scholastic dramas (more for |--drama – anticipation guide fill in|

| |--I can identify the structure of a | |information than entertainment) |between the lines |

| |poem. |--The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street | |-- predict from scene to scene, |

| | |(compare & contrast written version to visual|--Shakespeare |effects of scene breaks, stage |

| |--I can draw a connection between the|version—both original and 2003) | |directions, dialogue, etc |

| |structure and meaning of a poem. | |--The Monsters Are Due on Maple | |

| | |--Readers’ Theater |Street |--class discussions |

| |--I can identify the structure of a | | | |

| |drama, including stage directions, |--write original poetry |--selected poems, such as “Because|--student modeling w/ smartboard |

| |cast of characters, acts/scenes, and | |I Could Not Stop for Death,” “The| |

| |dialogue. |--analyze parodies |Highwayman” |--exit passes |

| | | | | |

| |--I can draw a connection between the| | |--conferences |

| |structure and meaning of a drama. | | | |

| | | | |--interactive powerpoint |

|6. Analyze how an author develops and contrasts |--I can identify the points of views |Assume Point of View of one character and |Wednesday Wars |--skit from alternative POV |

|the points of view of different characters or |of different characters or narrators |write about all characters from that | |perception vs. Reality |

|narrators in a text. | |character’s point of view |“All Summer in a Day” |--POV of character who learned |

| |--I can identify passages that show a| | |lesson |

| |character’s point of view |Thinking Map |fables |--retell from a different |

| | | | |character's POV |

| |--I can analyze a character based on |Character Analysis |myths |--rubrics |

| |his actions, words, appearance, and | | |--Thinking Maps |

| |what others say about him. |character sketches |Scholastic READ XL; Copyright 2001| |

| | | | | |

| |--I can analyze how an author |Compare & contrast the protagonist & |One story in for character | |

| |develops point of view of different |antagonist |analysis: "My Friend's got this | |

| |characters or narrators. | |Problem, Mr. Candler" by Mel | |

| | |Rewrite story from antagonist’s point of view|Glenn. (poetry) | |

| |--I can analyze how an author | | | |

| |contrasts point of view of different | | | |

| |characters or narrators. | | | |

|7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading |--I can identify the similarities and|Venn Diagram |ACT Performances |Shared Thinking Maps |

|a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing|differences in two versions of a text| | | |

|an audio, video, or live version of the text, |and the effects of techniques unique |T-Chart |“All Summer in a Day” |Journal entry |

|including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” |to each medium. | | | |

|when reading the text to what they perceive when | |Double Bubble Map |The Adventures of Tom Sawyer |Turn and talk |

|they listen or watch. | | | | |

| | |Movie essay (book elements vs. Movie |Freak the Mighty | |

| | |elements) Which do you like better? Why? | | |

| | | |Where the Wild Things Are book and| |

| | | |movie | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Cinderella & Akeelah and the Bee | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Bronx Masquerade & Freedom | |

| | | |Writers | |

|8. (Not applicable to literature) | | | | |

|9. Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a|--I can identify the difference |--Research historical allusions. |Wednesday Wars |--KWL |

|time, place, or character and a historical account|between historical fiction and | | |-- compare real vs. fictional |

|of the same period as a means of understanding how|nonfiction. |--Compare primary sources with fiction. |Fever 1793 |--rubrics |

|authors of fiction use or alter history. | | | | |

| |--I can identify the differences |--Write story or journal based on researched |One Crazy Summer | |

| |between a fictional and non-fictional|historical event. | | |

| |account of the same character or | |Watsons Go to Birmingham | |

| |event. | | | |

| | | |Johnny Tremain | |

| |--I can explain how and why an author| | | |

| |used or altered history. | |Library of Congress | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Primary sources | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Titanic | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Holocaust or other genocides | |

|10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend |--I can proficiently read and |SSR with conferencing |Library | |

|literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, |comprehend complex text with help as | | | |

|in the grades 6–8 text complexity band |needed. |Take Home Reading with written responses |Literature book | |

|proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the | | | | |

|high end of the range. |--I can determine when I am not |Guided reading |Selected class novels | |

| |comprehending and can apply | | | |

| |strategies to increase understanding.| |Junior Great Books | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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