Short Story Analysis Worksheet

Name: Date:

Short Story Analysis Worksheet

Title: _______________________________

Author _________________________


|Main Characters |Description |

|Protagonist: | |

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|Antagonist: | |

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|Other character: | |

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|Other character: | |

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|Place: |Descriptive details from the story: |

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|Time: | |

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|Can be more than one! | |

Order of Events (circle one)

|Chronological |Flashback |

Narrative Point of View (circle one)

|First Person Third Person Limited Third Person Omniscient |

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Mood/ Tone

|Mood: Adjective: |Descriptive details: |

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|Tone: Adjective: |Descriptive details: |

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Plot (summarize each)

|Conflict (Indicate whether it was internal or external along with your description): |

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|Exposition |

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|Rising Action: |

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|Climax: |

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|Falling Action |

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|_________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Denouement: |

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Theme (What is this Story about?)

Overall impressions/opinions/etc: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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