English Honors 11Summer Assignments 2014Ms. Madden, Spring Mills High SchoolAssignment 1: Editorial Commentary and the Informed StudentDue:First (1st) Week of SchoolThis is a class about rhetoric and argument. By the end of next year you will be a much better student and a much better writer of non-fiction prose. But in order to make intelligent, informed connections in your writing, you must also be an informed student. Knowing and understanding current world and local events, social and political conversations and current discussions in the news media are all important to making you a better essay writer.Step 1:Look at the provided list of news and opinion shows. Choose several from the list that interest you.Step 2:Watch a minimum of 10 shows. You may watch a different episode of the same show only twice.Step 3:For each program you watch, complete the following mini-analysis on a sheet of paper. Each analysis must be typed, double-spaced in a normal style 12 point font. Items 7 and 8 need to be written in paragraph form.Title of ShowDate show airedType of program (opinion, news commentary satire, etc.)Speaker (person presenting viewpoints or arguments)Intended audienceTone of speakerTopics discussed on showArguments presented and how the arguments were supported (facts, interviews, video, etc.Step 4:After viewing a minimum of 10 shows and completing your mini-analysis for each show, write an essay in which you discuss what you learned about argument and presenting opinion. How was the show a good or bad example of argument? And in the essay cite specific examples from the show you watched to support your argument.Your essay must be typed, double-spaced in normal style 12 point font. Your name, the date, and the class must appear in the top right hand corner of the page. Your essay title will be centered above the text.Place your mini-analyses in the order you watched them and staple them together with your essay on top. Hand in when Summer Work is collected the first week of school.List of Shows:Anderson Cooper 360, CNNPiers Morgan Tonight, CNNPoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton, MSNBCHardball with Chris Matthews, MSNBCThe Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBCUp with Chris Hays, MSNBCThe O’Reilly Factor, FOX NewsHannity, FOX NewsCBS Sunday Morning, CBSMeet the Press with David Gregory, NBC20/20, ABCPBS Newshour, PBSMcLaughlin Group, PBSThe Daily Show, Comedy CentralThe Colbert Report, Comedy CentralAssignment 2: Independent Reading AssignmentSend via email or standard mailDue:July 25, 2014Step 1:Choose one of the following books:Non FictionMe Talk Pretty one Day, Dave SedarisA Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, Ishmael BeachA Walk in the Woods, Bill BrysonWe Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We will be Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda, Philip GourevitchInto Thin Air, Jon KrakauerUnder the Banner of Heaven, John KrakauerUnbroken, Laura HillenbrandThree Cups of Tea, Greg MortensonThe True History of the Kelly Gang, Peter CareyBlack Hawk Down: The story of Modern War, Mark BowdenFast Food Nation, Eric SchlosserLucky, Alice SeboldThe Glass Castle, Jeannette WallsBlack Boy, Richard WrightIn Cold Blood, Truman CopoteOn the Road, Jack KerouacWinterdance, Gary PaulsenEmpire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History, SC GwynneFictionWhen the Legends Die, Hal BorlandThe Bell Jar, Sylvia PlathAll the Pretty Horses, Cormac McCarthy A Farewell to Arms, Ernest HemingwayJoy Luck Club, Amy TanThe Awakening, Kate ChopinFahrenheit 451, Ray BradburySlaughterhouse-Five, Kurt VonnegutMy Antonia, Will CatherAmerican Gods, Neil GaimanThe Crystal Cave, Mary StewartOne Flew over the Cuckoos’ Nest, Ken KeseyLife of Pi, Yann MartelCatch-22, Joseph HellerThe Help, Kathryn StocketSquirrel Seeks Chipmunk, Dave SedarisBeloved, Toni MorrisonThe Catcher in the Rye, JD SalingerTrue Grit, Charles PortisStep 2:Write an essay analyzing the book you chose. This is NOT a book report. This is an essay of analysis.See notes on the difference:What is A Book Report?The purpose of a book report is to convey the basic information about a book. Book reports provide the title, author, key moments of the plot, and identify interesting characters. Book reports also include personal reactions from the reader, primarily what you liked and didn’t like. If you were writing a book report on Tom Sawyer, you would mention that it was written by Mark Twain, and perhaps whether or not you enjoyed the ending, along with a few other bits of general facts.This is NOT what I want you to do.What is An Essay?An essay is an in-depth analysis of a particular topic found in a book. A general idea, or thesis, is woven throughout the essay, and argued through examples and references. Essays are meant to analyze or argue a point. The standard format for a school essay is five paragraphs, but more is (almost) always better. If you are writing an essay on Tom Sawyer, for example, you might isolate a particular character, such as Tom, and analyze the kind of person he is, making sure to cite specific actions that he takes from the book to support your opinion.You ARE writing an essay. . . NOT a book report. Read more: Differences Between a Book Report and Essay Writing – to my prospective students:This will be my first year teaching Honors 11 and I am very excited about the upcoming school year. I look forward to working with each of you and getting to know the person behind the student. Some of the techniques we will use may be new and different, but as we all know, new and different does not mean bad - it just means change. It will be a year of learning, discovery, and growth for all of us, and I’m sure throughout the school year you and I will experiment and evolve together. The journey may be bumpy, but I hope you’ll agree with me at the end that it was worth it. Send Summer Assignment 2 to:Ms. Annette Madden5362 Winchester Ave.Martinsburg, WV 25405amadden@access.k12.wv.usmsmaddenenglish. 814-218-6023If you have a problem, email or text me. ................

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